St. Lucia starts

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
Boy Scout Movement founding 1907 - 75th Anniversary of ...
British Red Cross founding 1870 - ... 100th
CARICOM founding 1973 - 25th Anniversary of ... syns. Caribbean Community founding
CARIFTA founding 1968 - ... 1st
Castries Municipality founding 1850 - 150th Anniversary of ...
Winston Churchill birth 1874 syns. Churchill birth, Sir Winston Churchill birth, Winston Spencer Churchill birth
Crown Agents founding 1833 - 150th Anniversary of ...
Princess Diana birth 1961 syns. the Princess of Wales birth, Diana, Princess of Wales birth, Diana Princess of Wales start
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme founding 1956 - 25th Anniversary of ...
Queen Elizabeth II birth 1926 (2) - 60th birthday of ..., 60th birthday of ... b syns. Princess Elizabeth birth
French Revolution start 1789 - 200th Anniversary of the ...
Girl Guide Movement founding 1910 - 75th Anniversary of ...
Beane Field Airport opening 1971 - Opening of Beane Field Airport
International Red Cross founding 1863 - 125th Anniversary of ...
ITU founding 1865 - ... 100th syns. I.T.U. founding
LIAT founding 1956 - ... 50th
Lloyd's of London founding 1688 - 300th Anniversary of ...
Napoleon birth 1770 - ... 200th syns. Napoleon Bonaparte birth, Napoleon I birth
Pablo Picasso birth 1881 - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Picasso birth
Queen Elizabeth birth 1900 syns. Queen Mother birth, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother birth, the Queen Mother start
Red Cross founding 1863 - ... 100th
Rotary founding 1905 - Rotary 75th syns. Rotary Club International founding, International Rotary Club founding
Peter Paul Rubens birth 1577 - 400th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Rubens birth
Saint Joseph's Convent opening 1855 - 150th Anniversary of ...
William Shakespeare birth 1564 - ...
St Mary's College founding 1890 - ... 100th
St. Lucia Co-operative Bank founding 1938 - 50th Anniversary of ...
Statue of Liberty dedication 1886 - 100th Anniversary of ... syns. Statue of Liberty creation
UNESCO founding 1946 - ... 20th
UN founding 1945 - 50th Anniversary of ...
Universal Postal Union founding 1874 syns. UPU founding, U.P.U. founding
University of the West Indies founding 1948 syns. University of West Indies founding
Victoria Hospital, Castries opening 1887 - 100th Anniversary of ..., Castries

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