Overall | Completeness | Collection | Histo3 | Histo4 | Images | Additions | | Stamp statistics | Thing statistics

Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Russia 2015

| xl_type | xl_state | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Size: | Colors: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Gum: | Paper: | Face value: | Print run: | Related items: | Description: | Variants:

5 distinct values for Format: among 333 xlinks.

Mini Sheet 80 1544495 1709161 1709163 1709165 1709167 1709169 1709170 1709171 1709172 1709173
Se-tenant 14 1709162 1544498 1544499 1544500 1544510 1544519 2346580 2346581 2346586 1777385
Souvenir Sheet 12 1544549 1544550 1544552 1544553 1544554 1544555 1709302 1709303 1709304 1709305
Stamp 166 1544492 1544493 1544494 1544496 1544497 2346579 1709164 1709166 1709168 1544501
Stamp with Attached Label 30 1777366 1777367 1777368 1777371 1777374 1777375 1777376 1777377 1777378 1777379