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Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Montenegro 1879 page 1

| xl_type | xl_state | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Size: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Colors: | Face value: | Description:

5 distinct values for Description: among 10 xlinks.

Small irregular wide teeth. Tighter solid transparent paer. Watermark "BRIEF-MARKEN".Irregular perforation (so called Montenegro teeth). Some lines in the drawing are thicker, and some stamps are even stained so the whole picture works rougher. This is because the printing plates after the first issue have not been adequately maintained (cleaned) and as such has been used for the printing of the second issue. 1 1768948
Small irregular wide teeth. Tighter solid transparent paper. Irregular perforation (so called Montenegro teeth). Watermark "BRIEF-MARKEN". Some lines in the drawing are thicker, and some stamps are even stained so the whole picture works rougher. This is because the printing plates after the first issue have not been adequately maintained (cleaned) and as such has been used for the printing of the second issue. 1 1768945
Small irregular wide teeth. Tighter solid transparent paper. Watermark "BRIEF-MARKEN". Irregular perforation (so called Montenegro teeth). Some lines in the drawing are thicker, and some stamps are even stained so the whole picture works rougher. This is because the printing plates after the first issue have not been adequately maintained (cleaned) and as such has been used for the printing of the second issue. 1 1768949
Small irregular wide teeth. Tighter solid transparent paper. Watermark "BRIEF-MARKEN". Some lines in the drawing are thicker, and some stamps are even stained so the whole picture works rougher. This is because the printing plates after the first issue have not been adequately maintained (cleaned) and as such has been used for the printing of the second issue. 5 1768940 1768942 1768944 1768946 1768947
Small irregular wide teeth. Tighter solid transparent paper. Watermark "BRIEF-MARKEN".Irregular perforation (so called Montenegro teeth). Some lines in the drawing are thicker, and some stamps are even stained so the whole picture works rougher. This is because the printing plates after the first issue have not been adequately maintained (cleaned) and as such has been used for the printing of the second issue. 2 1768941 1768943