Overall | Completeness | Collection | Histo3 | Histo4 | Images | Additions | | Stamp statistics | Thing statistics

Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Bahamas

| xl_type | xl_state | Count: | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Colors: | Face value: | Watermark: | Paper: | Description: | Size: | Variants: | Related items: | Expiry date:

19 distinct values for Watermark: among 2094 xlinks.

Crown and CA 21 76551 76552 76553 76554 76555 76557 76559 76560 76564 76565
Crown and CA, descending, multiple 14 1737865 1737866 1737867 1737868 1737869 1737870 1737871 1737872 1737873 1737874
Crown and CC 18 76562 76572 76573 76574 109853 109855 109856 109857 109860 109863
Crown and Script CA, descending, multiple 42 255377 255378 255379 255380 255381 255382 255383 255384 255385 255386
Crown, CA falling, multiple 6 362042 362043 362044 362045 2077215 1667331
Crown, CA falling, multiple, sideways 8 1970131 362047 362048 362049 362050 362051 362052 362053
Crown, CA in script, multiple 1 361834
Crowns, multiple 4 362055 362056 362057 362058
Crowns, multiple, sideways 10 362059 362060 362061 362062 1970133 2310652 243663 243664 243665 243666
Multi Crown and script CA 3 76581 76582 76583
Multiple Crown and Script 1 2492814
Multiple Crown and Script CA 53 76585 76586 76587 76588 76589 76590 76591 76592 76593 255172
None 16 2310662 2310663 2310664 2310665 1667348 1667349 1667350 1667351 2310669 2310670
St. Edward´s Crown and CA, multiple 19 76652 76653 76655 76656 76657 76660 76661 76663 76664 1970134
St. Edward´s Crown and CA, multiple, sideways 6 243683 243684 243685 1737859 1737860 1737858
multiple crown and CA 37 76576 76577 76578 76579 255166 255167 255168 255169 255170 109880
multiple crown and CA, sideways 5 109895 109896 109897 109898 109899
no watermark 4 109839 109843 109846 109847
without watermark 7 1737876 1737877 1737878 1737879 1737880 1737881 1969933