Stamps, 12.25x12.5 perf

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1963, Sep 29 butterflies 1963 issue unwmk p. 12.25x12.5 (6 stamps)
- 1l multi Iphiclides podalirius
- 2l multi Callimorpha hera
- 4l multi Gonepteryx rhamni
- 5l multi Acherontia atropos
- 8l multi Euchloe cardamines
- 10l multi Peacock Inachis io

1965, Oct buildings (1965)
- 25q multi Rest Home Pogradec

1966, May 10 echinoderms (7 stamps)
- 0.15l multi Goosefoot Starfish (Palmipes membranaceus)
- 0.25l multi Asterias glacialis
- 0.35L multi Fragile Brittle Starfish Ophiothrix fragilis
- 0.45L multi Astropecten aurantiacus
- 0.5L multi Echinaster sepositus
- 0.6L multi Tube Holothurian Holothuria tubulosa
- 0.7L multi Sphaerechinus granularis

1969, Feb 10 Heroes of Our Time (7 stamps)
- 5q multi Adem Reka
- 10q multi Pjeter Lleshi
- 15q multi Mohammed Shehu & Myrteza Kepi
- 25q multi Shkurte Vata
- 65q multi Agron Elezi
- 80q multi Ismet Brucaj
- 1.30l multi Fuat Cela

1969, Jun 30 Violets (7 stamps)
- 5q multi Viola albanica
- 10q multi Viola hortensis
- 15q multi Viola heterophylla
- 20q multi Viola hortensis
- 25q multi Viola odorata
- 80q multi Viola hortensis
- 1.95l multi Viola hortensis

1969, Oct 20 25th Anniversary of the Antifascist Meeting to National Liberation in Berat issue
- 25q multi Enver Hoxha at the lectern
- 80q multi Declarations Soviet Star
- 1.40l multi Partisans Red Flag

1970, Nov 28 Engels 150th issue
- 25q multi F Engels
- 1.10l multi Friedrich Engels
- 1.15l multi Friedrich Engels

1971, Mar 21 International Year against Racial Discrimination issue
- 0.25l multi Racial Fight
- 1.1L multi Male Heads
- 1.15l multi Freedom Fighter

1971, Jun 10 China's Space Achievements issue
- 0.6L multi globe Satellite Orbit
- 1.2L multi Government Buildings in Tirana
- 2.2L multi globe Satellite Orbit

1972, Apr 7 World Month of the Heart issue
- 1.10l multi human heart
- 1.20l multi nurses with patient

1974, Jan 18 150th Anniversary of Théodore Géricault Death issue (6 stamps)
- 10q multi Head of a Horse
- 15q multi Portrait of a Man
- 20q multi Man with Dog
- 25q multi Head of a African Man
- 1.20l multi self-portrait
- 2.20l multi Battle of the Giants

1974, May 25 medicinal plants (1975 Albania)
- 10q multi Solanum dulcamara
- 15q multi Arbutus uva-ursi
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