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AIDS 3 367128 367129 367130
Agricultural Machinery | Agriculture | Cattle 1 259104
Agriculture 1 1673606
Agriculture | Canals 1 259015
Agriculture | Fishery | Fishing-boats 2 1673604 1673605
Air Forces | Aircraft | Aviation 2 258887 258888
Aircraft | Airlines | Airports | Aviation 1 258900
Aircraft | Airlines | Anniversaries and Jubilees | Aviation 3 2030304 2030305 2030306
Aircraft | Airlines | Aviation 2 258901 258902
Aircraft | Airports | Aviation 3 197632 197633 367154
Aircraft | Anniversaries and Jubilees | Aviation | Globes | Maps | Ships | Steamers | U.P.U. 1 184136
Aircraft | Anniversaries and Jubilees | Clouds | Globes | Gods and goddesses | Letters (Mail) | Ships | U.P.U. 1 184135
Airports 1 367170
Animals (Fauna) | Birds 10 521570 521571 521572 259110 367155 367156 367176 367178 367179 367180
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Kingfishers 4 521577 521578 521579 521580
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Parrots 2 367175 367177
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Pheasants 1 367157
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Pheasants | W.W.F. 5 521617 521618 521620 521622 521624
Animals (Fauna) | Birds | Pheasants | WWF 4 521616 521619 521621 521623
Animals (Fauna) | Butterflies | Insects 9 1518227 1518228 1518229 1518230 1972111 1972112 1972113 1740502 2030310
Animals (Fauna) | Crustaceans | Fishery | Fishes | Sea Life 1 258978
Animals (Fauna) | Fishery | Fishes | Fishing-boats | Sea Life 3 258990 258991 258992
Animals (Fauna) | Fishes 3 367143 367144 367145
Animals (Fauna) | Fishes | Molluscs | Sea Life 1 1740530
Animals (Fauna) | Fishes | Sea Life 3 1740518 1740519 1740521
Animals (Fauna) | Heads of State | Reptiles | Sea Life | Turtles 3 1673617 1673618 1673619
Animals (Fauna) | Insects | Malaria | Mosquitos | W.H.O. 1 259131
Animals (Fauna) | Mammals | Monkeys 3 367125 367126 367127
Animals (Fauna) | Mammals | Monkeys | WWF 4 367137 367138 367139 367140
Animals (Fauna) | Molluscs | Sea Life 1 1740520
Animals (Fauna) | Monkeys | W.W.F. 4 521672 521673 521674 521675
Animals (Fauna) | Sea Life 3 1740497 1740498 1740500
Animals (Fauna) | Sea Life | Starfish 1 1740499
Animals (Fauna) | Sea Life | Turtles 1 1673616
Anniversaries and Jubilees 17 1673612 1673613 1673614 1972105 1972106 1972107 1972108 1972109 1972110 1972114
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Authors | Famous People | Heads of State | Literary People (Poets and Writers) | Literature | Nobel Laureates | Politicians 6 197637 197638 184200 184201 184202 184203
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Clouds | Globes | Gods and goddesses | Letters (Mail) | Maps | Postal Unions | U.P.U. 1 184137
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Coats of Arms | Royalty | Sultan 2 2030308 2311962
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Communication | Telecommunication | U.I.T. | U.N.O. 2 184194 184195
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Education | U.N.O. | UNESCO 1 184208
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Globes | Gods and goddesses | Monuments | Postal Unions | U.P.U. 3 197634 197635 197636
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Monuments | Postal Unions | U.P.U. 1 184138
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Museums 3 1673635 1673637 1673638
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Police 1 2311961
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Postal Unions | U.N.O. | U.P.U. 1 1740514
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Science | U.N.O. | UNESCO 1 184209
Anniversaries and Jubilees | Scouting 3 2311958 2311959 2311960
Anniversaries and Jubilees | U.N.O. | UNESCO 1 184210
Architecture | Buildings | Townscapes / City Views 1 1740529
Aviation 2 259058 259059
Aviation | Helicopters 4 259061 1673645 1673647 1673651
