Overall | Completeness | Collection | Histo3 | Histo4 | Images | Additions | | Stamp statistics | Thing statistics

Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Anguilla

| xl_type | xl_state | Count: | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Colors: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Face value: | Print run: | Paper: | Size: | Description: | Tags: | Watermark: | Related items: | Variants:

329 distinct values for Themes: among 1623 xlinks.

AIDS 4 352144 352145 352146 352147
Administrative offices | Buildings 1 306119
Agriculture 1 306143
Air Balloons | Aircraft | Anniversaries and Jubilees | Aviation | Zeppelins 1 529096
Air Balloons | Anniversaries and Jubilees | Aviation 2 351822 351823
Air Forces | Aircraft | Anniversaries and Jubilees | Aviation 2 528992 528993
Air Forces | Aircraft | Aviation 2 528994 528995
Aircraft 1 5547
Aircraft | Airlines | Aviation 6 352183 352184 352185 352186 352187 352188
Aircraft | Airports | Aviation 4 306087 306117 306486 306488
Aircraft | Airports | Aviation | Christmas 4 351728 351729 306259 306260
Aircraft | Airports | Aviation | Flags 1 352001
Aircraft | Anniversaries and Jubilees | Aviation | Monuments | Statues 1 2377792
Aircraft | Aviation 9 5539 306088 306409 306410 306411 306412 306414 306415 528996
Aircraft | Aviation | Christmas 1 5582
Aircraft | Aviation | Comets 1 351840
Aircraft | Aviation | Ships 1 352132
Aircraft | Aviation | Stamps 2 253604 306407
Angels 1 306345
Angels | Churches - Cathedrals - Basilicas - Chapels 1 351994
Angels | Easter 1 306325
Animals (Fauna) 1 352174
Animals (Fauna) | Art | Birds 3 253639 253637 253638
Animals (Fauna) | Art | Birds | Birds of Prey | Eagles 1 253642
Animals (Fauna) | Art | Birds | Gulls 1 253641
Animals (Fauna) | Art | Birds | Storks 1 253640
Animals (Fauna) | Birds 45 5568 5569 351698 306237 306465 306482 253645 253647 253648 253649
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Birds of Prey | Falcons 3 306394 306467 306285
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Birds of Prey | Falcons | Scouting 1 306449
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Christmas | Gulls | Religion 4 5606 5608 1591561 5610
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Christmas | Herons | Religion 1 253614
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Christmas | Hummingbirds | Pelicans | Religion 1 253616
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Christmas | Hummingbirds | Religion 1 253617
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Christmas | Pelicans | Religion 2 253613 5609
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Christmas | Religion 2 253615 5607
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Ducks 1 352114
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Easter | Pigeons | Religion 4 352082 352083 352084 352085
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Gulls 9 5570 253652 253656 351911 351915 351931 351968 352116 1734685
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Herons 13 306231 306395 306462 306477 253650 253659 351849 351894 351909 351918
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Hummingbirds 4 5567 306466 253646 351905
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Kingfishers 3 253658 351917 351969
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Kingfishers | Stamps 1 529156
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Pelicans 9 351700 351782 351811 529100 253643 351845 351902 529153 529181
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Pelicans | Scouting 1 306526
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Pelicans | Tourism 1 306153
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Pigeons 3 306070 253644 1966610
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Tourism 1 306151
Animals (Fauna) | Bulls and Cows 1 306120
