El Salvador sports competitions

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
1st Central American and Caribbean Basketball Games 1967 - ...
3rd Central American and Caribbean Games 1935 - ...
19th Central American and Caribbean Games 2002 - ...
2nd Central American Games 1977 - ...
5th Central American Games 1993 - ...
Olympics 1972 1972 - ...
Olympics 1984 1984 - ...
Olympics 1988 1988 - ...
Olympics 1992 1992 (2) - ... in 1989, ... syns. Olympics '92, Summer Olympics 1992
Olympics 2000 2000 - ...
Olympics 2008 2008 - ...
8th Pan-American Games 1979 - ...
10th Pan-American Games 1987 - ... syns. Pan American Games 1987
22nd Tour of El Salvador Cycling Championship 1994 - ...
World Cup 1970 1970 - ... syns. soccer championships 1970, 9th world soccer championships
World Cup 1978 1978 - ... syns. Argentina 78, World Cup Soccer 1978
World Cup 1982 1982 (2) - ..., ... b syns. World Cup Soccer 1982
World Cup 1986 1986 - ... syns. soccer championships 1986, World Cup Soccer 1986

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