Overall | Completeness | Collection | Histo3 | Histo4 | Images | Additions | | Stamp statistics | Thing statistics

Statistics for all sublinks of WNS Luxembourg 2002

| xl_type | xl_state | Country / Post: | Date of Issue: | Primary theme: | Subject: | Width: | Height: | Denomination: | Number in set: | Layout/Format: | Perforations: | Stamp issuing authority: | Printer:

9 distinct values for Height: among 43 xlinks.

24.0 mm 4 129848 129849 129850 129851
26.5 mm 6 129828 129829 129830 129831 129832 129833
27.0 mm 3 129844 129845 129846
27.5 mm 8 129822 129823 129824 129825 129847 1448758 129856 129858
28.0 mm 5 129835 129836 129837 129838 129839
29.0 mm 2 129840 129841
34.0 mm 4 129826 129827 129842 129843
35.0 mm 1 129855
40.0 mm 6 129834 129852 129853 129854 129857 129859