Animals (Fauna) | Butterflies | Easter | Insects 8 351785 351786 351787 351788 351886 351887 351888 351889
Animals (Fauna) | Butterflies | Insects 15 351789 351890 352189 352190 352191 352192 763618 763619 763620 763621
Animals (Fauna) | Camels | Christmas | Mammals | Religion 1 5560
Animals (Fauna) | Christmas | Corals and Sponges | Sea Life 2 351949 351951
Animals (Fauna) | Christmas | Crabs | Crustaceans | Sea Life 3 351925 351927 351950
Animals (Fauna) | Christmas | Crustaceans | Sea Life 1 1665309
Animals (Fauna) | Christmas | Crustaceans | Sea Life | Starfish 1 5585
Animals (Fauna) | Christmas | Fishes | Sea Life 1 351952
Animals (Fauna) | Christmas | Molluscs | Sea Life | Snails and Slugs 2 351924 351926
Animals (Fauna) | Coastal Areas | Dolphins | Landscapes | Mammals | Sea (Marine) Mammals | Sea Life 1 528982
Animals (Fauna) | Corals and Sponges | Sea Life 4 1734667 352102 352103 352104
Animals (Fauna) | Crabs | Crustaceans | Sea Life | Starfish 2 5548 5573
Animals (Fauna) | Crustaceans | Sea Life 3 5551 306091 351953
Animals (Fauna) | Dogs | Mammals 4 352178 352179 352180 352181
Animals (Fauna) | Dolphins | Mammals | Sea (Marine) Mammals | Sea Life 1 528983
Animals (Fauna) | Fishes | Sea Life 38 306092 306093 306094 306095 306232 306235 306390 306451 306472 253622
Animals (Fauna) | Goats | Mammals 6 352143 352158 352159 352160 352162 1734698
Animals (Fauna) | Lizards | Reptiles 13 306452 306471 306481 1665311 351960 351961 351962 351963 352224 352226
Animals (Fauna) | Lizards | Reptiles | WWF 4 528965 528966 528967 528968
Animals (Fauna) | Mammals | Sea (Marine) Mammals | Sea Life 1 351879
Animals (Fauna) | Mammals | Sea (Marine) Mammals | Sea Life | Whales 4 352092 352093 352094 352095
Animals (Fauna) | Molluscs | Sea Life | Shells 1 5579
Animals (Fauna) | Molluscs | Sea Life | Shells | Snails and Slugs 1 5578
Animals (Fauna) | Molluscs | Sea Life | Snails and Slugs 5 5580 5581 306233 306392 351928
Animals (Fauna) | Reptiles | Sea Life | Tourism | Turtles 1 306350
Animals (Fauna) | Reptiles | Sea Life | Turtles 2 351701 529093
Animals (Fauna) | Reptiles | Sea Life | Turtles | WWF 8 253633 529079 529080 529081 529082 529083 529084 529085
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Authors | Buildings | Famous People | Heads of State | Literary People (Poets and Writers) | Literature | Politicians 1 306331
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Authors | Famous People | Heads of State | Literary People (Poets and Writers) | Literature | Men | Politicians 3 306327 306328 306332
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Authors | Famous People | Heads of State | Literary People (Poets and Writers) | Literature | Palaces | Politicians 1 306329
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Authors | Famous People | Heads of State | Literary People (Poets and Writers) | Literature | Politicians | Statues 1 306330
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Authors | Famous People | Literary People (Poets and Writers) | Literature | Men | Nobel Laureates | Politicians 1 253591
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Aviation | Gliding | Sailplanes 1 529095
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Aviation | Zeppelins 1 529094
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Children | Children's Play | International Years | U.N.O. | UNICEF 1 253619
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Education 4 1734647 1734648 1734649 1734650
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Flowers | Orchids | Plants (Flora) 3 306464 306470 306474
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Globes | Gods and goddesses | Islands | Maps | Monuments | Postal Unions | U.P.U. 7 253592 306334 306335 306336 306337 306338 306339
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Organizations 2 352138 352139
