Rwanda starts

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
African Development Bank founding 1964 (3) - 5th Anniversary of ..., 10th Anniversary of ..., 25th Anniversary of ...
John James Audubon birth 1785 - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. J. J. Audubon birth, John J. Audubon birth
Ludwig van Beethoven birth 1770 - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Beethoven birth
Cardinal Cardijan birth 1883 - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
Nicolaus Copernicus birth 1473 syns. Copernicus birth, Nicolas Copernicus birth
Albrecht Dürer birth 1471 syns. Durer birth
ILO founding 1919 syns. I.L.O. founding, I.L.O founding
Inter-Parliamentary Union founding 1889 syns. Interparliamentary Union founding
International French Language Council founding 1967 - 10th Anniversary of ...
International Red Cross founding 1863 - 125th Anniversary of ...
ITU founding 1865 - ... 100th syns. I.T.U. founding
manned flight start 1784 - 200th Anniversary of ...
Guglielmo Marconi birth 1874 - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Marconi birth
Napoleon birth 1770 syns. Napoleon Bonaparte birth, Napoleon I birth
O.A.U. founding 1963 - 10th Anniversary of ...
Organization of African Unity founding 1963 - 25th Anniversary of Organization of African Unity syns. Organisation of African Union founding
Red Cross founding 1863 - ... 100th
Rotary founding 1905 - Rotary 75th syns. Rotary Club International founding, International Rotary Club founding
Peter Paul Rubens birth 1577 - 400th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Rubens birth
Rwanda Scout Association founding 1968 - 10th Anniversary of ...
telephone invention 1876 - 100th Anniversary of the ...
U.A.M.P.T. founding 1961 - 10th Anniversary of ...
UNESCO founding 1946 - ... 20th
United Nations Environment Programme founding 1972 - 10th Anniversary of ...
UN founding 1945 - 40th Anniversary of the ...
Universal Postal Union founding 1874 syns. UPU founding, U.P.U. founding

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