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WNS catalog - Russia

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
RU010.03. postage 1/10/2003 3.00r multi issue=Regions of Russia d=Uljanov Region unwmk 1
RU011.03. 1/16/2003 3.00r issue=10th Anniversary..ergovernmental Communication by Courier 1
RU012.03. 2/19/2003 4.00r issue=Davis Cup 2002 1
13 - 14
RU015.03. 3/4/2003 8.00r issue=History of Russian State d=Daniel of Moscow 1
RU016.03. 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Vladimir Monomach 1 0
RU017.03. 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Yaroslav the Wise 1 0
RU018.03. 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Ivan Ivanovich the Red 1 0
RU018.13. xlink block Colnect 419281-Hero_of_Russian_Federati..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU019.03. postage 3/26/2003 5.00r multi issue=Mo.. of the Mother of God of Smolensk unwmk 1
RU019.13. xlink block Colnect 419280-Hero_of_Russian_Federati..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU020.03. postage 3/26/2003 5.00r multi Zosima and Savvatii Monastery unwmk 1
RU021.13. xlink block Colnect 419279-Hero_of_Russian_Federati..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU001.02 postage 1/2/2002 3.00r multi issue=Rus..ussia regions d=Republic of Altai unwmk 1
RU002.02 1/2/2002 3.00r d=Province of Amur 1 0
RU003.02 1/2/2002 3.00r d=Karachaevo-Cherkeskaya Republic 1 0
RU004.02 1/2/2002 3.00r d=Province of Sakhalin 1 0
RU005.02 1/2/2002 3.00r d=Republic of Khakassiya 1 0
RU006.02 1/24/2002 3.00r issue=Winter Olympics 2002 d=Mountain skiing 1
RU007.02 1/24/2002 4.00r d=figure skating (2002) 1
RU008.02 1/24/2002 5.00r d=ski jumping 1
RU009.02 1/30/2002 5.00r issue=World Unity Against Terrorism 1
RU011.02 2/15/2002 2.50r issue=New Hermitage 150th d=Hendrick Goltzius - Courtesan 1606 1
RU012.02 2/15/2002 2.50r d=Peter Paul Rubens ' Ecco Homo' before 1612 1 0
RU013.02 2/15/2002 5.00r d=The Gonzaga Cameo Alexandria, 3rd Century BC 1
RU014.02 2/15/2002 5.00r d=Master Philippo Negr..Helmet (Burgonet) - Italy in the 1530's 1 0
RU015.02 2/15/2002 15r 1
RU016.02 2/20/2002 2.50r dt=lilies (2002) d=Cinnabar Lily - 'Our Congratulations'
RU017.02 2/20/2002 2.50r d=Thunderbolt Lily - 'Happy Birthday' 0
RU018.02 2/20/2002 2.50r d=Stargazer Lily - 'We wish you Happiness' 0
RU019.02 2/20/2002 2.50r d=Gilded Lily - 'From the bottom of our hearts' 0
RU020.02 2/20/2002 2.50r d=Regal Lily - 'We wish you love and joy' 0
RU021.02 3/15/2002 1.00r dt=dogs (2002 Russia) d=Cane-Corso
RU022.02 3/15/2002 2.00r d=Shar Pei
RU023.02 3/15/2002 3.00r d=Bull Mastiff (2002)
RU024.02 3/15/2002 4.00r d=Brazilian Mastiff
RU025.02 3/15/2002 5.00r d=Neapolitan Mastiff (2002)
RU026.02 4/25/2002 5.00r issue=300th Anniversar.. of the New Hermitage portico perf=13.5 1
RU027.02 4/25/2002 5.00r d=Kazan Cathederal and the Monument of Marshal Barklay de Tolli 1 0
RU028.02 4/25/2002 25r d=View of St Peter and Paul Fortress and the Neva River 1
RU029.02 4/25/2002 25r d=View of the Griboedov .. guey and the Cathedral of Resurrection 1 0
RU030.02 4/25/2002 25r d=Admiralty and the Admi.. gilded ship, a symbol of St Petersburg 1 0
RU031.02 xlink Colnect 849248-Artur_Khristianovich_Art.._of_Founding_of_Security_Service-Russia
RU032.02 xlink Colnect 849249-Nikolai_Ivanovich_Demide.._of_Founding_of_Security_Service-Russia
RU033.02 xlink Colnect 849250-Jan_Kalikstovich_Olsky-8.._of_Founding_of_Security_Service-Russia
RU034.02 xlink Colnect 849251-Sergei_Vasilievich_Puzit.._of_Founding_of_Security_Service-Russia
RU035.02 xlink Colnect 849252-Vladimir_Andreevich_Styr.._of_Founding_of_Security_Service-Russia
RU036.02 xlink Colnect 849253-Grigory_Sergeevich_Syroe.._of_Founding_of_Security_Service-Russia
RU037.02 postage 5/9/2002 8.00r multi issue=Europa 2002 unwmk 1
RU038.02 5/24/2002 2.00r issue=Birth Centenary of P.S. Nakhimov 1
RU039.02 5/24/2002 2.00r issue=5th EUROSAI Congress 2
RU040.02 6/20/2002 1.00r dt=volcanoes of Kamcha..and thermal springs and geysers vaports
RU041.02 6/20/2002 2.00r d=Mud caldron in the caldera of Uzon Volcano
RU042.02 6/20/2002 3.00r d=Karymsky active Volcano
RU043.02 6/20/2002 5.00r d=Troitsky acid crater lake
0244 - 0248
RU049.02 7/25/2002 25r dt=old carriages d=Carri..'Coupe' type - Berlin 1746 perf=13x13.5
RU050.02 7/25/2002 25r d=Calash - England (the 1770's) 0
RU051.02 7/25/2002 25r d=Carriage of the 'Berline' type - Petersburg 1769 0
RU052.02 8/8/2002 1.00r dt=Kamov Company helicopters d=Ka-10 perf=12.5x12
RU053.02 8/8/2002 1.50(r) d=Ka-22
RU054.02 8/8/2002 2.00r d=Ka-26
RU055.02 8/8/2002 2.50r d=Ka-27
RU056.02 8/8/2002 5.00r d=Ka-50
RU057.02 8/10/2002 3.25r issue=Sobchak 65th d=A.A. Sobchak 1
RU058.02 8/29/2002 2.50r issue=Russia-Kazakh Jo..2002) d=Anthropoides virgo (2002 joint) 1 1
RU059.02 8/29/2002 2.50r d=Great black-headed Gull (Larusichthyaetus Pallas) 1 2
RU060.02 9/2/2002 3.00r issue=200th Anniversary..ernal Affairs of the Russian Federation 1
RU061.02 9/2/2002 3.00r d=The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 1 0
RU062.02 9/2/2002 3.00r d=The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation 1 0
RU063.02 9/2/2002 3.00r d=The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 1 0
RU064.02 9/2/2002 3.00r d=The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation 1 0
RU065.02 9/2/2002 3.00r d=The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 1 0
RU066.02 9/2/2002 2.00r issue=850th Anniversary of Kostroma 2
RU067.02 9/17/2002 3.00r issue=1140th Anniversary of Russian State 1
RU068.02 9/17/2002 3.00r issue=All-Russia Population Census 2
RU069.02 9/17/2002 4.00r perf=13.5x13 2
RU070.02 9/25/2002 2.00r issue=History of Russi..ustoms Castle and bourse in Archangelsk 1
RU072.02 9/25/2002 5.00r d=Kalanchovsky Customs warehouse in Kalanchovsky Square 1
RU073.02 10/4/2002 10.00r issue=60th Anniversary of Battle of Stalingrad 1
RU074.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) issue=Human Eyes expressing interest, emotion perf=12 1 1
RU075.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) d=eyes expressing gladness 1 2
RU076.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) d=eyes expressing astonishment 1 3
RU078.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) d=eyes expressing anger 1 5
RU079.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) d=eyes expressing disgust 1 6
RU080.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) d=eyes expressing shame 1 7
RU081.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) d=eyes expressing contempt 1 8
RU082.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) d=eyes expressing guilt 1 9
RU083.02 10/17/2002 1.50(r) d=eyes expressing fear 1 10
RU084.02 11/12/2002 4.00r issue=History of Russ.. Accession to the Throne of Alexander I 1
RU085.02 11/12/2002 4.00r d=Alexander I - Octob..General Plan for the Code of State Laws 1 0
RU086.02 11/12/2002 7.00r d=Alexander I - head of Russian Troops March 31 1814 1
RU087.02 11/12/2002 7.00r d=Alexander I - Reception of N.M. Karamzin 1 0
RU089.02 11/26/2002 5.00r dt=monasteries of the..v Cave Monastery of the Holy Assumption
RU090.02 11/26/2002 5.00r d=The Sergii Laura of the Holy Trinity in Sergiev Posad 0
RU091.02 11/26/2002 5.00r d=The Valaam Monastery of Reverend Savva of Storozha 0
RU092.02 11/26/2002 5.00r d=The Monastery of Reverend Savva of Storozha 0
RU093.02 11/26/2002 5.00r d=Monastery of Saint Daniel in Moscow 0
RU094.02 12/2/2002 3.50r issue=Happy New Year 2003 d=snowman skiing 1
RU095.02 12/16/2002 2.00r issue=2002 d=Arkhangelskoe 1
RU096.02 12/16/2002 2.50r d=Oranienbaum Chinese Palace 1
RU097.02 12/16/2002 3.00r d=Marfino Mansion 1
RU098.02 12/16/2002 4.00r d=Pavlovsk Palace (2002) 1
RU099.02 12/16/2002 5.00r d=Kuskovo Palace 1
RU001.03 1/8/2003 2.50r issue=Centenary of I.V. Kurchatov perf=12.5x12 2
RU002.03 1/8/2003 2.50r issue=Birth Centenary of A.P. Alexandrov 3
RU003.03 1/8/2003 5.00r issue=Research of Antarctica perf=12x12.5 1
RU004.03 1/8/2003 5.00r 1 0
RU005.03 1/10/2003 3.00r issue=Regions of Russia d=Kemerovo Region 1
RU006.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Magadan Region 1 0
RU007.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Kurgan Region 1 0
RU008.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Perm Region 1 0
RU009.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Astrakhan Region 1 0
RU010.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Uljanov Region 1 0
RU011.03 1/16/2003 3.00r issue=10th Anniversary..ergovernmental Communication by Courier 1
RU012.03 2/19/2003 4.00r issue=Davis Cup 2002 1
RU013.03 2/19/2003 8.00r 1
RU014.03 2/19/2003 50r 1
RU015.03 3/4/2003 8.00r issue=History of Russian State d=Yaroslav the Wise 1
RU016.03 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Vladimir Monomach 1 0
RU017.03 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Daniel of Moscow 1 0
RU018.03 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Ivan Ivanovich the Red 1 0
RU019.03 3/26/2003 5.00r issue=Monasteries of t..unnery of the Mother of God of Smolensk 1
RU020.03 3/26/2003 5.00r d=The Solovetsky Zosima and Savvatii Monastery 1 0
RU021.03 3/26/2003 5.00r d=The Seraphim Nunnery of the Holy Trinity in Diveyevo 1 0
0322 - 0324
RU025.03 3/26/2003 3.00r issue=300th Anniversary of Petrozavodsk 2
RU026.03 4/15/2003 3.00r issue=100 Years of Novosibirsk 1
RU027.03 4/15/2003 12.00r issue=300th Anniversary of Baltic Fleet 2
RU028.03 4/24/2003 2.50r issue=Birth Centenary of Aram Khachaturyan 1
