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Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Portugal

| xl_type | xl_state | Count: | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Size: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Gum: | Colors: | Face value: | Print run: | Paper: | Description: | Variants: | Expiry date: | Related items: | Watermark: | Tags:

171 distinct values for Related items: among 7098 xlinks.

Philatelic Product: 5 Centuries Tile in Portugal (Portugal) Philatelic Product: Portugal (Portugal) 1 339031
Philatelic Product: 14º Cent. da Chegada à Península de S. Martinho de Dume (Portugal) 2 96312 780229
Philatelic Product: 150 Anos de Independência do Brasil (Portugal) 4 131812 131813 455003 455004
Philatelic Product: 150º anos da Secretaria de Estado dos Negócios da Fazenda (Portugal) 2 96315 96316
Philatelic Product: 18ª Conferência Internacional do Escutismo (Portugal) 6 71864 71865 71866 71867 71868 71869
Philatelic Product: 19th Century Professions (Portugal) 5 341423 341424 341425 341426 341427
Philatelic Product: 1ª Travessia Aérea do Atlântico Sul (Portugal) 4 131814 131815 131816 131827
Philatelic Product: 1º Cent. do Ministério das Obras Públicas (Portugal) 4 96270 96271 96272 96273
Philatelic Product: 1º Cent. do Nascimento de Guilherme Gomes Fernandes (Portugal) 2 780230 780231
Philatelic Product: 1º Cent. do Nascimento do Prof. Doutor Ferreira da Silva (Portugal) 2 96343 96344
Philatelic Product: 1º Centenário da Morte de Alexandre Herculano (Portugal) 2 294423 294424
Philatelic Product: 1º cent. do Nascimento do Prof. Doutor Gomes Teixeira (Portugal) 2 96268 96269
Philatelic Product: 1º centenário do nascimento de Guerra Junqueiro (Portugal) 2 96241 96242
Philatelic Product: 25º Aniversário do Ministério das Comunicações (Portugal) 3 131845 131846 131847
Philatelic Product: 25º aniversário da Revolução Nacional de 28 de maio de 1926 (Portugal) 2 96251 96252
Philatelic Product: 30 years UNO (Portugal) 3 294282 294283 294284
Philatelic Product: 30º Aniversário da Obra das Mães pela Educação Nacional (Portugal) 3 72028 72029 72030
Philatelic Product: 3º Aniversário da OTAN (Portugal) 2 96264 96265
Philatelic Product: 3º Congresso Nacional de Pesca (Portugal) 2 96243 96244
Philatelic Product: 4º Cent. da Morte de S. Francisco Xavier (Portugal) 4 96274 96275 96276 96277
Philatelic Product: 4º Centenário da Morte de S. João de Deus (Portugal) 6 96233 96234 96235 96236 96237 96238
Philatelic Product: 500 Years of Travel Top of Bartolomeu Dias (Portugal) 2 339155 339156
Philatelic Product: 5th Centuries Tile in Portugal - XV Century - Reason 1 (Portugal) 1 72169
Philatelic Product: 5th centenary of the birth of Vasco da Gama (Portugal) 4 72063 72064 72065 72066
Philatelic Product: 5º Cent. do nascimento da Rainha Dona Leonor (Portugal) 4 96370 96371 96372 96373
Philatelic Product: 5º centenário do povoamento da ilha Terceira (Portugal) 2 96249 96250
Philatelic Product: 750th Anniversary of the Death of St. Anthony of Lisbon (Portugal) 2 72174 72175
Philatelic Product: 8º Campeonato do Mundo de Hóquei em Patins (Portugal) 2 96266 96267
Philatelic Product: 8º Dia do Selo (Portugal) 3 71877 71878 71879
Philatelic Product: Aero club of portugal (Portugal) 4 71826 71827 71828 71829
Philatelic Product: Alcaide de Faria (Portugal) 2 131862 455007
Philatelic Product: Alfabetização (Portugal) 4 294359 294361 294363 294365
Philatelic Product: Almeida Garrett (Portugal) 4 96352 96353 96354 96355
Philatelic Product: Ano Europeu de Protecção do Património Arquitectónico (Portugal) 3 294292 294293 294294
Philatelic Product: Ano Internacional da Mulher (Portugal) 4 294295 294296 294297 294298