Aviation | Helicopters | Military Forces 2 197613 259063
Birds 1 259141
Bridges 2 521606 521610
Buildings 17 184218 184219 1972089 1740522 1740523 1740524 1740531 184206 184207 197605
Buildings | Government Buildings 2 258996 258997
Buildings | Palaces 1 259001
Buildings | Triangle Stamps 1 184217
Canoeing | Houses | Palm-trees | Rivers | Trees | Water 1 184164
Children | Hands 1 761178
Children | International Years | Sultan | U.N.O. 1 258921
Children | Scouting 1 521626
Coats of Arms 2 258906 258913
Coffee | Organizations 1 259027
Communication | Satellite Dishes | Satellites 1 258986
Crowns and Coronets 15 184078 184079 184080 184081 184082 184083 184084 184085 184086 184087
Crowns and Coronets | Queens | Royalty | Sultan 1 258911
Disabled | International Years | Wheelchair Driving 1 258959
Disabled | Sports 1 761180
Education | Students | Teachers 2 367141 367142
Families 2 367146 367147
Families | Hearts 1 367148
Famous People | Men | Princes | Princesses | Royalty | Weddings | Women 1 258954
Famous People | Men | Princes | Royalty | Weddings 1 258953
Fishing-boats 1 258955
Flags 4 258979 1972081 259091 1972072
Flags | Heads of State 1 28170
Flags | International Years | Scouting 1 259030
Flags | Maps 1 259142
Flags | Rivers 1 184185
Flowers 2 521650 521651
Flowers | Orchids | Plants (Flora) 6 761163 761164 761165 761166 761167 761168
Flowers | Plants (Flora) 5 2078582 2078583 2078584 521647 1740496
Flowers | Royalty | Weddings 1 258952
Football (Soccer) 1 258987
Football (Soccer) | Sports 2 184204 184205
Forests | Trees 2 259016 259017
Freedom from hunger 1 184193
Fruits 4 259105 259145 259147 259148
Fruits | Plants (Flora) 11 259077 259093 259094 259095 259103 259107 259108 259146 367132 367133
Fruits | Plants (Flora) | Sultan 1 259106
Golden Objects 3 258877 258941 258972
Hands 2 184196 184197
Hands | International Years | Sultan 1 259072
Heads of State 30 28171 28172 28173 28174 28175 28176 28177 28178 28180 28182
Heads of State | Sultan 33 28181 28184 28185 197625 197626 197628 197631 521566 761170 761174
Hearts 3 367158 367159 367160
Houses 5 28164 184158 28166 258880 184157
Houses | Rivers | Trees 63 184142 184144 184145 184147 184160 184161 184162 184165 184166 184167
Human Rights 6 184220 184221 184222 258917 258918 258919
International Years | Scouting 2 259031 259032
International Years | Seals (Emblems) | Sultan | U.N.O. 1 258922
Landscapes | Rivers | Waterfalls 1 521608
Letters (Mail) 1 258984
Lifeboats 1 197614
Malaria 2 259132 259133
Maps 2 259002 259089
Martial Arts 2 521582 367166
Medical Science | Science | Sultan 1 258962
Mosque 8 184189 184190 184191 258879 258881 258886 259000 259143
Mosque | Sultan 1 521669
Museums 3 258878 367120 367121
Muslim 4 521601 521603 521604 521605
Oil Rigs 5 197602 197603 197604 259149 259153
Organizations 3 259028 259029 259043
Palaces 1 259064
Petrochemical Industries 1 259151
Philatelic Exhibitions | Stamps 1 259020
Philatelic Exhibitions | Stamps | Stars 1 259022
Plants (Flora) 2 1740494 1740495
Police 5 197615 197616 197617 258892 258893
Politicians 2 258896 258897
Post Offices 5 1673634 1673589 1673590 1673591 1673592
Queens 1 258908
Railways 2 1673641 259152
Rivers 3 197618 197619 197620
Royalty 4 258889 258890 258894 258895
Royalty | Sultan 1 1740513
Satellite Dishes 1 258923
Satellites 1 258924
Schools 1 521639
Scouting 9 259036 259037 259038 521597 521598 521599 521600 2120650 2120651
Second World War 2 1740504 1740507
Ships 1 259150
Ships | Universities 1 367172
Silver Objects 1 258966
Sports 1 1972090
Stadiums 1 258989
Stamps 1 259018
Suits and Costumes 1 2311963
Sultan 8 259041 259047 259049 259050 259051 259052 259054 521625
Telecommunication 2 258944 258945
Telephones 2 258985 258925
Tourism 1 521587
Trees 1 259014
U.N.O. 4 259026 1972065 1972066 1972067
U.P.U. 3 1740515 1740516 259057
Uniforms 1 197612
W.H.O. 3 184223 184224 184225
Weapons 7 258940 258947 258948 258949 258950 258971 258974