Overall | Completeness | Collection | Histo3 | Histo4 | Images | Additions | | Stamp statistics | Thing statistics

Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Maldives 1994

| xl_type | xl_state | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Colors: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Face value: | Size: | Description:

19 distinct values for Series: among 240 xlinks.

1994 World Cup Soccer Championships, US 15 1990076 1990077 1990078 1990079 1990080 1990081 1990082 1990083 1990084 1990085
1994 World Cup Soccer, US 10 1989978 1989979 1989980 1989981 1989982 1989983 1989984 1989985 1989986 1989987
50th Anniversary International Civil Aviation Organization 1 2048995
Aminiya School, 50th Anniv. 7 1989959 1989960 1989961 1989962 1989963 1989964 1989965
Birds definitives 3 778267 778268 778269
D-Day, 50th Anniv. 4 1990091 1990092 1990093 1990094
Dinosaurs 36 1989913 1989914 1989915 1989916 1989917 1989918 1990020 1989919 1990021 1990022
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 1 1989912
Domestic Cats 15 1463220 1463221 1463222 1990066 1990067 1990068 1990069 1990070 1463223 1990071
Fine Art 15 1989905 1989906 1989907 1989908 1989909 1989910 1989911 1989970 1989971 1989972
First Manned Moon Landing, 25th Anniv. 15 1989932 1989933 1989934 1989935 1989936 1989937 1989938 1989939 1989940 1989941
Hong Kong '94 7 286610 286611 286612 286613 286614 286615 286616
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 50th Anniv 7 1990100 1990101 1990102 1990103 1990104 1990105 1990106
International Olympic Committee (IOC), Centenary 3 1990095 1990096 1990097
Locomotives 17 1990049 1990050 1990051 1990052 1990053 1990054 1990055 1990056 1990057 1990058
Philakorea '94 13 1989920 1989921 1989922 1989923 1989924 1989925 1989926 1989927 1989928 1989929
Sierra Club, Cent. 32 1989995 1989996 1989997 1989998 1989999 1990000 1990001 1990002 1990003 1990004
Space Exploration 15 1989946 1989947 1989948 1989949 1989950 1989951 1989952 1989953 1989954 1989955
UN Development Plan 2 1990098 1990099