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Statistics for all sublinks of Colnect Poland 1918

| xl_type | xl_state | Country: | Series: | Catalog codes: | Themes: | Issued on: | Colors: | Format: | Emission: | Perforation: | Printing: | Watermark: | Face value: | Print run: | Description: | Variants:

10 distinct values for Description: among 81 xlinks.

City views, with an open sky without sunbeams 3 69086 69088 69090
City views, with an open sky without sunbeams: 3 69085 69087 69089
City views, with the text "Rada Miejska" and sunbeams, in Groszy currency 6 69093 69094 69095 69096 69097 69098
City views, with the text "Rada Miejska" and sunbeams, in Halerzy currency: 6 69101 69102 69103 69104 69105 69106
City views, with the text "Rada Miejska" but without sunbeams, in Halerzy currency: 6 69109 69110 69111 69112 69113 69114
Jan III Sobieski was elected king of Poland in the 17th century after defeating the Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Vienna in 1683. 1 69058
The Zygmunt column is a 22 mtr. high statue of Zygmunt III Waza on the Castle Square in Warsaw, erected in 1644. The bronze monument represents king Zygmunt III Waza in a coronation cloak over a suit of armour, a sabre and a cross in his hands. 1 69055
The eagle is the coat of arms of Poland. 1 69057
The mermaid figure is the coat of arms of Warsaw, called Syrena (Syren). Syrena in the Polish mythology is a draconian snake goddess or half woman, half fish being who protects the Vistula river and the Polish capital city, Warsaw. 2 69056 2345205
bundle of hay and hammers 8 69091 69092 69099 69100 69107 69108 69115 69116