Overall | Completeness | Collection | Histo3 | Histo4 | Images | Additions | | Stamp statistics | Thing statistics

Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Iran

| xl_type | xl_state | Count: | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Issued on: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Colors: | Face value: | Variants: | Themes: | Description: | Size: | Gum: | Paper: | Watermark: | Expiry date: | Print run: | Related items: | Tags:

11 distinct values for Watermark: among 4472 xlinks.

Crown in a circle 110 278967 475834 475835 475836 475837 475838 475841 475842 278968 475849
Djomhouri Eslami Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran) in persian script 443 776588 776589 776590 776591 279061 279062 279063 279064 279065 279066
Lion 86 474564 474565 474566 474567 474568 474569 474570 474571 474572 474573
Lion and sun in a circle 753 278970 475861 475862 475863 475864 475865 475866 475867 475868 475869
Lion, sun and crown 78 45134 45135 45136 45137 45138 45139 45140 45141 45142 45143
NO wm 1 1314472
Persian inscription 176 45159 278937 475692 475693 475694 475695 475696 45166 45168 475697
no watermark 1 1314392
no wmk 1 1314363
without 2 1314389 1314394
without watermark 4 278932 1314372 278931 1313937