Philatelic Product: Ano Santo (Portugal) 7 96229 96230 96231 96232 294271 294272 294273
Philatelic Product: Apoio à Produção Nacional (Portugal) 2 294343 294344
Philatelic Product: Arcanjo São Gabriel (Portugal) 2 71862 71863
Philatelic Product: Assembleia Constituinte (Portugal) 2 294277 294278
Philatelic Product: Automóvel Clube de Portugal (Portugal) 2 780232 780233
Philatelic Product: B.I.E. (Portugal) 2 294517 294518
Philatelic Product: Banco Nacional Ultramarino (Portugal) 3 71909 71910 71911
Philatelic Product: Beja - 2000 Anos (Portugal) 3 294248 294249 294250
Philatelic Product: Benfica (Portugal) 2 71883 71884
Philatelic Product: Bicentenário da Cidade de Pinhel (Portugal) 3 131791 131792 131793
Philatelic Product: C.E.P.T. - Bridge (Portugal) 1 338962
Philatelic Product: C.E.P.T. Postal history souvenir sheet (Portugal) 1 294539
Philatelic Product: C.E.P.T.- Folklore (Portugal) 3 72172 72173 72193
Philatelic Product: Cabo Submarino Portugal-Inglaterra (Portugal) 4 72089 72090 72091 72092
Philatelic Product: Campanha Mundial Contra a Fome (Portugal) 3 71885 71886 71887
Philatelic Product: Campanha de Educação Popular (Portugal) 4 96317 96318 96319 96320
Philatelic Product: Castelo Branco (Portugal) 3 131766 131767 131778
Philatelic Product: Cent. do Nascimento de Gago Coutinho (Portugal) 4 72060 72061 72068 72062
Philatelic Product: Centenário da Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Portugal) 3 294373 294374 294375
Philatelic Product: Centenário da UPU (Portugal) 6 294236 294237 294238 294239 294240 294241
Philatelic Product: Centenário de Marconi (Portugal) 3 294225 294226 294227
Philatelic Product: Centenário do Caminho de Ferro a Norte do Rio Douro (Portugal) 2 294425 294426
Philatelic Product: Centenário do Nascimento de Vianna da Motta (Portugal) 2 72058 72059
Philatelic Product: Centenário dos Transportes Públicos do Porto (Portugal) 3 131857 131858 131859
Philatelic Product: Cesário verde (Portugal) 2 96356 96357
Philatelic Product: Children's drawings (Portugal) 1 339133
Philatelic Product: Cidade de Santarém (Portugal) 2 72097 72098
Philatelic Product: Cinquentenário da Guarda Nacional Republicana (Portugal) 3 71859 71860 71861
Philatelic Product: Cinquentenário da Liga dos Combatentes (Portugal) 3 131860 131861 455006
Philatelic Product: Coimbra University (Portugal) 1 131818
Philatelic Product: Colégio Militar (Portugal) 2 96321 96322
Philatelic Product: Colóquios dos Simples de Garcia D'Orta (Portugal) 3 71906 71907 71908
Philatelic Product: Conferência Postal de Paris (Portugal) 3 71888 71889 71890
Philatelic Product: Congresso Luso-Hispano-Americano de Geologia Económica (Portugal) 4 131762 131763 131764 131765
Philatelic Product: Constituição de 1976 (Portugal) 1 294380
Philatelic Product: Covilhã Cidade (Portugal) 2 72087 72088
Philatelic Product: Código Civil (Portugal) 3 71995 71996 71997
Philatelic Product: Damião de Góis (Portugal) 3 294216 294217 294218
Philatelic Product: Declaration of Human Rights (Portugal) 1 294486
Philatelic Product: Dia de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas (Portugal) 2 294413 294414
Philatelic Product: Dinamização Cultural (Portugal) 3 294265 294266 294267
Philatelic Product: Educação Permanente (Portugal) 4 294415 294416 294417 294418
Philatelic Product: Egas Moniz (Portugal) 3 294257 294258 294259
Philatelic Product: Encerramento do Ano Santo (Portugal) 4 96245 96246 96247 96248
Philatelic Product: Escultores Portugueses (Portugal) 6 131753 131754 131755 131756 131757 131758
Philatelic Product: Estações Terrenas - Via Satélite (Portugal) 3 294222 294223 294224
Philatelic Product: Europa (C.E.P.T.) 1980 - Famous People (Portugal) 1 72147
Philatelic Product: Europa (C.E.P.T.) 1980 - Famous People (Portugal) Philatelic Product: Europa (Portugal) 2 72121 72122
