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Stamps of Angola, 1932

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1932 1932 issue Ceres wmk. Maltese cross p. 12x11.5 (19 stamps)
X 1c bisbrn Ceres
X 5c dkbrn Ceres
X 10c dpvio Ceres
X 15c blk Ceres
X 20c gray Ceres
X 30c myrgrn Ceres
X 40c dporg Ceres
X 45c ltbl Ceres
X 50c ltbrn Ceres
X 60c olgrn Ceres
X 70c orgbrn Ceres
X 80c emer Ceres
X 85c rose Ceres
X 1a cl Ceres
X 1.40a dkbl Ceres
X 2a dlvio Ceres
X 5a paleyelgrn Ceres
X 10a olbis Ceres
X 20a org Ceres

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