Stamps of Kuwait, 1 Dec 1973

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1973, Dec 1 birds 1973 issue - birds (1973 Kuwait) unwmk p. 14.25 (28 stamps)
- 5f multi Zenaidura macroura .20
- 5f multi Upupa epops .20
- 5f multi Columba livia .20
- 5f multi Burhinus oedicnemus .20
- 8f multi Lanius excubitor .20
- 8f multi Lanius collurio .20
- 8f multi long-tailed shrike Lanius schach .20
- 8f multi golden oriole Oriolus oriolus .20
- 10f multi Phylloscopus trochilus .20
- 10f multi Acrocephalus arundinaceus .20
- 10f multi Sylvia atricapilla .20
- 10f multi Hirundo rustica .20
- 15f multi Monticola solitarius
- 15f multi Phoenicurus phoenicurus
- 15f multi Oenanthe oenanthe
- 15f multi Luscinia svecica
- 20f multi Chlamydotis undulata
- 20f multi Pterocles alchata
- 20f multi Aramides ypecaha
- 20f multi Porzana porzana
- 25f multi Falco sparverius
X 25f multi Larus marinus
- 25f multi Ardea purpurea
- 25f multi Jynx torquilla
- 30f multi Merops apiaster
- 30f multi Accipiter gentilis
- 30f multi Motacilla cinerea
- 30f multi Motacilla alba

1973, Dec 1 Birds and Hunting Equipment issue
- 45f multi Southern Grey Shrike, p. 14.25
- 45f multi Rock Pigeon, p. 14.25
- 45f multi Southern Grey Shrike, p. 14.25
- 45f multi

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