RU029.03 5/5/2003 8.00r issue=Europa 2003 1
RU030.03 5/15/2003 5.00r issue=300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg d=The Summer Garden 1
RU031.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The View of the Winter Garden 1 0
RU032.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The Palace Square 1 0
RU033.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The view of Spit of Vasilievsky Island 1 0
RU034.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The view of a bridge across the Neva River 1 0
RU035.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The view of the Anichkov Bridge across the Fontanka River 1 0
RU036.03 5/15/2003 50r d=Monument of Peter I 'The Bronze Horseman' 1
0337 - 0338
RU039.03 5/20/2003 3.00r issue=40th Anniversary..s First Space flight by V.V. Tereshkova 1
RU040.03 5/23/2003 75r issue=300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg 1
RU041.03 5/23/2003 100r 1
RU042.03 5/25/2003 3.00r issue=Second World Ant..XXI Century without Drugs' perf=12x12.5 1
RU043.03 6/3/2003 3.00r issue=110 Years of Pskov 1
RU044.03 6/10/2003 4.00r issue=375 Years of Krasnoyarsk 1
RU045.03 6/10/2003 10.00r issue=60th Anniversary of Battle of Kursk 2
RU046.03 6/10/2003 5.00r issue=Counteraction Ag..on of Incomes Obtained by Illegal Means 3
RU047.03 6/25/2003 2.00r issue=World Natural Pillars on the Man-Pupuner Mountain 1
RU048.03 6/25/2003 3.00r d=Kozhim River 1
RU049.03 6/25/2003 5.00r d=The Upper Pechora 1
RU050.03 6/29/2003 12.00r issue=300 Years of Post of Saint Petersburg 1
RU051.03 7/22/2003 1.00r dt=beetles (2003 Russia) d=Lucanus cervus (2003)
RU052.03 7/22/2003 2.00r d=Calosoma sycophanta (2003)
RU053.03 7/22/2003 3.00r d=Carabus lopatini
RU054.03 7/22/2003 4.00r d=Carabus constricticollis
RU055.03 7/22/2003 5.00r d=Carabus caucasicus
RU056.03 7/30/2003 2.50r issue=10th Anniversary..tion of Academies of Sciences perf=11.5 1
RU057.03 8/14/2003 4.00r issue=World Climate Change Conference 2
RU058.03 8/14/2003 3.00r issue=350 Years of Chita 1
RU059.03 8/20/2003 2.00r issue=Twin Mushrooms d..oms d=Boletus satanas & Boletus kuridus 1
RU060.03 8/20/2003 2.50r d=Amanita phalloides & Agaricus campestris 1
RU061.03 8/20/2003 3.00r d=Amanita pantherina & Amanita rubescens 1
RU062.03 8/20/2003 4.00r d=Amanita porphyria & Amanita vaginata 1
RU063.03 8/20/2003 5.00r d=Tylopilus felleus & Boletus edulis 1
RU064.03 8/27/2003 5.00r issue=Gifts of Nature ..fruits (2003 Russia) d=pineapple (2003) 1
RU065.03 8/27/2003 5.00r d=pear (2003) 1 0
RU066.03 8/27/2003 5.00r d=Melon 1 0
RU067.03 8/27/2003 5.00r d=wild strawberry 1 0
RU068.03 8/27/2003 5.00r d=apples (2003) 1 0
RU069.03 9/9/2003 2.50r issue=Preserve the Caspian Sea Environment d=Caspian seal (2003) 1 1
RU070.03 9/9/2003 2.50r d=beluga (2003) 1 2
RU072.03 9/17/2003 3.00r issue=History of Russi..Cars d=Russo-Balt K 12/20, made in 1911 1
RU073.03 xlink Colnect 665922-NAMI-1_1929-History_of_Russian_Cars-Russia
RU074.03 postage 9/17/2003 4.00r multi issue=Hi..ssian Cars d=GAZ M1, made in 1939 unwmk 1
RU075.03 9/17/2003 5.00r d=GAZ 67b, made in 1946 1
RU076.03 9/17/2003 5.00r d=GAZ M20 'Podeba (Victory)', made in 1954 1 0
RU077.03 10/15/2003 3.00r issue=10th Anniversary of the Russian Federation Constitution 1
RU078.03 6/25/2003 2.00r issue=World Natural Pillars on the Man-Pupuner Mountain 1
RU079.03 11/5/2003 12.00r issue=150th Anniversary of the Battle of Sinop 1
RU080.03 12/1/2003 7.00r issue=New Year 2004 1
RU081.03 12/5/2003 1.00r issue=2003 d=Ostankino Palace 1
RU082.03 12/5/2003 1.50(r) d=Gatchinsky Palace 1
RU083.03 12/5/2003 6.00r d=The Great Palace of Pedrodvorets 1
RU084.03 12/5/2003 10.00r d=The Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo 1
RU085.03 12/10/2003 2.50r issue=10th Anniversar..the Russian Federation Federal Assembly 1
RU086.03 12/10/2003 2.50r 1 0
RU001.04 1/6/2004 5r dt=oblasts (2004) d=Belgorod Oblast 1
RU002.04 1/6/2004 5r d=Ivanovo region 2
RU003.04 1/6/2004 5r d=Lipetsk region 5
RU004.04 1/6/2004 5r d=Moscow region 4
RU005.04 1/6/2004 5r d=Nenetsky Autonomous Region 6
RU006.04 1/6/2004 5r d=Nizhny Novgorod Region 3
RU007.04 1/16/2004 10r issue=WW II 1944 offensives 60th 1
RU008.04 1/23/2004 3r issue=Chkalov 100th d=plane & V. P. Chkalov 1
RU009.04 1/27/2004 2r dt=Bazhov tales d=The Stone Flower
RU010.04 1/27/2004 4r d=The Malachite Box
RU011.04 1/27/2004 6r d=The Golden Hair
RU012.04 2/12/2004 3r issue=Khariton 100th d=Yuly B. Khariton 1
RU013.04 2/20/2004 3r issue=Gagarin 70th d=Yuri Gagarin (2004) 1
RU014.04 3/16/2004 8r dt=monasteries (2002) d=T..vyato-Panteleymonov monastery perf=12.5 1
RU015.04 3/16/2004 8r d=The Svyato-Uspenskaya Kiyevo-Pecherskaya Laura 2
RU016.04 3/16/2004 8r d=The Spaso-Efrosinievsky Convent for women in Polotsk 3
RU017.04 3/16/2004 8r d=The Gornensky Convent for women 4
RU018.04 3/16/2004 8r d=The Pukhtitsky monastery of the Blessed Virgins Assumption 5
RU020.04 4/5/2004 4r vio issue=2004 dt=sculptures & buildings 1
0421 - 0423
RU024.04 4/15/2004 4r multi issue=Kronshtadt 300th 1
RU025.04 4/21/2004 5r dt=zodiac (2004) d=Aries (2004) perf=13.5x13 1
RU026.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Taurus (2004 Russia) 2
RU027.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Gemini (2004 Russia) 3
RU028.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Cancer 4
RU029.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Leo (2004 Russia) 5
RU030.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Virgo (2004) 6
RU031.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Libra (2004) 7
RU032.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Scorpio (2004) 8
RU033.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Sagittarius (2004) 9
RU034.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Capricornus 10
RU035.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Aquarius (2004 Russia) 11
RU036.04 4/21/2004 5r d=Pisces (2004 Russia) 12
RU037.04 4/27/2004 6r dt=Catherine the Great
RU038.04 4/27/2004 7r
RU039.04 4/27/2004 8r
RU040.04 4/27/2004 9r
RU041.04 4/27/2004 15r
RU042.04 5/5/2004 8r issue=Europa 2004 d=beach scene with umbrella 1
RU043.04 5/12/2004 10r issue=Port Arthur defense 100th 1
RU044.04 5/20/2004 4r issue=Glinka 200th d=Portrait of composer M I Glinka 1 1
RU045.04 5/20/2004 4r d=Life for the Tsar Opera by M I Glinka 1 2
RU046.04 5/20/2004 4r d=Ruslan & Ludmila Opera by M I Glinka 1 3
RU047.04 5/25/2004 5r dt=Amber Room treasures d=Amber Room - Russian Crown 1
RU048.04 5/25/2004 5r d=Amber Room - Cameo 'Moses and Pharaon' 2
RU049.04 5/25/2004 5r d=Amber Room - Engraved Head 3
RU050.04 5/25/2004 25r d=Amber Room - Florentine Mosaic 4
RU051.04 6/3/2004 8r issue=German-Russian youth meeting perf=11.5 1
RU052.04 6/8/2004 3r issue=Vladimir K. Kokkinaki 100th d=Vladimir K. Kokkinaki & planes 1
RU053.04 6/8/2004 5r dt=Prisekin paintings d=We Glorify the Homeland! - Victory 3
RU054.04 6/8/2004 5r d=We Glorify the Homeland!..h the sword will perish with the sword! 2
RU055.04 6/8/2004 5r d=We Glorify the Homeland! - Marshal Zhukov 1
RU056.04 6/8/2004 5r d=We Glorify the Homeland! - Smolensk 1812 4
RU057.04 7/15/2004 4r dt=women's riding outfits 1
RU058.04 7/15/2004 4r 2
RU059.04 7/15/2004 4r 3
RU060.04 7/20/2004 3r issue=Olympics 2004 d=modern & ancient runners 1
RU061.04 7/20/2004 8r 1
RU062.04 7/22/2004 12r issue=Admiralty of the Wharves 300th 1
RU063.04 8/5/2004 4r dt=children & road safety perf=12x12.5 1
RU064.04 8/5/2004 4r 2
RU065.04 8/5/2004 4r 3
RU066.04 8/5/2004 4r 4
RU067.04 8/5/2004 4r 5
RU068.04 8/12/2004 8r issue=WWF dt=gulo gulo bear d=gulo gulo (2004) 1 1
RU069.04 8/12/2004 8r d=wolverine with prey 1 2
RU070.04 8/12/2004 8r d=wolverine on tree 1 3
RU071.04 8/12/2004 8r d=wolverine with cubs 1 4
RU072.04 8/20/2004 4r issue=Tomsk 400th 1
RU073.04 8/20/2004 4r issue=ITAR-TASS 100th d=hand holding globe 2
RU074.04 9/8/2004 5r dt=notable men (2004) 1
RU075.04 9/8/2004 5r 2
RU076.04 9/10/2004 10r issue=Tsar Paul I 250th 1 1
RU077.04 9/10/2004 10r 1 2
RU078.04 9/10/2004 20r perf=12x12.5 1 3
RU079.04 9/16/2004 4r issue=Rerikh 100th d=mountains & S.N. Rerikh 1
RU080.04 10/7/2004 12r issue=Vselovod III 850th d=Vselovod III perf=12 1
RU081.04 10/20/2004 5r issue=Kazan State University 200th 1
RU082.04 10/26/2004 4.70r dt=silverwork d=Vase the 1880s-1890s 1
RU083.04 10/26/2004 4.70r d=milk jug the 1900s 2
RU084.04 10/26/2004 4.70r d=vase 1900-1908 3
RU085.04 10/26/2004 4.70r d=ladle the 1910s 4
RU086.04 11/12/2004 5r issue=New Year 2005 d=tree perf= 8 1
RU087.04 11/18/2004 2r dt=Altai landscapes
RU088.04 11/18/2004 3r
RU089.04 11/18/2004 5r
RU090.04 12/1/2004 2.50r issue=Baikonur Cosmodrome 50th d=R-7 missile 1
RU091.04 12/1/2004 3.50r 1
RU092.04 12/1/2004 4r 1
RU093.04 12/1/2004 6r 1
RU001.05 1/10/2005 5.00r issue=Russian Regions 2005 d=Koryak Autonomous Region 1
RU002.05 1/10/2005 5.00r d=Republic of Mordovia 1 0
RU003.05 1/10/2005 5.00r d=Smolensk Region 1 0
RU004.05 1/10/2005 5.00r d=Taimyr Autonomous Region 1 0
RU005.05 1/10/2005 5.00r d=Tver Region 1 0
RU006.05 1/10/2005 5.00r d=Chukotski Autonomous Region 1 0
RU007.05 1/12/2005 5.00r issue=250th Anniversary of Lomonosov State University 1
RU008.05 xlink Colnect 916287-World_Exhibition_EXPO-2005_Aichi_Japan-Russia
RU009.05 postage 2/25/2005 5.00r multi dt=treas..mat d=Bull Silver bowl unwmk perf=13.25
RU010.05 2/25/2005 5.00r d=Bear Gold wood goblet 0
RU011.05 2/25/2005 7.00r d=Camels Gold sphere
RU012.05 2/25/2005 7.00r d=Deer Gold sphere 0
RU013.05 3/3/2005 2.00r issue=Centenary of Russian Submarine Fleet d=Type M submarine 1
