Stamps of Yugoslavia, YUGOSLAVIJA inscription

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1922 1922 issue ovpted unwmk p. 12 (7 stamps)
X 1d on 10p car giving succor
X 1d on 25p ltbl
X 1d on 15p viobrn wounded soldier
X 3d on 15p viobrn wounded soldier
X 8d on 15p viobrn wounded soldier
X 20d on 15p viobrn wounded soldier
X 30d on 15p viobrn wounded soldier

1949, Oct 16 ovpted p. 12.5
- 3d on 8d choc arms of Yugoslavia
- 3d on 12d vio arms of Yugoslavia

1956, Mar 24 Yugoslav art p. 11.75 (12 stamps)
- 5d blkvio Church of StDonat into ZadarDalmacia-9th century
- 10d Relief from a kroacia king by a dom into Split-10th century
- 15d dkbrn porch from the church mother of god abbey from Studenica-1
X 20d porch of cathedral into Trogir-13th century
X 25d dolefulness of the death Mariasabbey into supocani-13th cen
X 30d dkcar mediaval gravestone-Nekropolis by RadimlieHerzegowina-15th
X 35d dkol sculpture-cathedral from Sibenic - 15th century
X 40d St Martin of horse - Marienchurch Dancama - 16th century
X 50d olbrn Ciborium Cathedral from Kotor - 15th century
- 70d Hallow figure from church Maria-schnee - Belec Kroatia- 18
- 100d selfpaint from Rikard Jacopik
- 200d bl Libertymonument yugoslavias by UN-Building of New York

1956, Apr 20 JUFIZ III issue p. 11.5
X 15d multi Lotrscak tower, Zagreb

1956, Jul 10 Tesla 100th issue
X 10d dkol induction motor, p. 11.5x12.5
X 15d brncar Teslas Transformator
X 30d dkbl Remote Control
- 50d brnvio Nikola Tesla, p. 11.5x12.5

1956, Sep 10 marine life (1956) p. 11.75 (9 stamps)
X 10d multi Hippocampus antiquorum
X 15d multi Argonauta argo
X 20d multi Palinurus vulgaris
X 25d multi Coris julis
X 30d multi Serranus scriba (1956) (1956)
X 35d blgrn & multi red mullet
- 50d multi Scorpaena scrofa
- 70d multi Labrus bimaculatus
- 100d multi Zeus pungio

1956, Oct 24 Olympics 1956 issue p. 12.5 (8 stamps)
X 10d brn & bis runner
X 15d multi Canoeist
X 20d skier
- 30d swimmer
- 35d Goal Keeper
- 50d Water Polo Player
- 70d tennis player
- 100d multi shooter

1957, May 25 medicinal plants (1957) p. 11.75 (7 stamps)
X 10d ind & multi centaury
X 15d vio & multi belladonna
X 20d multi Colchicum autumnale
X 25d multi Althaea officinalis
X 30d multi Valeriana officinale
X 35d multi Digitalis lanata
- 50d multi Dryopteris filix-mas
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