Philatelic Product: Europa (Portugal) 35 71898 71899 71900 71915 71916 71917 71969 71970 71971 72025
Philatelic Product: Europa (Portugal) Philatelic Product: Europa 1976 International Collection (Portugal) 2 294345 294346
Philatelic Product: Europa C.E.P.T (Portugal) 3 131797 131798 131799
Philatelic Product: Europa C.E.P.T. (Portugal) 1 294437
Philatelic Product: Expo'70 (Portugal) 3 72085 72086 72100
Philatelic Product: Famous people (Portugal) 6 294527 294528 294529 294530 294531 294532
Philatelic Product: Fatima Apparitions - 50th. Anniv. (Portugal) 4 71991 71992 71993 71994
Philatelic Product: Fundação da Cidade de S. Paulo (Portugal) 4 96323 96324 96325 96326
Philatelic Product: Gnr (Portugal) 1 339076
Philatelic Product: II Cent. da Fundação de S. Diego (Portugal) 3 72055 72056 72057
Philatelic Product: II Cent. da Imprensa Nacional (Portugal) 3 72050 72051 72067
Philatelic Product: II Centenário do Ensino Primário Oficial (Portugal) 4 131853 131854 131855 131856
Philatelic Product: IV Cent. de Os Lusíadas (Portugal) 3 131824 131825 131826
Philatelic Product: Iaf (Portugal) 4 294285 294286 294287 294288
Philatelic Product: Int. Stampexhibition BRASILIANA (Portugal) 6 294519 294520 294521 294522 294523 294524
Philatelic Product: International Stamp Exhibition - INTERPHIL76 (Portugal) Philatelic Product: Interphil 76 (Portugal) 1 294347
Philatelic Product: International Year of the Child Portugal (Portugal) 5 294509 294510 294511 294512 294540
Philatelic Product: Interphil 76 (Portugal) 2 294348 294349
Philatelic Product: Invenção do Telefone (Portugal) 2 294341 294342
Philatelic Product: Jogos Olímpicos (Portugal) 6 131803 131804 131805 131806 131807 131808
Philatelic Product: Lei das Sesmarias (Portugal) 3 294350 294352 294354
Philatelic Product: Lubrapex 76 (Portugal) 2 294371 294372
Philatelic Product: Lubrapex-80 (Portugal) 1 72149
Philatelic Product: Luta Contra o Alcoolismo (Portugal) 3 294399 294400 294401
Philatelic Product: MFA 25 de abril (Portugal) 3 294254 294255 294256
Philatelic Product: Madeira Lubrapex (Portugal) 7 72034 72035 72036 72037 72038 72039 72040
Philatelic Product: Marechal Carmona (Portugal) 3 72079 72080 72081
Philatelic Product: Moinhos Portugueses (Portugal) 6 131744 131745 131746 131747 131748 131749
Philatelic Product: Movimento 25 de abril (Portugal) 3 294268 294269 294270
Philatelic Product: Museu Nacional dos Coches (Portugal) 8 96256 96257 96258 96259 96260 96261 96262 96263
Philatelic Product: Mártires do Brasil (Portugal) 3 131771 131772 131773
Philatelic Product: Mês Internacional do Coração (Portugal) 3 131794 131795 131796
Philatelic Product: Natal (Portugal) 7 294251 294252 294253 294433 294434 294435 294436
Philatelic Product: National Health Service (Portugal) 2 294533 294534
Philatelic Product: Novo Estaleiro Naval de Lisboa (Portugal) 4 71998 71999 72000 72001
Philatelic Product: Olympic Games (Portugal) 4 71920 71923 71924 71925
Philatelic Product: Olympic Games 1988 - Seoul (Portugal) 4 339172 339173 339174 339175
Philatelic Product: Ordem Militar de Avis (Portugal) 3 71895 71896 71897
Philatelic Product: Organização Internacional do Trabalho (Portugal) 3 72052 72053 72054
Philatelic Product: Organização Mundial da Saúde (Portugal) 3 72031 72032 72033
Philatelic Product: Peanuts - Snoopy (FDC of set) (Portugal) 6 341632 341633 341634 341635 341636 341637
Philatelic Product: Pedro Hispano (Portugal) 2 294411 294412
Philatelic Product: Pela Criança (Portugal) 3 131842 131843 131844
Philatelic Product: Plant Research Station at Elvas, 25th anniversary (Portugal) 3 72082 72083 72099
Philatelic Product: Portucale 77 (Portugal) 10 294367 294368 294369 294370 294427 294428 294429 294430 294431 294432
