Stamps of North Korea, imperf perf

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1950, Apr 4 Order of the National Flag issue unwmk imperf
- 1w dkgrn
- 1w blgrn

1950, Jun 20 5th Anniversary of Liberation from Japan issue
- 1w multi
- 6w ltgrn
- 6w red

1951, Nov 15 Victory Propaganda 1951 issue
- 10w slbl
- 10w ltbl

1952 7th Anniversary of Liberation from Japan issue
- 10w red
- 10w car

1952, Apr 20 Labour Day 1952 issue
- 10w dkrose

1952, Jun 1 6th Anniversary of the Enforcement of the Labour Law issue
- 10w ltbl
- 10w dlbl

1952, Jun 1 Day of Anti-US Imperialist Struggle 1952 issue
- 10w rose

1953, Apr 15 Labour Day 1953 issue
- 10w yelgrn
- 40w brnorg

1953, Jun 1 Day of Anti-US Imperialist Struggle 1953 issue
- 40w car

1953, Jun 10 World Festival of Youth and Students 1953 issue
- 20w dkblgrn & sal

1953, Jul 28 Truce and Victory issue
- 10w brn & yel

1953, Aug 5 8th Anniversary of Liberation from Japan issue
- 10w brnorg

1953, Dec 25 Liberation Monument issue
- 10w

1954, Jun 10 Day of Anti-US Imperialist Struggle 1954 issue
- 10w redbrn

1954, Jul 20 National Congress of Young Activists 1954 issue
- 10w red & bl

1954, Aug 1 9th Anniversary of Liberation from Japan issue
- 10w orgred

1954, Aug 25 6th Anniversary of People's Republic issue
- 10w bl & red Flag of North Korea

1954, Sep 1 Taedong Gate issue
- 5w redbrn Taedong gate
- 5w redbrn Perf: 10½
- 5w purbrn Taedong gate
- 5w purbrn Perf: 10½

1955, Jan 25 7th Anniversary of the National Army issue
- 10w rosered
- 10w rosered 1956 Perf: 10½

1955, Apr 16 Labour Day 1955 issue
- 10w yelgrn
- 10w redbrn

1955, May 14 Admiral Li Sun Sin issue (8 stamps)
- 1w bl & graygrn Admiral Li Sun Sin
- 1w viobl & grnyel Admiral Li Sun Sin
- 1w viobl & grnyel Admiral Li Sun Sin
- 1w viobl & ltyelgrn Admiral Li Sun Sin
- 1w graybl & olgrn Admiral Li Sun Sin
- 1w graybl & olgrn Back side yellowish olive green
- 1w graybl & graygrn 1957 Reprint. Perf: 10 or Imperforated
- 2w rose & brnorg

1955, May 30 9th Anniversary of the Enforcement of Labour Law issue
- 10w

1955, Jul 1 North Korea - Soviet Union Friendship issue
- 20w slbl & rose
- 20w

1956, Jan 20 Standing Rock in Sea Kumgang Maritime Park issue
- 10w bl & ltbl

1956, Jan 20 8th Anniversary of National Army issue
- 10w brnred & grn

1956, Apr 29 Labour Day 1956 issue
- 10w bl

1956, Jun 7 10th Anniversary of the Enforcement of Labour Law issue
- 10w sep

1956, Jul 10 10th Anniversary of Law on Equality of the Sexes issue
- 10w sep

1956, Jul 10 10th Anniversary of Nationalisation of Major Industries issue
- 10w sep

1956, Jul 24 11th Anniversary of Liberation from Japan issue
- 10w rose
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