RU014.05 3/3/2005 3.00r d=Type S submarine 1
RU015.05 3/3/2005 5.00r d=Type Sch submarine 1
RU016.05 3/3/2005 8.00r d=Type K submarine 1
RU017.05 xlink Colnect 729761-S%C3%BCjumbike_Tower-Jubilees_of_Cities_2005-Russia
RU018.05 xlink Colnect 730327-Kazan_Kremlin_Kul-Sharif_Mosque-Jubilees_of_Cities_2005-Russia
RU019.05 postage 3/10/2005 7.00r multi issue=Mi..edral of the Annunciation unwmk perf=12 1
RU020.05 3/28/2005 10.00r issue=Emperor Alexander II 1
RU021.05 3/28/2005 10.00r 1 0
RU022.05 3/28/2005 10.00r 1 0
RU023.05 3/28/2005 10.00r 1 0
RU024.05 xlink Colnect 916288-Emperor_Alexander_II-History_of_Russian_State-Russia
RU025.05 xlink Colnect 507690-Soldier_signs_on_the_col..niversary_of_Victory_in_the_WWII-Russia
RU026.05 xlink Colnect 730330-Photos_of_the_war_years-..niversary_of_Victory_in_the_WWII-Russia
RU027.05 xlink Colnect 730334-Photos_of_the_war_years-..niversary_of_Victory_in_the_WWII-Russia
RU028.05 xlink Colnect 730333-Photos_of_the_war_years-..niversary_of_Victory_in_the_WWII-Russia
RU029.05 postage 4/5/2005 5.00r multi issue=60t..ersary of Victory in World War II unwmk 1
RU030.05 xlink Colnect 916289-60th_Anniversary_of_Vict..niversary_of_Victory_in_the_WWII-Russia
RU031.05 postage 4/13/2005 6.00r multi issue=60..niversary of Liberation of Vienna unwmk 1
RU032.05 xlink Colnect 916290-Greater_Spotted_Eagle_Cl..ussia_and_Belarus_Fauna_Tyutchev-Russia
RU033.05 xlink Colnect 916291-Catocala_sponsa-Joint_is..ussia_and_Belarus_Fauna_Tyutchev-Russia
RU034.05 xlink Colnect 916292-Eurasian_Beaver_Castor_f..ussia_and_Belarus_Fauna_Tyutchev-Russia
RU035.05 xlink Colnect 916293-European_Badger_Meles_me..ussia_and_Belarus_Fauna_Tyutchev-Russia
RU036.05 xlink Colnect 916294-70th_Anniversary_of_Moscow_Metro-Russia
RU037.05 xlink Colnect 916295-70th_Anniversary_of_Moscow_Metro-Russia
RU038.05 postage 5/5/2005 4.00r multi issue=Mos..ity to Host Olympiad 2012 unwmk perf=12 1
RU039.05 5/5/2005 8.00r issue=Europa 2005 2
RU040.05 5/20/2005 5.00r issue=Birth Centenary of M.A. Sholokhov 1
RU041.05 6/1/2005 8.00r issue=DPRK-Russia joint issue d=sable (2005) perf=12 1
RU042.05 6/1/2005 8.00r d=tiger (2005) 1 0
RU043.05 6/15/2005 3.00r dt=Bumblebees d=Bombus armeniacus
RU044.05 6/15/2005 4.00r d=Bombus fragrans
RU045.05 6/15/2005 5.00r d=Bombus anachoreta
RU046.05 6/15/2005 6.00r d=Bombus unicus
RU047.05 6/15/2005 7.00r d=Bombus czerskii
RU048.05 6/23/2005 5.00r issue=750th Anniversary of Kaliningrad 1
RU049.05 7/1/2005 5.00r issue=175th Anniversary of Moscow Technical University 1
RU050.05 7/4/2005 5.00r dt=lighthouses (2005 Russia) d=Mudyugsky lighthouse perf=12
RU051.05 7/4/2005 6.00r d=Solovetsky lighthouse
RU052.05 7/4/2005 8.00r d=Svyatonossky lighthouse
RU053.05 7/6/2005 5.00r issue=Birth Centenary of A.I. Mikoyan dt=MiG aircraft d=MiG-3 1 1
RU054.05 7/6/2005 5.00r d=MiG-15 (2005) 1 2
RU055.05 7/6/2005 5.00r d=MiG-21 (2005) 1 3
RU056.05 7/6/2005 5.00r d=MiG-25 1 4
RU057.05 7/6/2005 5.00r d=MiG-29 (2005) 1 5
RU058.05 8/2/2005 15r issue=625th Anniversary of Kulikovo Battle 1
RU059.05 8/16/2005 3.00r issue=The Earth - Light-blue Planet d=Water and hands perf=12 1
RU060.05 8/16/2005 3.50r d=wave 1
RU061.05 8/16/2005 4.00r d=Ice rock 1
RU062.05 8/16/2005 4.50r d=The mountain river 1
RU063.05 8/16/2005 5.00r d=Drops of water 1
RU064.05 9/15/2005 4.00r issue=275th Anniversar..nder Suvorov d=Alexander Suvorov (2005) 1
RU065.05 10/19/2005 2.00r issue=300th Anniversary of the Sea Infantry of Russia 1
RU066.05 10/19/2005 3.00r 1
RU067.05 10/19/2005 4.00r 1
RU068.05 10/19/2005 5.00r 1
RU069.05 10/26/2005 5.00r d=Ded Moroz's postage stamp perf=12
RU070.05 11/1/2005 5.60r issue=60th Anniversary of UNESCO 1
RU071.05 12/1/2005 5.60r issue=Christmas 2005 / Happy New Year 2006 1
RU001.06 1/12/2006 5.60r issue=OKB Planes by O.K. Antonov d=An-3T perf=12 1
RU002.06 1/12/2006 5.60r d=An-12 1 0
RU003.06 1/12/2006 5.60r d=An-24 (2006) 1 0
RU004.06 1/12/2006 5.60r d=An-74 1 0
RU005.06 1/12/2006 5.60r d=An-124 1 0
RU006.06 1/18/2006 4.00r issue=Winter Olympics 2006 d=Snowboard 1
RU007.06 1/18/2006 4.00r d=luge (2006) 1 0
RU008.06 1/18/2006 4.00r d=speed skating (2006) 1 0
RU009.06 1/22/2006 10.00r issue=The Year of Arm..sian Federation - Joint issue perf=11.5 1
RU010.06 1/26/2006 7.00r issue=50th in Antarctica d=Diesel electric ship 1
RU011.06 1/26/2006 7.00r d=IL-76TD and 717S 1 0
RU012.06 1/26/2006 7.00r d=Under Ice research & sledge transport train 1 0
RU013.06 2/16/2006 5.60r issue=175th Anniversar..portrait of N.N. Ge" by I.E. Repin 1880 1
RU014.06 2/16/2006 5.60r d="Peter I interogates..nce Alexey in Peterhof" by N.N. Ge 1871 1 0
RU015.06 2/27/2006 5.60r issue=150th Anniversar..Self-Portrait" by M.A. Vrubel 1904-1905 1
RU016.06 2/27/2006 5.60r d="The Swan Princess" by M.A. Vrubel 1900 1 0
RU017.06 2/28/2006 3.00r issue=Centenary of Rus.. d=Project 667 A submarine perf=12x12.5 1
RU018.06 2/28/2006 4.00r d=Project 671 submarine 1
RU019.06 2/28/2006 6.00r d=Project 941 submarine 1
RU020.06 2/28/2006 7.00r d=Project 949A submarine 1
RU021.06 3/6/2006 5.00r issue=200th Anniversary..w Kremlin d=Throne of Ivan the Terrible 1 1
RU022.06 3/6/2006 5.00r d=Orb of Tsar Michael Fyodorovich 1 2
RU023.06 3/6/2006 5.00r d=Jericho Cap of Tsar Michael Fyodorovich 1 3
RU024.06 3/6/2006 5.00r d=state sword and shield 1 4
RU025.06 xlink Colnect 916296-Cap_of_Monomakh-Bicenten.._%E2%80%ADMoscow_Kremlin_Museums-Russia
RU026.06 xlink Colnect 916297-Cap_of_Monomakh-Bicenten.._%E2%80%ADMoscow_Kremlin_Museums-Russia
RU027.06 xlink Colnect 916298-Throne_of_Ivan_the_Terri.._%E2%80%ADMoscow_Kremlin_Museums-Russia
RU028.06 xlink Colnect 916299-Orb_of_Tsar_Michael_Fyod.._%E2%80%ADMoscow_Kremlin_Museums-Russia
RU029.06 xlink Colnect 916300-Jericho_Cap_of_Tsar_Mich.._%E2%80%ADMoscow_Kremlin_Museums-Russia
RU030.06 xlink Colnect 916301-State_Sword_and_Shield_X.._%E2%80%ADMoscow_Kremlin_Museums-Russia
RU031.06 postage 3/20/2006 5.00r multi issue=OKB Planes by A.S. Jakovlev d=AIR-1 unwmk 1
RU032.06 3/20/2006 5.00r d=Jak-42 1 0
RU033.06 3/20/2006 5.00r d=Jak-54 1 0
RU034.06 3/20/2006 5.00r d=Yak-130 1 0
RU035.06 3/20/2006 5.00r d=Yak-141 1 0
RU036.06 4/4/2006 15r issue=Centenary of Russian State Duma 1
RU037.06 4/12/2006 5.60r d=State Flag of Russian Federation perf=14
RU038.06 4/20/2006 5.60r d=State Emblem of Russian Federation
RU039.06 4/26/2006 5.60r issue=150th Anniversar.. d="The Saint Trinity" by Andrej Rublev 1
RU040.06 4/26/2006 5.60r d="A Girl with Peaches" by V.A. Serov 1 0
RU041.06 4/26/2006 5.60r 1 0
RU042.06 4/26/2006 5.60r 1 0
RU043.06 xlink Colnect 916302-150th_Anniversary_of_Sta..f_the_Tretiakovs_Picture_Gallery-Russia
RU044.06 xlink Colnect 916303-The_Trinity_by_Andrej_Ro..f_the_Tretiakovs_Picture_Gallery-Russia
RU045.06 xlink Colnect 916304-%E2%80%9CA_Girl_with_Pea..f_the_Tretiakovs_Picture_Gallery-Russia
RU046.06 xlink Colnect 916305-%E2%80%9CBeyond_the_Eter..f_the_Tretiakovs_Picture_Gallery-Russia
RU047.06 postage 4/26/2006 15r multi issue=150t..he State Tretjakov Gallery unwmk imperf 1
RU048.06 5/4/2006 10.00r issue=Tsar Alexander III 1
RU049.06 5/4/2006 10.00r 1 0
RU050.06 xlink Colnect 916306-Alexander_III-History_of_Russian_State-Russia
RU051.06 postage 5/11/2006 5.00r multi issue=15..ry of Blagoveschensk unwmk perf=12x12.5 1
RU052.06 5/22/2006 12.00r issue=150th Anniversary of the Baltic Factory 1
RU053.06 5/29/2006 6.00r issue=50th Anniversary of the Olympic Sports complex 1
RU054.06 xlink Colnect 857549-Summer-Flora-Russia
RU055.06 xlink Colnect 916307-Autumn-Flora-Russia
RU056.06 xlink Colnect 916308-Spring-Flora-Russia
RU057.06 xlink Colnect 817795-Winter-Flora-Russia
RU058.06 postage 6/15/2006 5.00r multi issue=25..Altai Nation to the Russian State unwmk 1
RU059.06 6/20/2006 6.00r issue=Russian Regions 2006 d=The Adigheja region 1
RU060.06 6/20/2006 6.00r d=The Vladimir Region 1 0
RU061.06 6/20/2006 6.00r d=The Kostroma Region 1 0
RU062.06 6/20/2006 6.00r d=The Pskov Region 1 0
RU063.06 6/20/2006 6.00r d=The Ryazan Region 1 0
RU064.06 6/20/2006 6.00r d=The Tula Region 1 0
RU065.06 6/29/2006 4.00r issue=circumnavigation.. the Kruzenshtern d=Kruzenshtern (2006) 1
RU066.06 7/12/2006 4.00r issue=75th Anniversary of the State Trust 1
RU067.06 7/17/2006 6.00r issue=200th Birthday o..ortrait of A.A. Ivanov by S.P. Postinov 1
RU068.06 7/17/2006 6.00r d=The Branch 1840-1850 1 0
RU069.06 7/17/2006 5.00r issue=250th Anniversar..e in Tsarskoe selo. d=Left Wing perf=12 2
RU070.06 7/17/2006 6.00r d=Central Part 2
RU071.06 7/17/2006 7.00r d=Right Wing 2
RU072.06 7/24/2006 6.00r issue=150th Anniversar..rait of A.M. Vasnecov by N.D. Kuznetsov 1
RU073.06 7/24/2006 6.00r d=Novodevichiy Nunnery 1 0
RU074.06 8/10/2006 5.00r dt=lighthouses of the ..e Sea d=Kanisky Lighthouse 1938 perf=12
RU075.06 8/10/2006 6.00r d=North Kildinsky Lighthouse 1953
RU076.06 8/10/2006 8.00r d=Vajdaghubsky Lighthouse 1966
RU077.06 8/16/2006 15r issue=250th Anniversay of the Russian State Theatre 1
RU078.06 8/29/2006 3.00r issue=Fauna of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) d=Ross's Gull perf=11.5 1
RU079.06 8/29/2006 4.00r d=Grus leucogeranus (2006) 1
RU080.06 8/29/2006 5.00r d=polar bear (Ursus maritimus) 1
RU081.06 8/29/2006 6.00r d=The Yakutian Horse 1
RU082.06 8/29/2006 7.00r d=Rangifer tarandus (2006) (2006) 1
RU083.06 9/5/2006 7.00r issue=International you..Centre for Russian Language Development 1
RU084.06 9/19/2006 5.00r issue=Centenary of the birth of D.S. Likchachev 1
RU085.06 9/22/2006 6.00r issue=World Nature in Russia d=West Caucasus - The Alps 1
