Seychelles starts

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
African Development Bank founding 1964 - 25th Anniversary of ...
British Red Cross founding 1870 - 100th Anniversary of ...
Winston Churchill birth 1874 - 100th birthday of ... syns. Churchill birth, Sir Winston Churchill birth, Winston Spencer Churchill birth
Queen Elizabeth II birth 1926 (2) - 65th Anniversary of the Birth of ... / 70th Anniversary of the Birth of Prince Philip, 60th birthday of ... syns. Princess Elizabeth birth
Indian Ocean Commission founding 1984 - ... 20th
International Red Cross founding 1863 - 125th Anniversary of ...
Lloyd's List founding 1734 - 250th Anniversary of ...
Lloyd's of London founding 1688 - 300th Anniversary of ...
manned flight start 1784 - 200th Anniversary of ...
Jawaharlal Nehru birth 1889 syns. Nehru birth
Penny Black introduction 1840 - ... 150th syns. First Postage Stamp, Penny Black start
Queen Elizabeth birth 1900 syns. Queen Mother birth, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother birth, the Queen Mother start
Red Cross founding 1863 - ... 100th
Seychelles Post Office opening 1861 - 150th Anniversary of the ... syns. Seychelles Post Office completion
State House (Seychelles) completion 1911 - 100th Anniversary of State House
Universal Postal Union founding 1874 syns. UPU founding, U.P.U. founding

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