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Stamps of Grenada - Grenada Grenadines, 1986

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1986, Jan 6 100th Anniversary of Statue of Liberty issue unwmk p. 15 (5 stamps)
- 5c multi Croton reservoir 1875
- 10c multi NY Public Library 1986
- 70c multi Old Boathouse Central Park 1894
- $4 multi Boating Central Park 1986
- $5 multi

1986, Jan 28 200th Anniversary of the Birth of John J. Audubon b issue p. 12.25x12 (5 stamps)
- 50c multi Egretta tricolor
- 70c multi Nycticorax nycticorax
- 90c multi Botaurus lentiginosus
- $4 multi Plegadis falcinellus
- $5 multi Somateria spectabilis

1986, Feb 20 Visit of President Reagan issue p. 14
- 70c multi Philaethria dido dido
- $5 multi Appias drusilla monomorpha

1986, Mar 18 World Cup 1986 issue (5 stamps)
- 10c multi
- 70c multi
- $1 multi
- $4 multi
- $5 multi

1986, Mar 26 Appearance of Halley's Comet issue (10 stamps)
- 5c multi Nicholas Copernicus, p. 14
- 5c multi Nicholas Copernicus, p. 14
- 20c multi Sputnik 1, p. 14
- 20c multi "Sputnik I", p. 14
- 40c multi Tycho Brahes notes sketch of comet of 1577, p. 14
- 40c multi Tycho Brahes notes sketch of comet of 1577, p. 14
- $4 multi Edmond Halley, p. 14
- $4 multi Edmond Halley, p. 14
- $5 multi p. 14
- $5 multi

1986, Apr 21 60th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II issue p. 14
- 2c multi Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret
- $1.50 multi Queen Elizabeth II
- $4 multi In Sydney Australia 1970
- $5 multi

1986, May 22 Ameripex '86 issue p. 11 (5 stamps)
- 30c multi Donald Duck in the Grand Canyon
- 60c multi
- $1 multi
- $3 multi
- $5 multi

1986, Jul 1 Royal Wedding 1986 issue p. 14
- 60c multi Prince Andrew & Sarah Ferguson
- 70c multi
- $4 multi
- $5 multi

1986, Jul 15 mushrooms of the Lesser Antilles p. 15 (5 stamps)
- 15c multi Hygrocybe firma
- 50c multi Xerocomus coccolobae
- $2 multi Volvariella cubensis
- $3 multi Lactarius putidus
- $5 multi Leptonia caeruleocapitata

1986, Aug 1 p. 14
- $20 multi Cepheuptychia cephus cephus

1986, Aug 1 Sea Shells 1986 issue - sea shells (1986 Grenada Grenadines) p. 15
- 15c multi Linne giant Atlantic pyram
- 50c multi Siratus beauii beauii
- $1.10 multi West Indian Fighting Conch
- $4 multi Alphabet coral
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