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Watermark "Maltese cross" (Portuguese Guinea usage only)

  • Colnect-7176-270-Ceres-new-type-back.jpg
Short desc: Maltese cross

In use 1932-1948

Users of this watermark: Angola (41 stamps, 1932-1948), Cape Verde (20 stamps, 1934-1948), Macao (26 stamps, 1934-1941), Portuguese Guinea (19 stamps, 1933), Portuguese India (24 stamps, 1933-1946), St. Thomas & Prince Islands (19 stamps, 1934), Timor (42 stamps, 1933-1934) Show with all usages

Used by 19 stamps of Portuguese Guinea: (See all uses as list)

1933 60c olgrn
1933 20e org
1933 10e olbis
1933 5e apgrn
1933 2e redvio
1933 1.40e dkbl
1933 1e redbrn
1933 85c dprose
1933 80c emer
1933 70c orgbrn
1933 1c bis
1933 50c ltbrn
1933 45c ltbl
1933 40c redorg
1933 30c dkblgrn
1933 20c grngray
1933 15c blk
1933 10c dkvio
1933 5c olbrn

All are issue=1933 d=Ceres (1932)