Postage stamps of Cape of Good Hope

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1853, Sep 1 blued paper wmk. anchor (1853) imperf
- 1p red Hope reclining
- 4p bl Hope reclining

1855 1855 issue
- 1p red Hope reclining (1857)
- 4p dpbl Hope reclining, imperf
- 6p lil Hope reclining, imperf (1858)
- 1sh yelgrn Hope reclining, imperf (1858)

1861, Feb 23 1861 issue unwmk
- 1p red Hope reclining woodblock
- 4p bl Hope reclining woodblock

1863 wmk. anchor (1853)
- 1p brnred Hope reclining, imperf
X 4p dkbl Hope reclining, imperf
X 6p pur Hope reclining, imperf
- 1sh emer Hope reclining

1864 1864 issue wmk. crown & CC p. 14
- 1p rose Hope seated (1865) 10.–100 1.00–10.
X 4p bl Hope seated (1865) 10.–100 1.00–10.
X 6p brtvio Hope seated
X 1sh yelgrn Hope seated

1868, Nov 17 ovpted
- 4p on 6p brtvio Hope seated

1871 1871 issue Hope seated v. no frame line (6 stamps)
- 1/2p grayblk Hope seated (1875)
X 1p rose Hope seated (1872)
- 3p lilrose Hope seated (1880)
X 3p cl Hope seated (1881)
X 4p bl Hope seated (1876)
X 5sh org Hope seated

1874, Sep 1 ovpted
- 1p on 6p brtvio Hope seated

1876, Nov ovpted
- 1p on 1sh yelgrn Hope seated

1879, Nov 1 ovpted
X 3p on 4p bl Hope seated

1880, Feb ovpted (no wmk info) (no perf info)
- 3p lilrose on 4p-lilrose-Hope seated-unissued (0), Hope seated

1880, Aug ovpted wmk. crown & CC p. 14
- 3p lilrose ovpt, Hope seated
X 3p lilrose ovpt, Hope seated

1882, Jul ovpted
- 1/2p on 3p cl Hope seated, w. crown & CA
- 1/2p on 3p cl Hope seated, w. crown & CC

1882, Jul 1882 issue Hope seated wmk. crown & CA (6 stamps)
X 1/2p grayblk Hope seated, v. no frame line
X 1p rose Hope seated, v. no frame line
X 2p bis Hope seated, v. no frame line
X 3p cl Hope seated, v. no frame line
X 6p brtvio Hope seated, v. frame line
- 5sh org Hope seated, v. no frame line (1883) 100 – 1,000 100 – 1,000

1884, Dec 1884 issue Hope seated wmk. anchor (1884) (13 stamps)
X 1/2p grayblk Hope seated, v. no frame line (1886) .20
X 1/2p grn Hope seated, v. no frame line (1896)
X 1p rose Hope seated, v. no frame line (1885) .20
X 2p bis Hope seated, v. no frame line
X 2p choc Hope seated, v. no frame line (1897) 1.00–10. 1.00–10.
X 3p redvio Hope seated, v. no frame line (1898)
X 4p bl Hope seated, v. no frame line (1890)
X 4p olgrn Hope seated, v. no frame line (1897)
X 6p vio Hope seated, v. frame line
X 1sh grn Hope seated, v. frame line (1885)
- 1sh blgrn Hope seated, v. no frame line (1893)
X 1sh yelbuff Hope seated, v. no frame line (1896)
- 5sh org Hope seated, v. no frame line (1887) 10.–100 1.00–10.
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