Overall | Completeness | Collection | Histo3 | Histo4 | Images | Additions | | Stamp statistics | Thing statistics

Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Fujairah

| xl_type | xl_state | Count: | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Expiry date: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Colors: | Face value: | Variants: | Paper: | Size: | Description: | Gum: | Print run:

125 distinct values for Series: among 1749 xlinks.

100 years British Red Cross Society 1 273588
100th death of Charles Dickens 4 1408104 1408105 1408106 1408107
150th death of Napoleon Bonaparte 21 1462306 1462307 1462308 1462309 1462310 1462311 1462312 1462313 1462314 1462315
200th birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven 11 1462209 1462210 1462211 1462212 1686649 2085839 2085840 2085841 2085842 2085843
200th birthday of Napoleon I: Paintings 7 273577 273578 273579 273580 273581 273582 273583
2500 years Persia 9 1978301 1462280 1462281 1462282 1462283 1462284 1462285 1978315 1978316
400th birthday of Johannes Kepler 8 273644 1408121 1408122 1408123 1408124 1408125 2085870 2085871
500th birthday of Albrecht Dürer 7 273609 273610 273611 273612 273613 1978296 1978297
75 years International Olympic Committee (IOC) (1969) 4 273589 1170570 1170571 1170572
Air transport of animals 10 273614 273615 273616 273617 273618 1170594 1170595 1170596 1170597 1170598
Aircrafts and spacecrafts 10 1462150 1462151 1462152 1462153 1462154 1462155 1462156 1462157 1462158 1462159
Ancient Egyptian art 23 273668 273669 273670 273671 273672 273673 273674 273675 273676 273677
Animals 12 1408149 1408150 1686671 1686672 1170707 1408151 1686673 1686674 1686675 1686676
Apollo 10 11 1408066 1408067 1408068 1408069 1408070 1408071 1408072 1408073 1408074 2085820
Apollo 11 4 1462033 1408075 1408097 1462228
Apollo 11 First Men on the Moon 8 1408076 1408077 1408078 1408079 1408080 1408081 1408082 1408083
Apollo 11 Moonflight 8 1408090 1408091 1408092 1408093 1408094 1408095 1408096 1408098
Apollo 12 3 1755272 1462126 1462127
Apollo 13 17 1462059 1462060 1462061 1462062 1462063 1462064 1462065 1462066 1462067 1462068
Apollo 13 and 14 2 273585 273586
Apollo 14 22 1462073 1462074 1462075 1462076 2323567 2323566 1462077 1462078 1462079 2323571
Apollo 15 5 1462258 1462259 1462260 1462261 1462262
Apollo 8 16 1408002 1408003 1408004 1408005 1408006 1408007 1408008 1408009 1408010 1408011
Apollo programs 11 1408156 1408157 1462351 1462352 1462353 1462354 273702 1170708 1408158 1408159
Apollo space flights 19 1408057 1408058 1408059 1408060 1686616 1686617 1686618 1686619 1408061 1408062
Arabian Nights: Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 6 1461991 1461992 1461993 1461994 1461995 1461996
Arabian Nights: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 6 1461986 1461987 1170545 1461988 1461989 1461990
Biblical stories 8 1408100 1755265 1755266 1755267 1755268 1755269 1755270 1755271
Birds 16 1408017 1408018 1408019 1408020 1408021 1408022 1408023 1408024 1755262 1170709
Butterflies 34 273563 273564 273565 1510115 1510116 1510117 1510118 1510119 1510120 40345
Cars 23 1462144 1462145 1462146 1510129 1510130 1686639 1686640 1686641 1686642 2085838
Cats 14 1686607 1686608 1686609 1686610 1686611 1686612 1686613 1686614 273590 1462116
Cats and dogs 8 1755285 1755286 1755287 1755288 2037375 1408114 2323615 2323616
Charles de Gaulle 38 1462043 2037365 2037366 1462044 1462045 1462046 1462047 1462048 1462049 2037367
Children's day: Paintings 7 1462266 1462267 1462268 1462269 1462270 1755297 1462410
Christmas 1970 6 1462107 1462108 1170584 1462109 1462110 2085831
Christmas 1971 7 273619 273620 273621 273622 273623 2037374 1755292
Combatants for Peace 14 1408034 1408035 1408036 1408037 1408038 1408039 1408040 1408041 1408042 1408043
Disney characters 2 1170648 2037383
Dogs 6 273593 273594 273595 273596 1408108 1686636
