Stamps of Nevis, 10 May 1999

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1999, May 10 Birds 1999 issue - birds (1999 Nevis) wmk. crown & CA p. 14 (14 stamps)
X $1.60 multi Malachite Kingfisher
X $1.60 multi Coracias caudata
X $1.60 multi Merops hirundineus
X $1.60 multi Garrulus glandarius
X $1.60 multi Apalis pulchra
X $1.60 multi Camaroptera brachyura
X $1.60 multi Dendroica petechia
X $1.60 multi common yellowthroat
X $1.60 multi Passerina ciris
X $1.60 multi Megaceryle alcyon
X $1.60 multi Falco sparverius
X $1.60 multi northern oriole
- $5 multi bananaquit
- $5 multi Psophocichla litsitsirupa

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