RU086.06 9/22/2006 7.00r d=West Caucasus - The Mountain River 1
RU087.06 9/22/2006 8.00r d=West Caucasus - The Bison 1
RU088.06 10/5/2006 7.00r issue=75th Anniversary..Regular Telecasting in Russia perf=11.5 1
RU089.06 10/12/2006 7.00r issue=15th Anniversar..e Communications in Russia d=cell phone 1
RU090.06 10/18/2006 8.00r issue=10th Anniversar..ian Federation in the Council of Europe 1
RU091.06 10/18/2006 7.00r issue=165th Anniversary of the Savings Bank of Russia perf=12 2
RU092.06 10/18/2006 15r perf=12x12.5 2
RU093.06 11/9/2006 5.00r issue=15th Anniversary..onwealth in the field of Communications 1
RU094.06 11/29/2006 7.00r d=Ded Moroz's postage stamp perf=12
RU095.06 xlink Colnect 574173-National_Atlas_of_Russia-Maps-Russia
RU096.06 postage 12/12/2006 7.00r multi issue=New Year 2007 unwmk 1
RU001.07 1/15/2007 5.00r issue=150th Anniversary of V.M. Bekhterev 1
RU002.07 1/25/2007 7.00r issue=175th Anniversary of birth of I.I. Shishkin 1
RU003.07 1/25/2007 7.00r d=In the Wild North… 1 0
RU004.07 2/7/2007 10.00r issue=200th Anniversar..itary Order of St George the Triumphant 1
RU005.07 2/7/2007 50r perf=12 1
RU006.07 2/9/2007 5.00r issue=100th Anniversary..onomical Academy named by G.V.Plekhanov 1
RU007.07 3/2/2007 7.00r issue=225th Anniversary..nsky d=self-portrait (Kiprensky) (2007) 1
RU008.07 3/2/2007 7.00r 1 0
RU009.07 3/12/2007 6.50r d=Emblem of the Russian Post Office perf=12.5x12
RU010.07 3/21/2007 6.00r issue=International Po.. d=Drifting Scientific Stations perf=12 1
RU011.07 3/21/2007 7.00r d=Research on Ice Surfaces 1
RU012.07 3/21/2007 8.00r d=Cultural and Natural Heritage of Arctic 1
RU013.07 4/4/2007 8.00r issue=100th anniversary of Arseny Tarkovsky 1
RU014.07 4/4/2007 8.00r issue=75th anniversary of Andrey Tarkovsky 2
RU015.07 xlink Colnect 916309-First_Artificial_Earth_S..e_Sputnik_1957-Space_Exploration-Russia
RU016.07 xlink Colnect 881798-Sergei_Korolev_1907-1966-Space_Exploration-Russia
RU017.07 xlink Colnect 916310-Konstantin_Tsiolkovsky_1857-1935-Space_Exploration-Russia
RU018.07 postage 4/24/2007 6.50r multi issue=45..of Bashkiria to the Russian State unwmk 1
RU019.07 5/11/2007 7.00r issue=175th anniversary of P.P. Chistjakov 1
RU020.07 5/11/2007 7.00r 1 0
RU021.07 5/15/2007 7.00r issue=250th anniversary of V.L. Borovikovsky 1
RU022.07 5/15/2007 7.00r 1 0
RU023.07 5/24/2007 10.00r issue=150th Anniversa..the first Russian postage stamp perf=12 1
RU024.07 6/14/2007 5.00r issue=125th Anniversary of Telephone communication in Russia 1
RU025.07 6/15/2007 25r issue=250th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Arts 1
RU026.07 6/19/2007 5.00r issue=World Stamp Exhibition 2007 perf=12x12.5 1
RU027.07 xlink Colnect 916311-50th_Anniversary_of_Cosmodrome_Plesetsk-Russia
RU028.07 postage 7/12/2007 6.50r multi issue=30..ia to the Russian State unwmk perf=11.5 1
RU029.07 7/25/2007 7.00r issue=100th Anniversary of birth of M.I. Gadzhiev 1
RU030.07 7/25/2007 7.00r issue=100th Anniversary of birth of N.A. Lunin 2
RU031.07 8/14/2007 5.00r issue=175th Anniversar.. S.P. Botkin d=S.P. Botkin perf=12x12.5 1
RU032.07 8/21/2007 7.00r issue=Russian Regions 2007 d=Altay region 1
RU033.07 8/21/2007 7.00r d=Vologda redion 1 0
RU034.07 8/21/2007 7.00r d=Irkutsk region 1 0
RU035.07 8/21/2007 7.00r d=The Novosibirsk Region 1 0
RU036.07 8/21/2007 7.00r d=The Orel Region 1 0
RU037.07 xlink Colnect 275300-Altay_Krai-Regions_of_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU038.07 postage 8/24/2007 12.00r multi d=50th Anniversary of unwmk perf=12
RU039.07 9/14/2007 12.00r issue=Year of the Russian Language 1
RU040.07 9/26/2007 6.00r issue=Joint issue Russ..a) d=Gladiolus gandavensis perf=12.5x12 1
RU041.07 9/26/2007 6.00r d=Iris ensata 1 0
RU042.07 9/26/2007 6.00r d=Rosa hybrida (2007) 1 0
RU043.07 9/26/2007 6.00r d=Nelumbo nucifera (2007) 1 0
RU044.07 10/1/2007 5.00r issue=WWF Endangered s..ies d=Ciconia boyciana (2007) perf=11.5 1
RU045.07 10/1/2007 6.00r d=snow leopard (2007) 1
RU046.07 10/1/2007 7.00r d=Wisent 1
RU047.07 10/25/2007 8.00r issue=The first Native trucks d=AMO-F-15, 1924 1
RU048.07 10/25/2007 8.00r d=GAZ-AA(MM), 1932 1 0
RU049.07 10/25/2007 8.00r d=ZIS-5V, 1942 1 0
RU050.07 10/29/2007 8.00r issue=Year of the Russian Language perf=12 1
RU051.07 11/7/2007 6.00r dt=Native Horse Breeds d=Vladimir breed
RU052.07 11/7/2007 7.00r d=Orel trotter
RU053.07 11/7/2007 7.00r d=Vyatka breed 0
RU054.07 11/7/2007 8.00r d=Don breed
RU055.07 12/7/2007 8.00r issue=Happy New Year 2008 perf=12x11.5 1
RU056.07 12/7/2007 8.00r d=High latitude Arctic.. bathyscaph “Mir-1” perf=12
RU057.07 xlink Colnect 687091-Mirrored_map_of_the_Arct..g_on_the_North_Pole-Arktika_2007-Russia
RU001.08 postage 1/10/2008 6.00r multi issue=12.. of birth of A.N. Tolstoy unwmk perf=12 1
RU002.08 1/10/2008 8.00r issue=150th Anniversary of the first Russian postage stamp 1
RU003.08 1/22/2008 6.00r issue=100th Anniversary of birth of L.D. Landau 1
RU004.08 1/22/2008 6.00r issue=100th Anniversary of birth of I.M. Frank 2
RU005.08 2/1/2008 9.00r issue=250th Anniversary of birth of A. Betankur 1
RU006.08 2/22/2008 9.00r issue=450th Anniversary of Astrakhan perf=12 1
RU007.08 3/17/2008 8.00r issue=Centenary of birth of V.P. Glushko 1
RU008.08 3/25/2008 12.00r issue=Archeological H..Bronze plate - 2nd Century perf=12.5x12 1
RU009.08 3/25/2008 12.00r d=Bronze plate displaying Oxen 1 0
RU010.08 3/25/2008 12.00r d=Metal plate featuring deer 1 0
RU011.08 4/15/2008 8.00r issue=Olympics 2008 perf=12 1
RU012.08 4/15/2008 8.00r 1 0
RU013.08 4/15/2008 8.00r 1 0
RU014.08 4/29/2008 15r issue=225th Anniversary of the Black Sea Navy perf=12x12.5 1
RU015.08 5/5/2008 8.00r issue=Europa 2008 perf=12.5x12 1
RU016.08 5/7/2008 7.00r issue=Dmitry Medvedev e..deration on March 2nd 2008 perf=12x12.5 1
RU017.08 5/20/2008 8.00r issue=Russia Regions 2008 d=Volgograd Region 1
RU018.08 5/20/2008 8.00r d=Krasnoyarsk Region 1 0
RU019.08 5/20/2008 8.00r d=Penza Region 1 0
RU020.08 5/20/2008 8.00r d=Sverdlovsk Region 1 0
RU021.08 5/20/2008 8.00r d=Yaroslavl Region 1 0
RU022.08 6/23/2008 12.00r issue=Romania-Russia ..mir, St. Demetrius' Cathedral perf=11.5 1
RU023.08 6/23/2008 12.00r d=Voronets Monastery 1 0
RU024.08 7/12/2008 5.00r issue=50th Anniversary of Helicopter sports 1
RU025.08 7/25/2008 7.50r d=Pokrovsky Cathedral perf=12x12.5
RU026.08 7/26/2008 15r issue=75th Anniversary of the Russian Northern Navy 1
RU027.08 7/28/2008 7.50r issue=450th Anniversar..he Russian State by Udmurtija perf=11.5 1
RU028.08 7/31/2008 10.00r issue=World Cultural ..f Preobrazheniya Gospodnya perf=12x12.5 1
RU029.08 7/31/2008 10.00r d=Kizhi - Bell Tower of Kizhsky Churchyard 1 0
RU030.08 7/31/2008 10.00r d=Kizhi - Church of Pokrova Presvyatoj Bogoroditsy 1 0
RU031.08 8/8/2008 35r d=Tsar Nicholas I
RU032.08 8/28/2008 6.00r issue=International Polar Year 2008 perf=12x11.5 1
RU033.08 8/28/2008 7.00r 1
RU034.08 8/28/2008 8.00r 1
RU035.08 8/29/2008 0.10r issue=2008 d=hare (2008) 1
RU036.08 8/29/2008 0.15r 1
RU037.08 8/29/2008 0.25r 1
RU038.08 8/29/2008 0.30r d=red fox (2008) 1
RU039.08 8/29/2008 0.50r 1
RU040.08 8/29/2008 1.00r 1
RU041.08 8/29/2008 1.50(r) d=Eurasian Lynx lynx lynx 1
RU042.08 8/29/2008 2.00r d=lynx 1
RU043.08 8/29/2008 2.50r 1
RU044.08 8/29/2008 3.00r d=elk (2008) 1
RU045.08 8/29/2008 4.00r 1
RU046.08 8/29/2008 5.00r 1
RU047.08 8/29/2008 6.00r d=bear 1
RU048.08 8/29/2008 10.00r 1
RU049.08 8/29/2008 25r 1
RU051.08 9/12/2008 7.00r issue=Flora and Fauna ..orest and it's Inhabitants perf=12x12.5 1
RU052.08 9/12/2008 7.00r 1 0
RU053.08 9/12/2008 7.00r 1 0
RU054.08 9/17/2008 8.00r d=Russia Regions - Leningrad region
RU055.08 9/17/2008 10.00r issue=History of the Russian Cossacks 1
RU056.08 9/17/2008 10.00r 1 0
RU057.08 9/17/2008 10.00r 1 0
RU058.08 10/2/2008 7.00r issue=Kamov's Helicopters d=Ka-32 1
RU059.08 10/2/2008 7.00r d=Ka-226 1 0
RU060.08 10/15/2008 7.00r issue=World Natural Heritage - Central Sikhote-Alinj 1
RU061.08 10/15/2008 8.00r 1
RU062.08 10/15/2008 9.00r 1
RU063.08 11/13/2008 10.00r issue=15th Anniversa.. of the Russian Federation perf=12.5x12 1
RU064.08 11/13/2008 10.00r issue=15th Anniversa..eral Assembly of the Russian Federation 2
RU065.08 11/28/2008 6.00r dt=bridges (2008) d=Zhivopisnyi Bridge across Moscow River
RU066.08 11/28/2008 7.00r d=Bridge across River Volga
RU067.08 11/28/2008 8.00r d=Bridge across River Obj
RU068.08 11/28/2008 9.00r d=Bolshoj Obukhovsky Bridge across River Neva
RU069.08 12/5/2008 8.00r issue=100th Anniversary of the Shuvalov Swimming School 1
RU070.08 12/5/2008 8.00r issue=Russia, 2008 Ice Hockey World Champion 2
RU071.08 12/11/2008 7.00r dt=bicycles (2008) d=..ble military model bicycle perf=12x11.5
RU072.08 12/11/2008 7.00r d=Racing track bicycle GM-30, 1938 0
RU073.08 12/11/2008 7.00r d=Bicycle ZiCh-1, 1946 0
RU074.08 12/11/2008 7.00r d=Travel Woman's bicycle V-22, 1954 0
RU075.08 12/18/2008 7.50r issue=New Year 2009 d..orks & Spasskaya Tower & arms of Russia 2
RU076.08 12/18/2008 7.50r issue=Decorative Art ..Dagestan d=Kerchief chain with pendants 1
RU077.08 12/18/2008 7.50r d=Head adornment 1 0
RU078.08 12/18/2008 7.50r d=Sewn on pendant from the wedding head-dress 1 0
RU079.08 12/18/2008 7.50r d=dagger in a sheath 1 0
RU001.09 1/17/2009 9r issue=Russian Regions 2009 d=Voronezh Region 1
RU002.09 1/17/2009 9.00r d=Chelyabinsk Region 1 0
RU003.09 1/17/2009 9.00r d=Saratov Region 1 0
RU004.09 1/19/2009 10.00r issue=50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution 1
RU005.09 1/22/2009 7.00r issue=300th Anniversary of the Central Navy Museum 1
