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Stamps of Costa Rica, 1960

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1960, Apr 20 Justo Facio 100th issue unwmk p. 14
- 10c Justo Facio


1960, Mar 7 3rd Pan-American Football Games issue (7 stamps)
- 10c gray
- 25c ultra
- 35c redorg
- 50c redbrn
- 85c graygrn
- 2col bl
- 5col redpur

1960, Apr 7 World Refugee Year issue p. 11.75
- 35c yel & blvio
- 85c rose & blk

1960, Aug 19 6th and 7th Chancellors' Reunion Conference, Organization of American States, San Jose issue p. 10 (6 stamps)
- 25c multi
- 35c multi
- 55c multi
- 2col multi
- 5col multi
- 10col multi

1960, Oct 26 300th Anniversary of the Death of St. Vincent de Paul issue p. 14 (5 stamps)
- 10c dkgrn St. Louise de Marillac
- 25c redpur St. Vincent de Paul
- 50c blkvio St. Louise de Marillac
- 1col yelbrn
- 5col blkbrn

1960, Dec 14 Olympics 1960 issue p. 13.5 (11 stamps)
- 1c yel & blk
- 2c ltbl & blk
- 3c brnred & blk
- 4c yel & blk
- 5c yelgrn & blk
- 10c redorg & blk
- 25c blgrn & blk
- 85c ltvio & blk
- 1col gray & blk
- 5col
- 10col

postal tax

1960, Dec 1 1960 tax issue p. 14
- 5c brn Father Peralta
- 5c org Girl with Flowers by A. Renoir
- 5c lil Boy and a Man by D. Velasquez
- 5c graybl Singing Children by F. Zuniga

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