Dwight D. Eisenhower 9 1408025 1408026 1408027 1408028 1408029 1408030 1408031 1408032 1408033
Easter 5 1462123 1462124 1462125 1462133 1462134
European clothing of the 15th - 19th century 5 1170640 1462276 1462277 1462278 1462279
Exotic Butterflies and Birds 20 1170696 1170697 1755299 1755300 273657 1170698 1170699 1686664 1686665 1686666
Exotic birds 7 1408126 1408127 1408128 1408129 1408130 1978313 1978314
Exotic fish 12 1170720 1170721 1170722 1170723 1170724 1170725 1170726 1510136 1510135 1510137
Exploration and Use of Outer Space 18 1336119 1336120 1461960 1336121 1336122 1336123 1336124 1336125 1461961 1461962
Famous Paintings 9 1170715 1170716 1170717 1170718 1170719 1686683 1686684 2085889 2085890
Fight for the world heavyweight championship, Frazier - Ali 4 1462182 1462183 1462184 2037377
Flowers 7 273701 1606592 1606593 1686678 1686679 2085881 2085882
Flowers and Fishes 8 1462169 1462170 1462171 1462172 1462173 1462174 1462175 1462176
Football World Cup 1974, Germany 13 273703 273704 273705 273706 273707 273708 273709 273710 273711 273712
Football world cup 1970, Mexico 25 1170583 2323585 2323586 2323587 2323588 1462080 1462081 1462082 1462083 2323589
French Kings and Clothing 1 1755306
Gamal Abd el Nasser 9 1462085 1462086 1462087 1462088 1462089 1462090 1755274 1462091 1462132
Games of Chess 7 273732 273733 273734 273735 1606602 1606603 2085888
General de Gaulle 5 1462160 1462161 1462162 1462163 1462164
History of the Olympic Games: Posters 23 1336127 1606574 1606575 1606576 1606577 1606578 1606579 1170665 1170666 1170667
Horses 14 1462111 1462112 1462113 1462114 1462115 1686635 2085853 273718 273719 273720
Horses' heads 5 1462223 1462224 1462225 1462226 1462227
International Education Year, 1970 2 1686629 1686630
International Labour Organisation (ILO): Paintings 7 273631 273634 1170599 1686652 1755289 2085844 1408115
International Stamp Exhibition "Philympia" - London, England 10 1686632 1755275 2323595 2323596 2323597 2323598 2323599 2323600 2323601 2323602
International Year of Human Rights 6 1408084 1408085 1408086 1408087 1408088 1408089
International letter week: Paintings 10 40356 40360 40361 40362 40363 40357 40358 40359 2085818 2085819
Intl. Stamp Exhibition, Cairo: 100 Years of Egyptian Stamps 11 1686598 1686599 1686600 1686601 1686602 1686603 1686604 1686605 1755261 2085816
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 28 273538 273539 273540 273541 273542 273543 273544 273545 273546 273549
Locomotives 8 1606513 1606514 1606515 1606516 1606517 1606518 1606519 1606520
Madonna Paintings 14 273592 1462119 1462120 1462121 1462122 1978292 1978293 1686658 1686659 1686660
Mammals and prehistoric animals 24 273659 273660 273661 1170703 1686668 1755307 1755308 2085859 2085860 2085861
March. Traffic 2 2085886 2085887
Marine life 24 273649 273650 273651 1408132 1408133 1408134 1408135 1462330 2085858 273652
Maritime history 9 1462006 1462007 1462008 1462009 1462010 1462011 1462012 1462013 1462014
Monkeys 13 273625 273626 273627 273628 273629 2085852 273717 1978310 1170729 1978311
Mosques 2 1170670 1462337
Moths 8 273696 273697 273698 273699 273700 1606591 1606600 2085880
Movie Stars 22 1408140 1606588 2323623 2323624 2323625 2323626 2323627 2323628 1170691 1170692
Napoleon De Gaulle Jeanne d'Arc 1 1978326
Nude Paintings 14 1462271 1462272 1462273 1462274 1462275 2085856 1462326 1408131 1462327 1462328
Nude paintings by Degas 8 273684 273685 273686 273687 273688 273689 1978324 1978325
Nude paintings by Gauguin 13 273690 273691 273692 273693 1755319 1755320 1978306 2037399 273694 273695
Nude paintings by Modigliani 9 273662 273663 273664 273665 273666 273667 1978322 1978323 2085875
Nude paintings by Renoir 5 1170586 1170587 1170588 1170589 1170585
Nude paintings by Tizian and Picasso 13 273678 273679 273680 1755313 1755314 1755315 273681 273682 273683 1755316
