Oman starts

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
Arab League founding 1945 - 50th Anniversary of ...
Arab Postal Union founding 1954 - 25th Anniversary of ...
FIFA founding 1904 - ... 100th syns. International Federation of Football Associations founding
Gulf Air founding 1950 - 40th Anniversary of ...
Gulf Cooperation Council founding 1981 - 25th Anniversary of the ...
International Civil Aviation Organization founding 1944 syns. ICAO founding, I.C.A.O. founding
International Olympic Committee founding 1894 - 100th Anniversary of ... syns. IOC founding
Port Qabus opening 1974 - Inauguration of ...
Royal Air Force of Oman founding 1959 - 40th Anniversary of ...
Salalah Port Container Terminal opening 1998 - Inauguration of ...
Statue of Liberty dedication 1886 - 100th Anniversary of ... syns. Statue of Liberty creation
Sultan Qabus Sports Complex opening 1986 - Inauguration of ...
UNICEF founding 1946 (2) - 25th Anniversary of ..., 50th Anniversary of ... syns. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund founding
UN founding 1945 - 50th Anniversary of the ...
Universal Postal Union founding 1874 syns. UPU founding, U.P.U. founding
World Health Organization founding 1948 syns. WHO founding, W.H.O. founding

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