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Police 5 1734700 1734701 1734702 1734703 1734704
Antiracism 8 529160 529161 529163 529164 529165 529166 529167 529168
Antiracism | Uprising 1 529162
Architecture 8 352201 352202 352203 352204 352205 352206 352207 352208
Architecture | Buildings | Libraries 1 529010
Art 1 529050
Art of Cooking 3 352211 352212 352215
Aviation 2 529182 529183
Aviation | Helicopters | Ships 1 352128
Aviation | Maps | Seals (Emblems) 1 529185
Aviation | Seals (Emblems) 1 529184
Aviation | Ships 1 352129
Aviation | Stamps | Zeppelins 1 306404
Aviation | Zeppelins 1 306413
Banks 3 352091 529061 529062
Banks | Buildings 1 529012
Basketball | Olympic Games 1 351943
Battle | Churches - Cathedrals - Basilicas - Chapels 1 352110
Battle | Revolutions 1 1734679
Battle | Sailing Ships | Ships 1 351721
Beaches 6 529019 529020 529021 529022 529023 529024
Beaches | Landscapes 2 529025 529026
Bells | Churches - Cathedrals - Basilicas - Chapels | Towers 1 528987
Bobsleigh | Olympic Games 2 253610 2377791
Buildings 7 306236 351974 1665313 351970 351971 351972 351973
Buildings | City Halls | Philatelic Exhibitions | Stamps 1 306454
Buildings | Libraries | Palm-trees 2 351691 351694
Buildings | Parliaments 1 529011
Buildings | Philatelic Exhibitions 2 306429 306430
Buildings | Philatelic Exhibitions | Stamps 1 306435
Buildings | Police 1 529013
Buildings | Telecommunication 1 306393
Cacti | Landscapes 1 528991
Carnival 7 306497 352041 352042 352044 352045 352043 352046
Carnival | Christmas | Dance | Music 1 5613
Carnival | Musicians 1 352039
Cartoons | Christmas | Disney 6 529101 529102 529103 529105 529106 529107
Cartoons | Comics | Disney | Dogs 2 306495 306496
Castles 1 1734672
Castles | Famous People | Princes | Princesses | Weddings 1 351748
Caves 1 351777
Children | Children's Play | Football (Soccer) | International Years | U.N.O. | UNICEF 1 351757
Children | Children's Play | International Years | Musical Instruments | U.N.O. | UNICEF 1 351755
Children | Christmas | International Years | Musical Instruments | Musicians | U.N.O. 1 306389
Children | Christmas | International Years | U.N.O. 2 306384 306385
Children | Christmas | Musical Instruments 1 306314
Children | Christmas | Paintings | Women 1 306279
Children | Churches - Cathedrals - Basilicas - Chapels | International Years | U.N.O. 1 306388
Children | International Years | Musical Instruments | Musicians | U.N.O. 1 306386
Children | International Years | Turtles | U.N.O. | UNICEF 1 351756
Children | International Years | U.N.O. 2 306383 306387
Children | International Years | U.N.O. | UNICEF 1 351754
Children's Play | Rotary 1 352177
Christmas 49 5583 5593 306122 306123 306124 306125 5599 306156 306157 306158
Christmas | Churches - Cathedrals - Basilicas - Chapels 3 351727 306258 306316
Christmas | Disney 6 253620 351758 351760 351761 351816 351817
Christmas | Disney | Santa Claus 5 351759 351762 351763 351764 351766
Christmas | Donkeys | Mammals | Presents / Gifts | Santa Claus 1 352171
Christmas | Drawings 1 306256
Christmas | Flowers | Plants (Flora) 4 306423 306424 306425 306426
Christmas | Maps 1 5584
Christmas | Musical Instruments 1 529016
Christmas | Musical Instruments | Traditions 1 1734697
Christmas | Paintings 7 306364 306365 306366 306367 306368 306277 306280
Christmas | Palm-trees 2 351725 306315
Christmas | Religion 5 5561 5562 5563 5564 1591564
Christmas | Santa Claus 1 351982
Christmas | Trees 2 5591 529018
Churches - Cathedrals - Basilicas - Chapels 25 5538 5566 306082 306086 306144 306145 306377 351692 306396 306397
Clergy | Heroes | Independency Activists | Revolutionaries 1 529189
Coastal Areas 1 529151
Coastal Areas | Islands | Landscapes | Palm-trees | Plants (Flora) | Tourism 4 306468 306479 306291 306309
Coastal Areas | Landscapes 1 306069
Coastal Areas | Landscapes | Rocks | Tourism 3 253623 351779 351780
Coastal Areas | Landscapes | Tourism 1 306141