Organisation "Red Crescent" 4 273587 1755273 2323584 2323583
Oriental women's costumes 6 1170705 1170706 1408141 1408142 1408143 2037422
Paintings 25 40344 40346 1461997 1461998 1461999 1462000 1462001 1462002 1170548 1170549
Pathfinder and Birds 8 1170656 1170657 1170658 1170659 1170660 1170661 1170662 1606597
Pathfinder and animals 10 273646 273647 1170642 1170643 273648 1170644 1170645 1170646 1170647 1606594
Pathfinder and butterflies 9 1170649 1170650 1170651 1170652 1170653 1170654 1170655 1606573 1606596
Personalities from American History 20 1606523 1606524 1606525 1606526 1606527 1606528 1606529 1606530 1606531 1606532
Personalities in English history 10 2085824 273737 1978278 1978279 1978280 1978281 2085825 2085826 2085827 2085828
Personalities of German History 24 1978282 1978283 1978284 1978285 1978286 1978287 2323576 2323575 2323574 2323573
Prehistorical Animals 10 1462024 1462025 1462026 1462027 1462028 1462029 1462030 1462031 1462032 2323558
President Nixon's Visit to People's Republic of China 1 2037384
Railways 8 273605 1462165 1462166 1462167 1462168 2037371 1606555 2037372
Roses 7 1755311 1755312 1686670 1978305 2037397 2037398 2037421
Scenes from Shakespeare's works 9 1407983 1407984 1407985 1407986 1407987 1407988 1407989 1407990 1407991
Scout Movement 4 1408101 1408102 1408103 2323582
Sculptures 6 1170638 1170639 1462263 1462264 1462265 1686685
Sheik Mohammet Bin Hamad Al Sharji with animals 35 40340 273503 273504 273505 273506 273507 273508 273509 273510 273511
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill 9 1461952 1461953 1461954 1461955 1461956 1461957 1461958 1461959 1461978
Space exploration 2 273562 2037423
Stations of the Cross 19 1462092 1462093 1462094 1462095 1462096 1462097 1462098 1462099 1462100 2323591
Summer Olympics 1964, Tokyo 18 273519 273520 273521 273522 273523 273524 273525 273526 273527 273528
Summer Olympics 1968, Mexico-City 20 1462015 1462016 1462017 1462018 1462019 1462020 1462021 1462022 1462023 273571
Summer Olympics 1972, Munich 125 1407992 1407993 1407994 1407995 1407996 1407997 1407998 1407999 1408000 1408001
Trafic 5 273730 273731 1408172 1606601 1755324
Tresaures of Pharaoh Tutankhamen 1 2085876
UN (United Nations), 25th Anniversary 3 1686626 1686627 1686628
Walt-Disney-Film: Aristocats 40 1462359 1462360 1462361 1408161 1408162 1408163 1462362 1462363 1462364 1462365
Walt-Disney-Film: Pongo and Perdita 40 1462389 2037402 2037403 1462390 1462391 1462392 1462393 1462394 2037404 2037405
Wild animals 21 273573 1407975 1407976 1407977 1407978 1407979 1407980 1407981 1407982 273630
Wild growing flowers 9 1408048 1408049 1408050 1408051 1408052 1408053 1408054 1408055 1408056
Winner of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich 21 2323637 2323638 2323639 273713 273714 1755323 2037400 2037401 2323640 2323641
Winners of the Winter Olympics 1972, Sapporo 2 1755295 1755296
Winter Olympics 1924-1972, Advertising posters 14 1606560 1606561 1606562 1606563 1606564 1606565 1606566 1606567 1606568 1606569
Winter Olympics 1968, Grenoble 7 40349 40350 40351 40352 40353 40354 40355
Winter Olympics 1972, Sapporo 37 1462190 1462191 1462192 1462193 1462194 1462195 1462196 1462197 1462198 1462199
Winter Olympics 1976, Innsbruck 5 1462346 1462347 1462348 1462349 1462350
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 10 1606547 1606548 1606549 1606550 1606551 1462220 1462221 1462222 1686650 273633
World Exhibition EXPO '70, Osaka 21 273584 1462050 1462051 1462052 1462053 1462054 1462055 1462056 1462057 1462058
World Scout Jamboree, Japan 8 1510131 1606544 1606545 1755283 1755284 1606546 1606556 2085848
World Scout Jamboree, Japan: Girl Scouts 8 1462185 1462186 1462187 1462188 1462189 2037373 1755291 2085849
Zodiacs and famous men 13 1408144 1408145 1408146 1408147 1408148 1408152 1408153 1408154 1408155 1686677