Stamps of Grenada, 12 perf

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1977, Nov 10 Royal Visit 1977 issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 12 (5 stamps)
- 1/2c
- 1c
- 35c
- $2
- $2.50

1986, Jan 20 200th Anniversary of the Birth of John J. Audubon b issue
- $5 multi Brant Goose

1991, Dec 9 Christmas 1991 issue - Religious Paintings by Albrecht Durer (10 stamps)
- 10c multi
- 35c multi
- 50c multi
- 75c multi
- $1 multi
- $2 multi
- $4 multi
- $5 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

2009, Jan 22 50th Anniversary of Space Exploration issue (6 stamps)
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi

2009, Jan 26 Year of the Ox 2009 issue
- $2.50 multi

2009, Apr 29 CHINA 2009 issue
- $1.40 multi
- $1.40 multi
- $1.40 multi
- $1.40 multi

2010, Jan 4 30th Anniversary of Chinese Zodiac Stamps issue (12 stamps)
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi
- 60c multi

2010, Jan 4 Year of the Tiger 2010 issue
- $5 multi
- $5 multi

2010, Mar 17 Ferraris (8 stamps)
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi

2010, Jul 26 NASCAR - Carl Edwards issue
- $2.75 multi
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