Coats of Arms 1 351965
Coats of Arms | Royalty 2 306302 306303
Coins | Numismatics 4 529071 529072 529073 529074
Comets 4 351836 351837 351838 351839
Cricket 9 351919 351920 351921 351922 351923 529038 529040 529041 529042
Cricket | Sports 1 352125
Crocodiles | Disney | Elephants | Football (Soccer) | Stylized Animals 1 253631
Crosses | Easter | Saints 1 351712
Crowns and Coronets 1 306248
Crowns and Coronets | Maps 1 306227
Crowns and Coronets | Queens | Ships 1 306249
Crowns and Coronets | Royalty | Ships 2 306228 306230
Crustaceans 2 529099 306288
Dance 1 351775
Discus-throwing | Disney | Olympic Games 2 529133 529134
Disney 41 306494 351735 351736 351737 351738 351739 351740 351741 351765 351812
Disney | Elephants | Football (Soccer) | Mammals | Stylized Animals 1 253630
Disney | Football (Soccer) 8 253629 351799 351800 351801 351802 351803 351804 351805
Disney | High Jump | Olympic Games 2 529127 529128
Disney | Long Jump | Olympic Games 2 529123 529124
Disney | Olympic Games 12 529121 529122 529125 529126 529131 529132 529135 529136 529137 529138
Disney | Olympic Games | Running 2 529129 529130
Dolphins | Sailing Ships | Ships 2 306154 306155
Drawings 3 352024 352025 352026
Easter 20 5576 5577 5594 306103 306104 306105 5602 253590 306321 306322
Easter | Paintings 14 306163 306164 306165 306166 306167 306168 351964 1665312 306204 306205
Easter | Religion 15 253595 351709 351710 306502 306503 306504 306505 529086 529087 529088
Easter | Saints 2 351711 351713
Explorers 1 351874
Families 1 306344
Famous People | Heads of State | Princes | Queens | Royalty | Women 1 1734668
Famous People | Heads of State | Queens | Royalty | Women 1 1734670
Famous People | Men | Princes | Princesses | Royalty | Weddings | Women 1 351746
Famous People | Ships 2 306225 306245
Ferries 6 306118 306142 306375 351773 351898 529179
Festivals 6 1966601 1966602 1966603 1966604 1966605 1966606
Figure-skate | Olympic Games 1 253609
Fishery 6 306139 306371 306372 253624 351809 352033
Fishing-boats 2 306473 306305
Flags 8 1734666 306498 306218 306219 306220 306221 1966612 1966614
Flags | Olympic Games 1 352108
Flags | Sailing Ships | Shipbuilding | Ships 1 351718
Flags | Scouting 1 351806
Flowers 2 5574 351697
Flowers | Leaves | Plants (Flora) 1 352225
Flowers | Leaves | Plants (Flora) | Trees 5 253599 351702 351703 351704 351706
Flowers | Lilies (Flower) | Plants (Flora) 5 351935 351936 351937 351938 351939
Flowers | Orchids | Plants (Flora) 3 5590 352222 306286
Flowers | Plants (Flora) 32 5549 5587 5588 5589 306099 306100 306101 306102 306150 306152
Food | Gastronomy 1 1966609
Football (Soccer) | Sports 6 352075 352076 352077 352078 352079 529059
Fountains 1 306062
Frescos 9 529141 529142 529143 529144 529145 529146 529147 529148 529149
Frogs | Stylized Animals 1 203930
Fruits | Nuts | Plants (Flora) 2 528950 528952
Fruits | Nuts | Plants (Flora) | Trees 1 528962
Fruits | Plants (Flora) 18 306116 306469 306480 306292 306307 528948 528949 528951 528953 528954
Fruits | Plants (Flora) | Scouting 1 306450
Fruits | Plants (Flora) | Trees 1 351705
Fruits | Vegetables 1 528989
Golden Objects 1 352038
Headgear | Scouting 1 1966615
Heroes | Independency Activists | Revolutionaries 5 529186 529187 529188 763624 763625
High Jump | Olympic Games 1 352107
Home Appliances 2 351895 352213
Hospitals 3 306111 306146 351693
Hotels 7 306113 203933 203934 203935 203936 203937 203938
Houses 3 5537 351897 351900
Ice-hockey | Olympic Games | Winter Sports 1 253608
Industry 6 306078 306079 306080 1734662 306442 352029
Islands 2 306089 529098
Islands | Landscapes 2 351778 253625
Islands | Landscapes | Maps 1 306422
Islands | Landscapes | Plants (Flora) | Trees 1 5540
Islands | Lighthouses | Maps 2 306416 306417
Islands | Maps 2 306418 306420
Kites 2 352028 529037
Landscapes 1 306530
Landscapes | Mountains | Volcanos 1 306066
Landscapes | Rotary 1 306528
