Stamps of Vatican City, 13.5x14 perf

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1958, Feb 21 Lourdes apparition 100th issue wmk. crossed keys p. 13.5x14 (6 stamps)
X 5l blblk Apparition of the Virgin
X 10l dkblgrn Sick & the shrine at Lourdes
X 15l lilbrn Bernadette praying
X 25l carred Apparition of the Virgin
X 35l Sick & the shrine at Lourdes
X 100l blvio Bernadette praying

1967, Nov 28 Christmas 1967 issue
X 25l multi .20
X 55l multi .20
X 180l multi

1968, Nov 28 Christmas 1968 issue
X 20l redpur & yel .20
X 50l grn & yel .20
X 250l blgrn

1969, Mar 6 Easter 1969 issue
X 20l redpur & yel .20
X 90l red & brn .20
X 180l grn & brn

1969, Jul 31 Journey of Pope Paul VI to Africa issue
X 25l yelbrn & brn .20
X 55l redbrn & brn .20
X 250l multi

1969, Nov 18 100th Anniversary of the Circle of Sct. Peter issue
X 30l redbrn .20
X 50l gray .20
X 220l pur

1970, Mar 16 EXPO 70 issue unwmk (5 stamps)
X 25l multi emblem .20
X 40l multi Osaka Castle .20
X 55l multi The Virgin of Osaka .20
X 90l multi Vatican Pavilion .20
X 110l multi Mount Fuji .20

1970, Apr 29 1st Vatican Council 100th issue
X 20l multi Medal of Pius IX .20
X 50l multi arms of Pius IX .20
X 180l multi Medal of the First Vatican Council

1970, Oct 24 UN 25th issue
X 20l multi .20
X 90l multi .20
- 220l multi .20

1970, Nov 26 Asia visit issue (5 stamps)
X 25l multi Paul VI .20
X 55l multi The Holy NiƱo .20
X 100l multi Madonna & child .20
X 130l multi Cathedral in Manila .20
X 220l multi Cathedral in Sydney .20

1971, Feb 2 International Year Against Racial Discrimination issue
X 20l multi .20
X 40l multi .20
X 50l multi .20
X 130l multi .20

1971, May 25 800th Anniversary of the birth of Holy Dominikus issue
X 25l multi
X 55l multi .20
X 90l multi .20
X 180l multi

1971, Nov 25 1000th Anniversary of Christianity in Hungary issue
X 50l multi .20
X 180l yelbrn & blk

1972, Feb 22 Bramante issue
X 25l yel & blk Project of the dome of St Peter .20
X 90l yel & blk Portrait of Bramante .20
X 130l yel & blk Section of scale .20
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