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"Santa Maria" (synonym of Santa Maria)

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  • Colnect-1334-722-Santa-Maria.jpg
  • Colnect-2367-725-Santa-Mar-iacute-a-1492.jpg
  • Colnect-4373-793-Santa-Maria.jpg
  • Colnect-548-514-Exfina-89---Carabelas.jpg
  • Colnect-4323-011-STV-Pinta-Nina-Santa-Maria.jpg
  • Colnect-2928-489-Encounter-of-two-worlds.jpg
  • Colnect-1261-386-Santa-Maria.jpg
  • Colnect-4333-464--Santa-Maria--and-Isaac-Abravanel.jpg
  • Colnect-5778-824-Loss-of-Santa-Maria.jpg
  • Colnect-1106-858-Caravels-res-Nastorg.jpg
  • Colnect-4691-031-Columbus%E2%80%99-fleet.jpg
  • Colnect-1520-664-Cristov-atilde-o-Colombo-St-Maria.jpg
  • Colnect-3589-505-Christopher-Columbus.jpg
Name: "Santa Maria"
Type: sailing ship
Synonym of: Santa Maria

Appearing in designs:
"Nina", "Santa Maria" and "Pinta" Chile 3/31/1989 100p issue=Exfina '89
"Pinta", "Nina", "Santa Maria" Tristan da Cunha 1/23/1992 35p issue=WORLD COLUMBIAN STAMP EXPO '92
"Santa Maria" (47 stamps, Antigua & 29 others, 1981-2006, 1 is ovpt)
"Santa Maria" (1492) Mali 9/27/1971 100fr dt=famous ships (1971)
"Santa Maria" (Columbus) (4 stamps, Barbuda & 2 others, 1995-1998)
"Santa Maria" and 1922 Mexican Festival … Mexico 10/12/1987 150p issue=500th Anniversary of "Meeting of Two Worlds"
"Santa Maria" and Delphine Mongolia 9/4/1992 40t issue=500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America b
"Santa Maria" and Isaac Abravanel Sierra Leone 9/11/1987 5le issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America (1992)
"Santa Maria" sinking Grenada 4/29/1991 $6 issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America by Columbus - History of Exploration
"Santa Maria", "Nina" and "Pinta" (3 stamps, Cuba & 2 others, 1991-1992)
"Santa Maria", "Nina", and "Pinta" Niue 5/22/1992 $3 issue=500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America
"Santa Maria", "Pinta" and "Nina" Turks & Caicos Islands 1/21/1988 $2 issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America
Christopher Columbus, "Santa Maria" (4 stamps, Senegal & 3 others, 1982-1992)
Columbus and "Santa Maria" (3 stamps, Ghana & 2 others, 1950-1992)
Prev sailing ship: "San Telmo"
Next sailing ship: "Sedov"

Prev ship: "Santa Anna"
Next ship: "Santiago de Cuba"

Wikipedia article