RU006.09 1/28/2009 9.00r issue=175th Anniversary of the Birth of V.G. Perov 1
RU007.09 1/28/2009 9.00r 1 0
RU008.09 2/6/2009 15r issue=175th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I. Mendeleev 1
RU009.09 2/16/2009 10.00r issue=75th Anniversary of the Birth of G.Y. Bahchivangi 1
RU010.09 3/6/2009 10.00r issue=75th Anniversary of the Birth of U.A. Gagarin 1
RU011.09 3/16/2009 20r issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of A.S. Popov 1
RU012.09 4/1/2009 15r issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of N.V. Gogol d=N.V. Gogol 1
RU013.09 4/1/2009 6.00r 1
RU014.09 4/1/2009 7.00r 1
RU015.09 4/1/2009 8.00r 1
RU016.09 4/1/2009 9.00r 1
RU017.09 4/27/2009 7.00r issue=65th Anniversary..40), Simonov's automatic rifle (ARS-36) 1
RU018.09 4/27/2009 8.00r d=Nagan's revolver, Tokarev's pistol 1
RU019.09 4/27/2009 9.00r d=Sudaev's pistol-mach.. Shpagin's pistol machine gun (PGSh-41) 1
RU020.09 4/27/2009 10.00r d=Degtyarov's manual ..), Goryunov's easel machine gun (EG-43) 1
RU021.09 5/5/2009 9.00r issue=Europa 2009 1
RU022.09 5/15/2009 8.00r issue=175th Anniversar..logical Service in Russia d=A.Y. Kupfer 1
RU023.09 5/15/2009 9.00r d=Satellite map 1
RU024.09 5/21/2009 35r issue=300th Anniversary of the Birth of Ekaterina I Alekseevna 1
RU025.09 6/2/2009 7.00r issue=400th Anniversary..he Kalmyk people into the Russian State 1
RU026.09 6/18/2009 7.00r issue=50th Anniversary of Nuclear Russian Navy 1
RU027.09 6/18/2009 8.00r 1
RU028.09 6/18/2009 9.00r 1
RU029.09 6/18/2009 10.00r 1
RU030.09 6/26/2009 30r issue=300th Anniversary of Poltava Battle 1
RU031.09 6/27/2009 8.00r issue=2009 - Year of Youth 1
RU032.09 7/7/2009 9.00r issue=Russian Regions 2009 d=Ingushetia Region 1
RU033.09 7/7/2009 9.00r d=Tomsk Region 1 0
RU034.09 7/7/2009 9.00r d=Chechnya Region 1 0
RU035.09 7/10/2009 5.00r issue=100th Anniversar..L. Mil dt=Mil helicopters d=Mi-1 (2009) 1
RU036.09 7/10/2009 6.00r d=Mi-4 (2009) 1
RU037.09 7/10/2009 7.00r d=Mi-8 (2008 Russia) 1
RU038.09 7/10/2009 8.00r d=Mi-34 1
RU039.09 7/10/2009 9.00r d=Mi-28 1
RU040.09 7/15/2009 9.00r issue=125th Anniversar.. Serebriakova d="Field by autumn", 1908 1 2
RU041.09 7/15/2009 9.00r d="Self-portrait", 1909 1 1
RU042.09 7/17/2009 7.00r issue=100th Anniversar..A. Gromyko d=A.A. Gromyko (2009 Russia) 1
RU043.09 7/27/2009 12.00r issue=World Cultural Heritage in Russia - Solovetsky Islands 1
RU044.09 7/27/2009 12.00r 1 0
RU045.09 7/27/2009 12.00r 1 0
RU046.09 7/27/2009 12.00r 1 0
RU047.09 8/6/2009 6.60r d=Symbol of St Petersburg - Ship of Admiralty steeple
RU048.09 8/6/2009 9.00r d=Symbol of Moscow - St George the Victorious
RU049.09 8/12/2009 6.00r dt=bridges (2009) d=Sartakov Bridge
RU050.09 8/12/2009 7.00r d=Bridge across Irtysh River
RU051.09 8/12/2009 8.00r d=Viaduct across Matsesta River valley
RU052.09 8/12/2009 9.00r d=Bridge across Don River
RU053.09 8/24/2009 10.00r issue=Cities of Military Glory 2009 d=Belgorod 1 1
RU054.09 8/24/2009 10.00r d=Kursk 1 2
RU055.09 8/24/2009 10.00r d=Oryol 1 3
RU056.09 8/24/2009 10.00r d=Polyarny 1 4
RU057.09 8/24/2009 10.00r d=Rzhev 1 5
RU058.09 9/4/2009 50r issue=1150th Anniversary of the Foundation of Velikiy Novgorod 1
RU059.09 9/15/2009 10.00r issue=History of the Russian Cossacks d=Ermak Timofeevich 1
RU060.09 9/15/2009 10.00r d=Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnyov 1 0
RU061.09 9/15/2009 10.00r d=Matvey Ivanovich Platonov 1 0
RU062.09 9/23/2009 9.00r issue=Culture of Russi.. Middle of XIX Century, Moscow District 1
RU063.09 9/23/2009 9.00r d=National Head dress .. XIX Century, Nizhniy Novgorod Province 1 0
RU064.09 9/23/2009 9.00r d=National Head dress ..ddle of XIX Century, Yaroslavl Province 1 0
RU065.09 9/23/2009 9.00r d=National Head dress .. XIX Century, Men's Hat, Tver' Province 1 0
RU066.09 10/1/2009 1.00r issue=2009 dt=Russian Kremlins d=Astrakhan Kremlin 1
RU067.09 10/1/2009 1.50(r) d=Zaraisk Kremlin 1
RU068.09 10/1/2009 2.00r d=Kazan Kremlin 1
RU069.09 10/1/2009 2.50r d=Kolomna Kremlin 1
RU070.09 10/1/2009 3.00r d=Rostov Kremlin 1
RU071.09 10/1/2009 4.00r d=Nizhniy Novgorod Kremlin 1
RU072.09 10/1/2009 5.00r d=Novgorod Kremlin 1
RU073.09 10/1/2009 6.00r d=Pskov Kremlin 1
RU074.09 10/1/2009 10.00r d=Moscow Kremlin (2009) 1
RU075.09 10/1/2009 25r d=Ryazan Kremlin 1
RU076.09 10/1/2009 50r d=Tobolsk Kremlin (2009) 1
RU077.09 10/1/2009 100r d=Tula Kremlin 1
RU078.09 10/7/2009 10.00r issue=United Nations Food Programme perf=12 1
RU079.09 10/14/2009 10.00r issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Vladimir Istomin 1
RU080.09 10/22/2009 9.00r issue=Road Safety 2009 1
RU081.09 10/29/2009 9.00r issue=75th Anniversary of the rank of the Hero of Soviet Union 1
RU082.09 11/6/2009 40r issue=300th Anniversary ..Elizaveta Petrovna d=Elizaveta Petrovna 1
RU083.09 11/9/2009 9.00r issue=200th Anniversary of the Transport Department of Russia 1
RU084.09 11/25/2009 10.00r issue=200th Annivers..tre School named after Mikhail Schepkin 1
RU085.09 11/30/2009 15r issue=50th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty 1
RU086.09 12/1/2009 10.00r issue=New Year 2010 1
RU087.09 12/10/2009 9.00r issue=50th Anniversary of the Strategic Rocket Forces 1
RU088.09 12/15/2009 9.00r dt=fountains of Russia d=Verkhnyaya Pyshma
RU089.09 12/15/2009 10.00r d=Nizhniy Novgorod
RU090.09 12/15/2009 12.00r d=Novyj Urengoj
RU091.09 12/15/2009 15r d=Yaroslavl
RU001.10 2/27/2010 0.10r issue=2010 d=hare (2010) 1
RU002.10 2/27/2010 0.15r 1
RU003.10 2/27/2010 0.25r 1
RU004.10 2/27/2010 0.30r d=fox (2010) 1
RU005.10 2/27/2010 0.50r 1
RU006.10 2/27/2010 1.00r 1
RU007.10 2/27/2010 1.50(r) d=lynx 1
RU008.10 2/27/2010 2.00r 1
RU009.10 2/27/2010 2.50r 1
RU010.10 2/27/2010 3.00r d=elk (2010) 1
RU011.10 2/27/2010 4.00r 1
RU012.10 2/27/2010 5.00r 1
RU013.10 2/27/2010 6.00r d=bear 1
RU014.10 2/27/2010 10.00r 1
RU015.10 2/27/2010 25r 1
RU016.10 1/14/2010 10.00r issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Valentina Grizodubova 1
RU017.10 1/14/2010 10.00r issue=100th Anniversa..Serov d=Anatoly Serov & Polikarpov I-15 2
RU018.10 xlink Colnect 511966-150th_of_Birth_Anniversa..f_Birth_Anniversary_of_APChekhov-Russia
RU019.10 postage 1/29/2010 8.00r multi issue=15..khov d=The lady with the dog 1899 unwmk 1
RU020.10 1/29/2010 10.00r d=The seagull 1896 1
RU021.10 1/29/2010 12.00r d=the House with the mezzanine 1896 1
RU022.10 2/5/2010 10.00r issue=50th Anniversary..eoples' Friendship University of Russia 1
RU023.10 2/11/2010 15r issue=Winter Olympics 2010 perf=11.5 1
RU024.10 3/19/2010 10.50r issue=275th Anniversa..otov d=Portrait of Knyazh D.M. Golitsyn 1
RU025.10 3/19/2010 10.50r d=Portrait of Countess E.A. Musina-Pushkina 1 0
RU026.10 3/24/2010 10.50r issue=Regions of Russia 2010 d=Orenburg region 1 1
RU027.10 3/24/2010 10.50r d=Republic of Tyva 1 2
RU028.10 4/9/2010 12.00r issue=100th Anniversary of Birth of Eugeny Feodorov 1
RU029.10 4/30/2010 10.00r issue=Cities of Military Glory 2010 d=Malgobek perf=11.5 1
RU030.10 4/30/2010 10.00r d=Elnya 1 0
RU031.10 4/30/2010 10.00r d=Elets 1 0
RU032.10 4/30/2010 10.00r d=Voronezh 1 0
RU033.10 4/30/2010 10.00r d=Luga 1 0
RU034.10 4/20/2010 9.00r issue=65th Anniversary..dt=Soviet tanks of the war d=Tank BT-7M 1
RU035.10 4/20/2010 10.00r d=Tank T-70 1
RU036.10 4/20/2010 11.00r d=T-34-85 1
RU037.10 4/20/2010 12.00r d=Tank IS-2 1
RU038.10 xlink Colnect 507739-Order_of_Victory-65th_An..ctory_in_the_Great_Patriotic_War-Russia
RU039.10 postage 5/5/2010 10.50r multi issue=Europa 2010 unwmk 1
RU040.10 5/18/2010 7.70r issue=300th Anniversar..yrillic Alphabet - First Civil alphabet 1
RU041.10 xlink Colnect 498124-500th_Anniversary_of_Iva..0th_Anniversary_of_Ivan_Feodorov-Russia
RU042.10 postage 5/28/2010 6.00r multi dt=watches (2010) d=wooden pocket watch unwmk
RU043.10 5/28/2010 9.00r d=wrist watch Pobeda 1949
RU044.10 5/28/2010 12.00r d=wrist watch Shturmanskie 1949
RU045.10 5/28/2010 15r d=wrist watch Slava 1990
RU046.10 6/7/2010 10.50r issue=275th Anniversar.. Dmitry Levitsky d=Self Portrait (2010) 1
RU047.10 6/7/2010 10.50r d=Portrait of G.I. Alymova 1 0
RU048.10 xlink Colnect 511791-Historical_and_Cultural_..ltural_Heritage_of_Russia_Valaam-Russia
RU049.10 postage 6/18/2010 15r multi issue=300t..tion of Tsarkoe Selo d=Egypt Gate unwmk 1
RU050.10 6/18/2010 15r d=Monument of A.S. Pushkin 1 0
RU051.10 6/18/2010 15r d=Alexander Palace 1 0
RU052.10 6/28/2010 15r issue=Russia-Serbia joint issue d=Mother of God Odigitrija 1
RU053.10 6/28/2010 15r d=Roublyvov Archangel Mikhail 1 0
RU054.10 7/2/2010 15r issue=150th Anniversary of Vladivostok perf=13.5 1
RU055.10 7/14/2010 10.50r issue=Regions of Russia 2010 d=Jewish Autonomous Region 1
RU056.10 7/14/2010 10.50r d=Bryansk Region 1 0
RU057.10 7/26/2010 15r issue=World Cultural Her.. Spit - Dunes and Forest view perf=13.5 1
RU058.10 7/26/2010 15r d=Curonian Spit - Dunes 1 0
RU059.10 7/30/2010 11.00r issue=Culture of Peop..of the Republic of Tatarstan d=Kattashi 1
RU060.10 7/30/2010 11.00r d=Skullcap 1 0
RU061.10 7/30/2010 11.00r d=Maiden kalfak 1 0
RU062.10 7/30/2010 11.00r d=Kamchat burek 1 0
RU063.10 xlink Colnect 507740-Ensemble_of_the_Ferapont..e_in_Russia_Ferapontov_Monastery-Russia
RU064.10 postage 8/12/2010 12.00r multi issue=1..nniversary of Birth of N.N. Zubov unwmk 1
RU065.10 8/20/2010 12.00r issue=History of Russian Cossacks 2010 1
RU066.10 8/20/2010 12.00r 1 0
RU067.10 8/20/2010 12.00r 1 0
RU068.10 8/27/2010 7.70r d=arms of Vladivostok
RU069.10 8/27/2010 10.50r d=arms of Yaroslavl
RU070.10 xlink Colnect 507741-IILevitan_Fresh_wind_Vol..nniversary_of_Birth_of_IILevitan-Russia