Philatelic Product: Portugal (Portugal) 3 338961 96423 341615
Philatelic Product: Portugal no Conselho da Europa (Portugal) 2 294397 294398
Philatelic Product: Portuguese Musicians (Portugal) 6 294242 294243 294244 294245 294246 294247
Philatelic Product: Prevenção das Doenças Reumáticas (Portugal) 3 294406 294407 294408
Philatelic Product: Prever e Prevenir a Cegueira (Portugal) 3 294381 294382 294383
Philatelic Product: Princesa Santa Joana (Portugal) 2 96302 96303
Philatelic Product: Productivity Conference 1972 (Portugal) 3 131832 131833 131834
Philatelic Product: Protecção à Natureza (Portugal) 4 131774 131775 131776 131777
Philatelic Product: Rallye Internacional (Portugal) 3 294279 294280 294281
Philatelic Product: Recursos Naturais (Portugal) 12 294402 294403 294404 294405 294419 294420 294421 294422 294450 294451
Philatelic Product: Recursos Naturais - Energia (Portugal) 5 294384 294385 294386 294387 294388
Philatelic Product: Recursos Naturais - Água (Portugal) 4 294376 294377 294378 294379
Philatelic Product: Refinaria do Porto (Portugal) 4 72075 72076 72077 72078
Philatelic Product: Reforma Pombalina da Universidade (Portugal) 3 131809 131810 131811
Philatelic Product: Reis de Portugal da Primeira Dinastia (Portugal) 9 96329 96330 96331 96332 96333 96334 96335 96336 96337
Philatelic Product: Salazar (Portugal) 3 131759 131760 131761
Philatelic Product: Segurança Rodoviária (Portugal) 6 294454 294455 294456 294457 294458 294459
Philatelic Product: Serviço Metereológico Nacional (Portugal) 3 131768 131769 131770
Philatelic Product: Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (Portugal) 2 294339 294340
Philatelic Product: Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (Portugal) 3 294289 294290 294291
Philatelic Product: Stamps Of All Nations (Portugal) 1 339070
Philatelic Product: São Vicente Paulo (Portugal) 4 71891 71892 71893 71894
Philatelic Product: The Stamps and the Senses (Portugal) 5 485457 485458 485459 485460 485461
Philatelic Product: Tomada de Évora aos Mouros (Portugal) 2 71964 71965
Philatelic Product: Torre dos Clérigos, Porto (Portugal) 1 131785
Philatelic Product: UNESCO (Portugal) 1 339183
Philatelic Product: Uprooted tree in the door with the inscription PAX (Portugal) Philatelic Product: Ano Mundial do Refugiado (Portugal) 3 71823 71824 71825
Philatelic Product: V Cent. do Nascimento de Pedro Álvares Cabral (Portugal) 3 72044 72045 72046
Philatelic Product: Vinho do Porto (Portugal) 4 72093 72094 72095 72096
Philatelic Product: Visita do Presidente da República do Brasil (Portugal) 4 131838 131839 131840 131841
Philatelic Product: Walt Disney and Sketches (FDC) (Portugal) 2 341744 341743
Philatelic Product: Water mills (Portugal) 1 339085
Philatelic Product: Writing desk and computer (Portugal) 1 294445
Philatelic Product: X Aniversário da TAP (Portugal) 3 71901 71902 71903
Philatelic Product: XIII Congresso da IRU (Portugal) 3 131800 131801 131802
Philatelic Product: XXI Jogos Olímpicos de Montreal (Portugal) 3 294356 294357 294358
Postcard: Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo) (Portugal) 2 339458 485033
Postcard: Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) (Portugal) 4 339151 339152 339153 339154
Stamp: 100th Anniversary - The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (Slovakia) Stamp: 100th anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (Poland) 1 1776208
Stamp: 100th anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (Poland) 1 1776209
Stamp: Marquis of Pombal (Madeira Islands) 1 71733
Stamp: Monument of the Marquis of Pombal (Madeira Islands) 1 71735
Stamp: Planning the Rebuilding of Lisboa after Earthquake (Madeira Islands) 1 71734