Stamps of Nicaragua, 19 Nov 2003

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2003, Nov 19 insects of Nicaragua unwmk (no perf info) (12 stamps)
- 6.50cor multi Fulgora laternaria
- 6.50cor multi Acraephia perspicillata
- 6.50cor multi Copidocephala guttata
- 6.50cor multi Pterodictya reticularis
- 6.50cor multi Phrictus quinquepartitus
- 6.50cor multi Odontoptera carrenoi
- 8.00cor multi Golofa pizarro
- 8.00cor multi Phaneus pyrois
- 8.00cor multi Plusiotis aurigans
- 8.00cor multi Polyphylla concurrens
- 8.00cor multi Dynastes hercules septentrionalis
- 8.00cor multi Phaneus demon excelsus

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