RU071.10 postage 9/2/2010 15r multi issue=65th ..f the End of the Second World War unwmk 1
RU072.10 9/10/2010 10.50r issue=75th Anniversary of Birth of German Titov perf=13.5 1
RU073.10 9/10/2010 50r issue=100th Anniversary of Yaroslavl perf=10 2
RU074.10 9/15/2010 9.00r dt=bridges (2010) Bridge over river Volga in Yaroslavl
RU075.10 9/15/2010 10.00r d=Viaduct over valley of the River Matsesta in Sochi
RU076.10 9/15/2010 11.00r d=Bridge across the M..he village Khlebnikovo in Moscow region
RU077.10 9/15/2010 12.00r d=Bridge across Kola Bay in Murmansk
RU078.10 9/22/2010 10.00r issue=150th Anniversary of the Bank of Russia 1
RU079.10 9/22/2010 15r 1
RU080.10 9/22/2010 20r 1
RU081.10 9/22/2010 25r 1
RU082.10 10/5/2010 10.50r issue=2010 - Year of the Teacher 1
RU083.10 10/14/2010 12.00r issue=All-Russian Population Census 1
RU084.10 10/21/2010 15r issue=Joint issue Russia - Kazakhstan - Chokan Valikhanov 1
RU085.10 10/29/2010 10.00r issue=50th Anniversa..f the Space flight of Belka and Strelka 1
RU086.10 11/1/2010 10.50r issue=Regions of Russia 2010 d=Kursk Region 1
RU087.10 11/1/2010 10.50r d=Khanty-Mansiysk 1 0
RU088.10 11/10/2010 12.00r issue=50 Years of Vi..viet Union in the European Cup Football 1
RU089.10 xlink Colnect 507742-200th_Anniversary_of_the..ersary_of_the_Birth_of_NIPirogov-Russia
RU090.10 postage 11/29/2010 15r multi issue=100.. Kachin Military Aviation College unwmk 1
RU091.10 12/1/2010 10.50r issue=New Year 2011 1
RU001.11 1/25/2011 12r issue=Mstislav Keldysh 100th d=Mstislav Keldysh 1
RU002.11 2/21/2011 40r issue=Joint issue Russia.. Anniversary of Foundation of Mariehamn 1
RU003.11 3/30/2011 11.80r dt=Russian regions d=Tyumen Region
RU004.11 3/30/2011 11.80r d=Tambov Region 0
RU005.11 3/30/2011 11.80r d=Novgorod Region 0
RU006.11 4/12/2011 50r issue=50th Anniversary of the First Human Spaceflight 1
RU007.11 xlink Colnect 235991-Vyborg_City_of_Military_Glory-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU008.11 xlink Colnect 235992-Rostov-on-Don_City_of_Mi..y_Glory-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU009.11 xlink Colnect 235993-Tuapse_City_of_Military_Glory-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU010.11 xlink Colnect 235994-Vladikavkaz_City_of_Mili..y_Glory-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU011.11 xlink Colnect 235995-Veliky_Novgorod_City_of_..y_Glory-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU012.11 xlink Colnect 235996-Velikie_Luki_City_of_Mil..y_Glory-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU013.11 postage 4/27/2011 8.50r multi issue=50..y of the Russian Peace Foundation unwmk 1
RU014.11 4/29/2011 9.00r issue=Weapons of Victory 2011 d=Yak-3 1
RU015.11 4/29/2011 10.00r d=La-5 fighter 1
RU016.11 4/29/2011 11.00r d=Il-2 (2011) 1
RU017.11 4/29/2011 12r d=Pe-2 1
RU018.11 5/5/2011 15r issue=Europa 2011 dt=forests (2011 Russia) 1
RU019.11 5/16/2011 9.00r issue=Monuments of Sci..s d=Central Telegraph, Moscow perf=12.5 1
RU020.11 5/16/2011 12r d=Admiralty Building, St. Petersburg 1
RU021.11 5/16/2011 15r d=Lomonosov Moscow State University 1
RU022.11 5/16/2011 25r d=Railway Station, Sochi 1
RU023.11 5/17/2011 12r issue=Shelkin 100th d=K.I. Shelkin 1
RU024.11 5/26/2011 11.80r d=arms of Komi Republic
RU025.11 5/26/2011 8.50r d=arms of Irkutsk
RU026.11 5/26/2011 15r issue=Joint issue of the..o d=Kazansky cathedral in St-Petersburg 1 1
RU027.11 5/26/2011 15r d=Russian diplomatic mission in Tsetine 1 2
RU028.11 6/1/2011 12r issue=Joint issue of the ..d the Republic of Armenia d=V.Y. Brusov 1
RU029.11 6/1/2011 12r d=O.T. Tumanyan 1 0
RU030.11 6/20/2011 12r issue=Venezuela independence 200th d=flag of Venezuela (2011) 1
RU031.11 xlink Colnect 236022
RU032.11 postage 6/27/2011 11.80r multi the Russian State by Buryatia unwmk 1
RU033.11 6/27/2011 15r issue=75th Anniversary o..obile Inspectorate of the MOI of Russia 2
RU034.11 7/1/2011 50r d=The Order of Saint Andrew the First-Called
RU035.11 7/29/2011 25r d=Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve - The Manpupuner Plateau
RU036.11 8/1/2011 10.00r issue=Historical and C..Folk Art d=Chapel of StMacarius XVIII c 1
RU037.11 8/1/2011 15r d=Ascension Church XVII c 1
RU038.11 8/1/2011 20r d=Wind mill XX c 1
RU039.11 8/15/2011 9.00r dt=pedestrian bridges d=Pochtamsky Bridge across Moika River
RU040.11 8/15/2011 10.00r d=Patriarshy Bridge across Moscow River
RU041.11 8/15/2011 12r d=Bridge across River Kena
RU042.11 8/15/2011 15r d=Bridge across River Vezelka
RU043.11 8/29/2011 15r issue=History of the Russian Cossacks d=Amur Cossack Army 1 1
RU044.11 8/29/2011 15r d=Astrakhan Cossack Army 1 2
RU045.11 8/29/2011 15r d=Volga Cossack Army 1 3
RU046.11 9/1/2011 15r dt=cavaliers of the Order of St Andrew d=D.S. Likhachev
RU047.11 9/1/2011 15r d=B.V. Petrovsky 0
RU048.11 9/1/2011 15r d=Lyudmila Zykina 0
RU049.11 9/9/2011 15r issue=250th Anniversary o..arclay de Tolly d=M.B. Barclay de Tolly 1
RU050.11 9/12/2011 14r dt=contemporary Russian art d=Modern art Sea landscape 1
RU051.11 9/12/2011 14r d=View of Borisoglebsky monastery 2
RU052.11 9/12/2011 14r d=Gymnasts of the USSR 3
RU053.11 9/12/2011 14r d=Modern art Aidan 4
RU054.11 9/12/2011 14r d=Modern art Monument to Yury Nikulin 5
RU055.11 9/12/2011 14r d=Village Akinshino perf=12 6
RU056.11 9/13/2011 50r d=World Cultural Heritag.. City and Fortress Buildings of Derbent
RU057.11 9/15/2011 12r dt=headdresses of the Russian North d=Winter Hat
RU058.11 9/15/2011 12r d=Maiden Fillet 0
RU059.11 9/15/2011 12r d=Povoy 0
RU060.11 9/15/2011 12r d=Wiglet 0
RU061.11 9/26/2011 15r issue=50th Anniversary o.. d=Ailuropoda melanoleuca (2011 Russia) 1
RU062.11 9/30/2011 9.00r issue=Innovative Technologies 1
RU063.11 10/10/2011 12r d=Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications 1991-2011
RU064.11 10/14/2011 15r issue=300th Anniversary of Plant Arsenal d=field cannon 1
RU065.11 10/21/2011 50r issue=300th Anniversary of Moscow Head Post Office 1
RU066.11 10/21/2011 11.80r 1
RU067.11 10/21/2011 11.80r 1 0
RU068.11 10/21/2011 11.80r 1 0
RU069.11 10/21/2011 11.80r 1 0
RU070.11 10/27/2011 12r issue=The Constitutiona..urt of the Russian Federation 1991-2011 1
RU071.11 10/24/2011 12r issue=50th Anniversary of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses 1
RU072.11 10/28/2011 12r issue=200th Anniversary of the use of Gas in russia 1
RU073.11 11/3/2011 11.80r issue=Commonwealth of Independent States 20th 1
RU074.11 11/17/2011 100r issue=300th Anniversar..h of M.V. Lomonosov d=Mikhail Lomonosov 1
RU075.11 11/21/2011 45r issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of K.A. Korovin 1
RU076.11 11/25/2011 8.50r issue=225th Anniversary of the Insurance industry in Russia 1
RU077.11 xlink Colnect 275119-Kaluga_Region-Regions_of_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU078.11 postage 12/1/2011 20r multi issue=New Year 2012 unwmk 1
RU079.11 12/10/2011 15r
RU080.11 12/12/2011 15r issue=lace 2011 dt=lace (2011) 1
RU081.11 12/12/2011 15r 1 0
RU082.11 12/12/2011 15r 1 0
RU083.11 12/12/2011 15r 1 0
RU084.11 12/12/2011 11.80r dt=Russian regions d=Omsk Region
RU001.12 2/1/2012 50r issue=300th Anniversary of Tula Arms Plant perf=12 1
RU002.12 2/8/2012 15r dt=whales (2012 Russia) d=Orcinus orca (2012)
RU003.12 2/8/2012 20r d=Megaptera novaeangliae (2012)
RU004.12 2/13/2012 15r issue=125th Anniversary of P.N. Nesterov d=P.N. Nesterov 1
RU005.12 2/27/2012 45r perf=12
RU006.12 3/2/2012 25r dt=State Awards of the Russian Federation d=Gold Star Medal 1
RU007.12 3/2/2012 25r d=Order For Merit to the Fatherland 1st Class 3
RU008.12 3/2/2012 25r d=Order of Saint George 1st Class 2
RU009.12 3/21/2012 15r issue=Centenary of Birth of M.I. Raskova d=M.I. Raskova 1
RU010.12 4/6/2012 15r issue=150th Anniversary of P.A. Stolypin d=P.A. Stolypin 1
RU011.12 4/16/2012 10.00r issue=Weapons of Victory 2012 dt=weapons of Victory d=GAZ-AA 1
RU012.12 4/16/2012 12.00r d=ZIS-5V 1
RU013.12 4/16/2012 14r d=GAZ-67B 1
RU014.12 4/16/2012 15r d=GAZ-M1 1
RU015.12 4/20/2012 15r issue=Cities of Military Glory 2012 d=Pskov 1 1
RU016.12 4/20/2012 15r d=Vyazma 1 2
RU017.12 4/20/2012 15r d=Narofominsk 1 3
RU018.12 4/20/2012 15r d=Tver 1 4
RU019.12 4/20/2012 15r d=Kronstadt 1 5
RU020.12 4/20/2012 15r d=Dmitrov 1 6
RU021.12 4/26/2012 10.00r issue=Association of Veterans of Combat Operations of Russia 1
RU022.12 5/4/2012 15r issue=Europa 2012 1
RU023.12 5/7/2012 15r issue=V.V. Putin takes President of Russian Federation 2012 1
RU024.12 5/7/2012 15r issue=Heroes of the Russi.. the Russian Federation d=V.V. Zamaraev 2 1
RU025.12 5/7/2012 15r d=A.V. Putsykin 2 2
RU026.12 5/7/2012 15r d=D.A. Razumovsky 2 3
RU027.12 5/7/2012 15r d=A.B. Tsydenzhapov 2 4
RU028.12 5/7/2012 15r d=I.Y. Yanina 2 5
RU029.12 5/17/2012 30r issue=150th Anniversary of birth of M.V. Nesterov 1
RU030.12 5/29/2012 15r issue=175th Anniversary of birth of I.N. Kramskoy d=I.N. Kramskoy 1 1
RU031.12 5/29/2012 15r d=INKramskoy An Unknown Lady 1883 1 2
RU032.12 6/4/2012 30r perf=12
RU033.12 6/4/2012 30r 0
RU034.12 6/6/2012 13r issue=75th Anniversary Non-Stop flight above the North Pole 1
RU035.12 6/14/2012 9.20r d=The Monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky in Moscow
RU036.12 6/14/2012 13r d=Triumphal Arch in Moscow
RU037.12 6/25/2012 13r issue=Joint issue of Bel..orthern crested newt Triturus cristatus 1 1
RU038.12 6/25/2012 13r d=smooth newt Lissotriton vulgaris 1 2
RU039.12 6/26/2012 15r
RU040.12 6/29/2012 15r dt=Cavaliers of St Andrew Order d=Patriarch Alexy II 1
