Overall | Completeness | Collection | Histo3 | Histo4 | Images | Additions | | Stamp statistics | Thing statistics

Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Palau

| xl_type | xl_state | Count: | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Colors: | Face value: | Size: | Description: | Tags: | Related items: | Gum: | Variants:

7 distinct values for Format: among 3838 xlinks.

Booklet 8 2103154 2103155 2103156 2103170 2103171 465558 465559 465563
First Day Cover 10 465505 465507 465509 465511 465577 465579 465581 465583 465636 465649
Mini Sheet 370 1699570 779647 182492 182493 1543464 2342478 1773428 2342552 779618 1774017
Se-tenant 63 2103228 65771 292701 465651 1773415 465499 1543408 465504 1543409 2103129
Souvenir Sheet 274 2053571 2103229 2103230 2103231 2103232 2103233 2103234 182494 182495 779648
Stamp 2712 465655 465656 465657 465658 465659 779620 779621 779622 779623 465660
Stamp with Attached Label 3 2342518 2342519 2342520