Stamps of Colombia - Tolima, 24.00 width

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1870 1870 issue typeset unwmk imperf (5 stamps)
- 5c blk, wht typeset
- 5c blk, bluish typeset, vertically laid paper
- 5c blk, bluish typeset, quadrilled paper
- 5c blk, buff typeset
- 10c blk, wht typeset

1886 1886b issue condor short wings p. 12.5 (12 stamps)
- 1c lilgray condor short wings
- 2c brnvio condor short wings
- 2 1/2c red condor short wings
- 5c purbrn condor short wings
- 10c bl condor short wings
- 20c yel condor short wings
- 25c blk condor short wings
- 50c blgrn condor short wings
- 1p red condor short wings
- 2p vio condor short wings
- 5p yel condor short wings
- 10p lilrose condor short wings

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