RU041.12 6/29/2012 15r d=I.K. Archipova 2
RU042.12 6/29/2012 15r d=V.I. Shumakov 3
RU043.12 7/4/2012 30r issue=1050th Anniversary of Belozersk perf=12 2
RU044.12 7/4/2012 30r issue=1150th Anniversary of Izborsk 1
RU045.12 7/6/2012 13r
RU046.12 7/17/2012 13r issue=Joint issue Russia - Spain d=Episcopal Palace Astorga Spain 1 2
RU047.12 7/17/2012 13r d=Cathedral of the Saviour on Blood 1 1
RU048.12 7/20/2012 13r issue=1000th Anniversary..ple to the Nations of the Russian State 1
RU049.12 7/29/2012 15r dt=contemporary Russian ..Monument to Fyodor Chaliapin Kazan 1999 1
RU050.12 7/29/2012 15r d=ANKovalchuk Mammoths Khanty-Mansiysk 2007 2
RU051.12 7/29/2012 15r d=GALeman Warm Day 1996 3
RU052.12 7/29/2012 15r d=VINesterenko Russian Madonna 2005 4
RU053.12 7/29/2012 15r d=AISuhovetsky Autumn Interior 1992 5
RU054.12 7/29/2012 15r d=SAGavrilyachenko Cossack farewell Stapedius 1999 6
RU055.12 7/6/2012 12.00r
RU056.12 8/2/2012 13r issue=100th Anniversary o..f Knapsack Parachute by G.E. Kotelnikov 1
RU057.12 8/7/2012 9.20r issue=125th Anniversary of F.A. Zander 1
RU058.12 8/10/2012 15r issue=100th Anniversary of the Air Force of Russia 1
RU059.12 8/20/2012 30r issue=1150th Anniversary of Rostov 1
RU060.12 8/22/2012 15r issue=History of Russian Cossacks d=Yenisey Cossack Army 1 1
RU061.12 8/22/2012 15r d=Orenburg Cossack Army 1 2
RU062.12 8/22/2012 15r d=Ussuri Cossack Army 1 3
RU063.12 8/27/2012 50r issue=200th Anniversary ..ry in the Patriotic War of 1812 perf=12 1
RU064.12 8/29/2012 45r
RU065.12 8/29/2012 13r
RU066.12 9/7/2012 50r issue=150th Anniversary o..v Visiting on a spring holyday sun 1915 1
RU067.12 9/7/2012 15r dt=Outstanding Lawyers of Russia d=G.K. Derzhavin 1
RU068.12 9/7/2012 15r d=A.F. Koni 2
RU069.12 9/7/2012 15r d=M.M. Speransky 3
RU070.12 9/11/2012 13r issue=200th Anniversary of Fort Ross d=Fort Ross 1
RU071.12 9/19/2012 10.00r issue=1150th Anniversary of Origin of Russian Statehood 1
RU072.12 9/21/2012 15r d=National Costumes
RU073.12 9/29/2012 50r issue=175th Anniversary of Railways in Russia perf=12 1
RU074.12 10/1/2012 15r issue=100th Anniversary of Shipbuilding Plant "Severnaya Verf" 1
RU075.12 10/5/2012 40r issue=Construction compl..of the Nord Stream Gas Pipeline perf=12 1
RU076.12 10/10/2012 13r issue=500th Anniversary..vice on Protection of Borders of Russia 1
RU077.12 11/2/2012 40r issue=400th Anniversary ..storation of Unity of the Russian State 1
RU078.12 11/15/2012 20r dt=Kaslinsky Moulding d..tte in the Square Frame Floral Ornament 3
RU079.12 11/15/2012 20r d=Small Rosette Framed Asymmetrical Ornament 4
RU080.12 11/15/2012 20r d=Large Rosette Fragments of the Openwork Ornament 2
RU081.12 11/15/2012 20r d=Slab With Two Concentric Rosettes 1
RU082.12 11/29/2012 50r d=Coat of Arms of Moscow perf=12 1
RU083.12 11/29/2012 50r d=Coat of Arms of St Petersburg 2
RU084.12 12/3/2012 13r issue=New Year 2013 1
RU001.13 1/17/2013 50r issue=150th Anniversary of Birth of K.S. Stanislavskiy 1
RU002.13 1/21/2013 15r issue=100th Anniversary of birth of G.N. Flerov 1
RU003.13 1/30/2013 15r issue=Cities of Military..13 d=Arkhangelsk City of Military Glory 1
RU004.13 1/30/2013 15r d=Bryansk City of Military Glory 1 0
RU005.13 1/30/2013 15r d=Volokolamsk City of Military Glory 1 0
RU006.13 1/30/2013 15r d=Kalach-na-Donu City of Military Glory 1 0
RU007.13 1/30/2013 15r d=Kozelsk 1 0
RU008.13 xlink sheet WNS RU008MS.13
RU009.13 postage 1/30/2013 15r multi dt=Wild Go..d Rams d=Snow Sheep Ovis nivicola unwmk 4
RU010.13 1/30/2013 15r d=West Caucasian Tur Capra caucasica 3
RU011.13 1/30/2013 15r d=Bezoar Capra aegagrus 2
RU012.13 1/30/2013 15r d=argali Ovis ammon 1
RU013.13 2/8/2013 15r issue=350th Anniversary of Penza 1
RU014.13 2/18/2013 25r dt=State Awards of the Federation d=Order of Suvorov (2013) 3
RU015.13 2/18/2013 25r d=Order of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr 1
RU016.13 2/18/2013 25r d=Order of Alexander Nevsky 2
RU017.13 2/22/2013 15r issue=Centenary of birth of A.I. Pokryshkin 1
RU018.13 2/22/2013 15r issue=Heroes of the Russ..f the Russian Federation d=V.I. Shkurny 2 5
RU019.13 2/22/2013 15r d=Hero of Russian Federation E N Chernyshev 1963-2010 2 4
RU020.13 2/22/2013 15r d=Hero of Russian Federation Yu A Dmitriev 1978-2002 2 1
RU021.13 2/22/2013 15r d=Hero of Russian Federation N S Maidanov 1956-2000 2 3
RU022.13 2/22/2013 15r d=Hero of Russian Federation O G Ilyin 1967-2004 2 2
RU023.13 2/27/2013 45r
RU024.13 3/4/2013 15r dt=Cones of Coniferous trees and shrubs d=Juniperus davurica 1
RU025.13 3/4/2013 15r d=Microbiota decussata 2
RU026.13 3/4/2013 15r d=Larix cajanderi 3
RU027.13 3/4/2013 15r d=Picea obovata (2013) 4
RU028.13 xlink sheet WNS RU028MS.13
RU029.13 postage 3/14/2013 15r multi unwmk
RU030.13 3/26/2013 15r issue=150th Anniversary ..Obuhov Steel Works d=Obuhov Steel Works 1
RU031.13 4/1/2013 10.00r issue=50th Anniversary..ic Relations between Russia and Algeria 1
RU032.13 4/30/2013 10.00r dt=Historical centre .. d=Centre of StPetersburg Winter Palace
RU033.13 4/30/2013 15r d=St Petersburg Admiralty & St Isaacs Cathedral
RU034.13 4/30/2013 20r d=Centre of StPetersburg Vasilievsky Island
RU035.13 5/6/2013 15r issue=Europa 2013 1
RU036.13 5/8/2013 10.00r dt=warships (2013) d=Krasnoznamenny Minesweeper Mina Warships
RU037.13 5/8/2013 12.00r d=Guards patrol ship Blizzard Warships
RU038.13 5/8/2013 15r d=Guards armored boat BKA-75 Warships
RU039.13 5/8/2013 20r d=Krasnoznamennaya gunboat Usyskin Warships
RU040.13 5/15/2013 14.25r dt=Sea Vessels (2013) d=Research vessel Vyacheslav Tikhonov
RU041.13 5/15/2013 14.25r d=Arctic shuttle tanker Timothy Guzhenko 0
RU042.13 xlink sheet WNS RU042MS.13
RU043.13 xlink sheet WNS RU043MS.13
RU044.13 postage 6/17/2013 15r multi dt=contemp..olotnov On the river Trubezh 2008 unwmk
RU045.13 6/17/2013 15r d=D A Belyukin Indian Summer Early morning 2003 0
RU046.13 6/17/2013 15r d=A A Lubavin Girl & the city 2005 0
RU047.13 6/18/2013 10.00r d=Coat of Arms of Aleksandrov
RU048.13 6/18/2013 14.25r d=Coat of Arms of Kazan
RU049.13 6/29/2013 15r d=Cavaliers of the Order..St. Andrew the First Called - Mr Aliyev
RU050.13 6/29/2013 15r d=Holder of Order of St Andrew RGGamzatov 1923-2003 0
RU051.13 7/5/2013 15r dt=Arts & Crafts of Russia - Shawls d=Karabanovo scarf Cotton
RU052.13 7/5/2013 15r d=Moscow Tryokhgornaya manufactory scarf Cotton 0
RU053.13 7/5/2013 15r d=Pavlovsky Posad shawl Wool 0
RU054.13 7/5/2013 15r d=Orenburg shawl feathers Wool 0
RU055.13 7/5/2013 14.25r issue=50th Anniversary.. in Space d=Valentina Tereshkova (2013) 1
RU056.13 7/26/2013 30r issue=Joint Issue The Ru..nd Ukraine - 1025th Anniversary of Chri 1
RU057.13 xlink sheet WNS RU057MS.13
RU058.13 xlink sheet WNS RU058MS.13
RU059.13 postage 8/9/2013 14.25r multi issue=XVI World Athletics Championship unwmk 1
RU060.13 8/13/2013 10.00r issue=125th Anniversa...N. Tupolev dt=strategic bombers d=Tu-2 1
RU061.13 8/13/2013 13r d=TB-7 1
RU062.13 8/13/2013 15r d=Tu-16 1
RU063.13 8/13/2013 17.00r d=Tu-22M3 1
RU064.13 xlink sheet WNS RU064MS.13
RU065.13 postage 8/15/2013 15r multi issue=150th Anniversary of Kolomensky Plant unwmk 1
RU066.13 8/21/2013 14.25r
RU067.13 9/2/2013 15r issue=Joint issue Russian..eration & Principality of Liechtenstein 1
RU068.13 9/2/2013 15r 1 0
RU069.13 9/4/2013 15r issue=100th Anniversary o..cebreaker Vaygach Russian Imperial Navy 1 1
RU070.13 9/4/2013 15r d=B.A. Vilkitsky 1 2
RU071.13 xlink sheet WNS RU071MS.13
RU072.13 postage 9/9/2013 15r multi issue=18th ..ociation of Prosecutors in Moscow unwmk 1
RU073.13 9/21/2013 50r issue=1150th SAnniversary of the City of Smolensk 1
RU074.13 10/9/2013 15r issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Sergei Mikhalkov 1
RU075.13 10/11/2013 50r issue=Coat of Arms of Russia - Yaroslavl Region 1
RU076.13 10/19/2013 50r issue=200th Anniversary..under Napoleon in the Battle of Leibzig 1
RU077.13 10/25/2013 15r issue=Russian Contemporary Art dt=contemporary Russian art 1
RU078.13 10/25/2013 15r 1 0
RU079.13 10/25/2013 15r 1 0
RU080.13 11/1/2013 10r issue=75th Anniversary of the Universal Single Combat Sambo 1
RU081.13 11/8/2013 15r issue=History of the Russian Uniform - Department of the Interior 1
RU082.13 11/8/2013 15r 1 0
RU083.13 11/8/2013 15r 1 0
RU084.13 11/8/2013 15r 1 0
RU085.13 12/3/2013 15r issue=Outstanding Lawyers of Russia d=F.N. Plevako 1
RU086.13 12/3/2013 15r d=A.N. Radischev 1 0
RU087.13 12/5/2013 15r issue=History of the Russian Motor Industry d=ZIL 111B 1
RU088.13 12/5/2013 15r d=Sunbeam Alpine 1 0
RU089.13 12/12/2013 50r issue=20th Anniversary of the Constitution of Russia 2
RU090.13 12/12/2013 20r issue=State Duma and Federation Council of Russia 1
RU091.13 12/12/2013 20r 1 0
RU001.14 1/9/2014 15r issue=150th Birth Anniversary of V.A. Steklov 1
RU002.14 1/24/2014 1.00r issue=kremlins 2014 d=Astrakhan Kremlin 1
RU003.14 1/24/2014 1.50(r) d=Zaraysk Kremlin 1
RU004.14 1/24/2014 2.00r d=Kazan Kremlin 1
RU005.14 1/24/2014 4.00r d=Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin 1
RU006.14 1/24/2014 5.00r d=Novgorod Kremlin 1
RU007.14 1/24/2014 6.00r d=Pskov Kremlin 1
RU008.14 1/24/2014 10.00r d=Moscow Kremlin (2014) 1
RU009.14 1/24/2014 25r d=Ryazan Kremlin 1
RU010.14 1/24/2014 2.50r d=Kolomna Kremlin 1
RU011.14 1/24/2014 3.00r d=Rostov Kremlin 1
RU012.14 1/24/2014 25r issue=Winter Olympics 2014 d=biathlon (2014 Russia) 2
RU013.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..chi - Winter Olympic Sports - Bobsleigh 2 0
RU014.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..- Winter Olympic Sports - Alpine Skiing 2 0