Landscapes | Tourism 1 351781
Lanterns 1 352214
Libraries 1 306147
Lighthouses 5 306060 306081 352122 352123 352124
Lighthouses | Sailing Ships 1 5565
Lizards 1 528964
Logos 1 306361
Luge | Olympic Games 1 253612
Maps 13 306073 306074 5541 306090 306130 306131 306132 306133 306343 306419
Maps | Sailing Ships 3 306170 306171 306174
Maps | Scouting 1 5595
Masks 1 203932
Medals and Marks of Honour 4 352196 352197 352198 352199
Music | Musical Instruments | Scouting 1 253627
Musical Instruments 10 1734687 1734688 1734689 1734690 1734691 1734692 1734693 1734694 1734695 1734696
Musical Instruments | Toys 1 529031
Naval Battles | Sailing Ships | Ships 6 306272 2028046 306273 306274 306275 306276
Navies | Sailing Ships 1 352130
Navies | Sailing Ships | Ships 1 203927
Olympic Games 7 253607 306441 352154 352155 352156 352157 352106
Olympic Games | Running 4 351940 1665308 351944 352105
Olympic Games | Skiing 1 253611
Olympic Games | Surfing 1 351941
Olympic Games | Tennis 1 351942
Paintings 55 306178 306179 306180 306181 306182 306351 306352 306353 306354 306355
Paintings | Sailing Ships | Shipbuilding | Ships 3 306489 306490 306491
Paintings | Sailing Ships | Ships 1 351871
Palaces 2 351753 306299
Palm-trees 2 352096 1734675
Palm-trees | Santa Claus 1 1734699
People | Sailing Ships | Shipbuilding | Ships 1 306173
People | Ships 1 306226
Philatelic Exhibitions 5 306126 306427 306428 306433 306434
Philatelic Exhibitions | Stamps 2 306431 306432
Philatelic Exhibitions | Stamps | Statues 1 306455
Philatelic Exhibitions | Stamps | Towers 1 306453
Philatelic Exhibitions | Statues 1 306456
Pirates 1 352040
Plantations 1 306084
Plants (Flora) 4 306064 306067 306068 5550
Plants (Flora) | Trees 5 5536 306140 351707 351880 1966613
Police 2 5545 306083
Post Offices 6 5546 306085 351899 352057 352059 529014
Postal Services 3 352055 352056 352058
Princes 1 306515
Princes | Princesses | Queens | Royalty 1 352065
Princes | Royalty 14 351850 351852 351856 352062 352063 529043 529044 529045 1734669 529046
Princesses 17 306176 306177 351790 351791 351792 351793 351794 351795 351796 306514
Princesses | Royalty 7 351797 351798 352060 352061 528978 528979 528980
Promotional Posters 1 352005
Queens 11 1734665 306457 306458 306459 306460 351844 352133 352134 352135 352136
Queens | Royalty 4 351841 351842 351843 352064
Radio 1 306110
Religion 1 351976
Revolutionaries 4 529006 529007 529008 529009
Revolutions 2 1734680 1734681
Revolutions | Sailing Ships | Ships 1 1734678
Rock Art and Cave Paintings 2 528969 528971
Rotary 2 352175 352176
Royalty 11 306247 306461 306510 306511 306512 306513 351854 306300 306301 528981
Royalty | Weddings 7 351743 351744 351747 351749 351750 351751 351752
Sailing 13 306475 351774 351808 529097 351873 306289 306306 529180 351997 352006
Sailing Ships 10 5552 5553 5554 5555 306541 306543 306544 306527 306545 306546
Sailing Ships | Shipbuilding 2 351716 351868
Sailing Ships | Shipbuilding | Ships 5 5603 306172 351717 351719 306492
Sailing Ships | Ships 26 253601 351720 306542 351872 351876 352131 203917 203918 203919 203920
Sailing Ships | Ships | Statues 1 306547
Schools 3 306065 306112 351896
Scouting 12 5556 5557 5558 5559 5596 5597 253626 253628 351807 306523
Sea 18 1734639 1734640 1734641 1734642 1734643 1734644 1734645 1734646 1734651 1734653
Shells 1 352098
Shipbuilding 1 306107
Shipbuilding | Ships 1 306246
Ships 3 1734664 351870 352011
Shops 1 306115
Spacecrafts 4 529002 529003 529004 529005
Stained-glass 14 306134 306135 306136 306137 306138 351831 351832 351833 351834 351835
Stamps 9 253603 306403 306405 306406 1591560 529155 529157 529158 529159
Statues 1 253596
Sunsets / Sunrises 1 351810
Telephones 5 352163 352164 352165 352166 352167
Tobacco 1 352030
Toys 6 529032 529033 529034 529035 529039 529036
Trees 3 5586 306373 352050
U.N.O. 4 352086 352087 352088 352089
Universities 2 528997 528998
Women 2 1734676 1734677