Faroe Islands butterflies

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

Types | List | Gallery | With subtypes | With synonyms

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Name Issues/Designs
Acherontia atropos d - Acherontia atropos (2010) 2010 syns. Death's Head Hawkmoth
Aglais io syns. European Peacock, Inachis io, peacock (butterfly), Peacock Butterfly, Peacock Eye, Peacock Inachis io, Rusałka pawik, Vanessa io, Vanessa Jo
Agrius convolvuli d - Agrius convolvuli (2010) 2010
Vanessa cardui d - Vanessa cardui (2010) 2010 syns. Cynthia cardui, painted lady

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