Stamps of Nevis, 8 Mar 1999

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1999, Mar 8 Millennium Series - Famous People of the Twentieth Century - World Leaders issue wmk. crown & CA p. 14 (10 stamps)
- 90c multi Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia
- 90c multi Haile Selassie
- 90c multi David Ben-Gurion
- 90c multi David Ben-Gurion (Prime Minister of Isra…
- 90c multi President Franklin D. Roosevelt of U.S.A…
- 90c multi Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
- 90c multi Mao Tse-tung
- 90c multi Mao Tse-tung (founder of People's Republ…
- $5 multi President Nelson Mandela of South Africa
- $5 multi Mahatma Gandhi (leader of Indian Indepen…

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