Upper Volta starts

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
African and Malagasy Posts and Telecommunications Union founding 1961 - 10th Anniversary of ...
African and Malagasy Union founding 1961 - African & Malagasy Union
African Development Bank founding 1964 - ... 5th
African Post and Telecommunications Union founding 1975 - 5th Anniversary of ...
African Postal Union founding 1962 (2) - ... 2nd, ... 6th
Air Afrique founding 1961 (2) - 2nd Anniversary of ..., ...
ASECNA founding 1960 - ...
Winston Churchill birth 1874 - ... 100th syns. Churchill birth, Sir Winston Churchill birth, Winston Spencer Churchill birth
Cook birth 1728 syns. Captain Cook birth, Captain James Cook birth
ILO founding 1919 - ... 50th syns. I.L.O. founding, I.L.O founding
INTERPOL founding 1923 - 50th Anniversary of ...
ITU founding 1865 - ... Centenary syns. I.T.U. founding
Vladimir Lenin birth 1870 - ... centenary syns. Lenin birth, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin birth
Red Cross founding 1863 - ... 100th
Peter Paul Rubens birth 1577 - 400th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Rubens birth
Albert Schweitzer birth 1875 - ... 100th syns. Dr. Albert Schweitzer birth, Dr. Schweitzer birth
Heinrich von Stephan birth 1831 - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
UNESCO founding 1946 - ... 20th anniversary
UNICEF founding 1946 (2) - ... 20th anniversary, 25th Anniversary of ... syns. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund founding
United States founding 1776 syns. USA opening, United States of America founding
Universal Postal Union founding 1874 syns. UPU founding, U.P.U. founding
West African Economic Council founding 1975 - ... 5th
West African Rice Development Association founding 1971 - 10th Anniversary of ...
World Health Organization founding 1948 syns. WHO founding, W.H.O. founding

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