RU015.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..Sochi - Winter Olympic Sports - Curling 2 0
RU016.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga.. - Winter Olympic Sports - Jumping Race 2 0
RU017.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..ochi - Winter Olympic Sports - Ski Race 2 0
RU018.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..i - Winter Olympic Sports - Ski Jumping 2 0
RU019.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Sochi - Winter Olympic Sports - Luge 2 0
RU020.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..ochi - Winter Olympic Sports - Skeleton 2 0
RU021.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..- Winter Olympic Sports - Speed Skating 2 0
RU022.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..chi - Winter Olympic Sports - Snowboard 2 0
RU023.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga.. Winter Olympic Sports - Figure Skating 2 0
RU024.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..chi - Winter Olympic Sports - Freestyle 2 0
RU025.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..hi - Winter Olympic Sports - Ice Hockey 2 0
RU026.14 1/24/2014 25r d=XXII Olympic Winter Ga..i - Winter Olympic Sports - Short Track 2 0
RU027.14 xlink Colnect 554985-Order_of_Ushakov-State_awards_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU028.14 xlink Colnect 554986-Order_of_Zhukov-State_awards_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU029.14 xlink Colnect 554987-Order_of_Kutuzov-State_awards_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU030.14 postage 2/7/2014 50r multi issue=Winter Olympics 2014 medals unwmk 1
RU031.14 2/7/2014 75r 1
RU032.14 2/7/2014 25r 1
RU033.14 2/13/2014 40r issue=150th Anniversary of Moscow Zoo 1
RU034.14 xlink Colnect 554988-Hero_of_Russian_Federati..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU035.14 xlink Colnect 554989-Hero_of_Russian_Federati..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU036.14 xlink Colnect 554990-Hero_of_Russian_Federati..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU037.14 xlink Colnect 554991-Hero_of_Russian_Federati..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU038.14 xlink Colnect 554992-Hero_of_Russian_Federati..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU039.14 postage 3/7/2014 50r multi issue=Cente..A.M. Gritsai d=by Aleksei Gritsai unwmk 1
RU040.14 3/14/2014 15r issue=Flora of Russia d=Chamaenerion angustifolium (2014) 1 1
RU041.14 3/14/2014 15r d=Lupinus polyphyllus 1 2
RU042.14 3/14/2014 15r d=Cichorium intybus (2014) 1 3
RU043.14 3/14/2014 15r d=Matricaria recutita 1 4
RU044.14 3/28/2014 15r issue=Centenary of Birth of M.L. Gallay 1
RU045.14 4/18/2014 50r issue=Joint issue - Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus 1
RU046.14 4/18/2014 15r issue=Aviation History - Air Rams d=P.V. Eremeyev 2
RU047.14 4/18/2014 15r d=E.I. Zelenko 2 0
RU048.14 4/18/2014 15r d=B.I. Kovzan 2 0
RU049.14 4/18/2014 15r d=A.S. Khlobystov 2 0
RU050.14 4/25/2014 12.00r issue=70th Anniversar.. the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1
RU051.14 4/25/2014 15r d=76-mm divisional gun ZIS-3 Artillery 1
RU052.14 4/25/2014 18.00r 1
RU053.14 4/25/2014 20r 1
RU054.14 4/30/2014 18.00r issue=Europa 2014 1
RU055.14 5/5/2014 15r issue=Centenary of Birth of Ya. B. Zeldovich 1
RU056.14 5/21/2014 15r issue=Joint issue of the..onfederation. Architecture.Tower Clocks 1
RU057.14 5/21/2014 20r 1
RU058.14 6/4/2014 15r d=Concord Tower
RU059.14 6/10/2014 50r issue=300th Anniversary of the St Petersburg Post Office 1
RU060.14 6/19/2014 15r d=Crimea - (Not in compl..e with Article 8 of the UPU Convention)
RU061.14 6/20/2014 15r d=Cultural and Historica..nce with Article 8 of the UPU Conventio
RU062.14 6/20/2014 50r d=250 Years of the foundation of the State Hermitage
RU063.14 6/24/2014 10.50r d=arms of Sergiev Posad
RU064.14 6/26/2014 15r issue=100 Years of the Factory "Barricades" 1
RU065.14 xlink Colnect 486803-100th_Anniversary_of_Joi..versary_of_Joint_Tuva_and_Russia-Russia
RU066.14 postage 6/27/2014 15r multi d=Centenary of the Birth of V.N. Chelomey unwmk
RU067.14 7/2/2014 40r d=Baikal-Amur railway
RU068.14 7/7/2014 25r issue=State Awards of the..ero of Labor of the Russian Federation" 1
RU069.14 7/7/2014 25r d=medal "For the Defence of Leningrad" 1 0
RU070.14 7/7/2014 25r d=medal for the Defence of Sevastopol 1 0
RU071.14 7/7/2014 25r d=Medal for the Defence of Stalingrad 1 0
RU072.14 7/7/2014 25r d=Medal "For the Defence of Moscow" 1 0
RU073.14 7/7/2014 15r d=Joint issue of the Russ..f Bulgaria - Traditionals and Modernity
RU074.14 7/28/2014 15r d=Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías
RU075.14 7/31/2014 20r issue=History of the First World War d=Osovets 1
RU076.14 7/31/2014 20r d=Erzurum operation 1 0
RU077.14 7/31/2014 20r d=Russian Expeditionary Force 1 0
RU078.14 7/31/2014 20r d=Brusilovsky breakthrough 1 0
RU079.14 8/1/2014 50r issue=300 Years since Naval Battle of Gangut 1
RU080.14 8/1/2014 15r issue=Fauna of Russia dt=wild cats d=Manul 2
RU081.14 8/1/2014 16.00r d=wildcat (2014) 2
RU082.14 8/1/2014 17.00r d=Amur Cat 2
RU083.14 8/1/2014 18.00r d=Felis chaus (2014) 2
RU085.14 8/8/2014 25r d=Medal For the Defence of the Caucasus perf=12
RU086.14 8/8/2014 25r d=Medal For the Defence of Kyiv 0
RU087.14 8/8/2014 25r d=Medal For the Defence of Odessa 0
RU088.14 8/8/2014 25r d=Medal For the Defence of the Soviet Arctic 0
RU089.14 8/22/2014 15r d=100th Anniversary of the City of Kyzyl
RU090.14 8/26/2014 15r issue=Marine Fleet of Ru..icebreaking vessel Vitus Bering perf=12 1 1
RU091.14 8/26/2014 15r d=Sadko 1 2
RU092.14 8/28/2014 20r issue=Towns of Military Glory d=Anapa 1 1
RU093.14 8/28/2014 20r d=Vladivostok 1 2
RU094.14 8/28/2014 20r d=Kovrov 1 3
RU095.14 8/28/2014 20r d=Kolpino 1 4
RU096.14 8/28/2014 20r d=Stary Oskol 1 5
RU097.14 8/28/2014 20r d=Tikhvin 1 6
RU098.14 8/22/2014 15r d=75th Anniversary of th..ian Forces over the Japanese Aggressors
RU099.14 9/1/2014 15r issue=History of the Russ..f the Yamskoy Prikaz and a Postman 1671 1
RU100.14 9/1/2014 15r d=A Postman and an Officer of the Yamskoy Office 1767 1 0
RU101.14 9/1/2014 15r d=A Postman and Telegraphist 1870 1 0
RU102.14 9/1/2014 15r d=A Postman and Line Operator 1950 1 0
RU103.14 9/3/2014 15r issue=450 Years of Book Printing in Russia 1
RU104.14 9/5/2014 45r d=Church of the Ascension of Christ in Kolomenskoye
RU105.14 9/16/2014 70r issue=700th Anniversary ..f Venerable Sergius of Radonezh perf=12 1
RU106.14 9/18/2014 18.00r d=Main Centre for Special Communications
RU107.14 9/25/2014 50r d=arms of Krasnodar Krai
RU108.14 10/7/2014 20r issue=A Joint issue by C..ber Countries - Winter Sports perf=13.5 1
RU109.14 10/12/2014 18.00r issue=Joint issue of.. DPRK d=Pandion haliaetus (2014 Russia) 1
RU110.14 10/12/2014 15r d=Accipiter nisus (2014) 1
RU111.14 10/12/2014 15r d=Formula-1 World Championship perf=13.5
RU112.14 10/15/2014 50r issue=200th Anniversary of Birth of Mikhaïl Lermontov 1
RU113.14 10/21/2014 15r d=Coat of Arms of Sochi
RU114.14 10/24/2014 15r d=Cavalier of the Order..led - Mikhaïl Kalachnikov (1919-2013),
RU115.14 10/24/2014 15r d=Full Cavalier of the Vishnevskaya (1926-2012), Operea Sin 0
RU116.14 10/29/2014 20r issue=The Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society 1
RU117.14 10/29/2014 20r 1 0
RU118.14 10/29/2014 20r 1 0
RU119.14 11/7/2014 15r issue=Fauna of Russia d=Uncia uncia (2014) 2
RU120.14 11/7/2014 18.00r d=Far Eastern Leopard 2
RU121.14 11/7/2014 20r d=Panthera tigris altaica (2014) 2
RU122.14 11/13/2014 15r issue=100th Anniversary of Birth of G. Babakhin 1
RU123.14 11/25/2014 50r issue=World Cup 2014 1
RU124.14 11/25/2014 15r d=State Nature Biosphere Reserve “Kerzhenski”
RU125.14 11/28/2014 20r issue=Russian Arts and Crafts. Wood Carving. Door Trims 1
RU126.14 11/28/2014 20r 1 0
RU127.14 11/28/2014 20r 1 0
RU128.14 11/28/2014 20r 1 0
RU129.14 12/2/2014 50r d=arms of Tver Region
RU130.14 12/3/2014 15r issue=Outstanding Lawyers of Russia d=F. F. Martens 1
RU131.14 12/3/2014 15r d=S. A. Muromtsev 1 0
RU132.14 12/3/2014 15r d=P. I. Yaguzhinskiy 1 0
RU133.14 12/12/2014 15r issue=Contemporary Russ..d=Monument to A. Nevsky, St. Petersburg 1 1
RU134.14 12/12/2014 15r d="Spring in Kolomenskoye" 1 2
RU135.14 12/12/2014 15r d="Lilac" 1 3
RU136.14 12/12/2014 15r d="Victory of Peresvet" 1 4
RU137.14 12/12/2014 15r d="Near Radonezh, the River of Vorya" 1 5
RU138.14 12/12/2014 15r d="The Walls of Pskov Kremlin" 1 6
RU139.14 12/12/2014 15r issue=New Year 2014 2
RU001.15 1/16/2015 23r issue=Europa 2015 1
RU002.15 1/22/2015 50r issue=150th Anniversary .. of V.A. Serov d=painting by V.A. Serov 1
RU003.15 1/27/2015 23r issue=Postcrossing 2015 1
RU004.15 2/10/2015 50r d=World Natural Heritage of Russia - Natural Park "Lena Pillars"
RU005.15 2/12/2015 15r d=S.P. Kapitsa
RU006.15 2/19/2015 25r issue=State Awards of th..ian Federation 2015 d=Order of Nakhimov 1
RU007.15 2/19/2015 25r d=Order of Courage 1 0
RU008.15 2/19/2015 25r d=Order of Friendship 1 0
RU009.15 2/24/2015 20r issue=Cities of Military Glory 2015 d=Lomonosov perf=11.5 1
RU010.15 2/24/2015 20r d=Maloyaroslavets 1 0
RU011.15 2/24/2015 20r d=Mozhaysk 1 0
RU012.15 2/24/2015 20r d=Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky 1 0
RU013.15 2/24/2015 20r d=Taganrog 1 0
RU014.15 2/24/2015 20r d=Khabarovsk 1 0
RU015.15 3/18/2015 16.00r issue=70th Anniversar.. the Great Patriotic War d=P.M. Silayev 1 2
RU016.15 3/18/2015 16.00r d=A.I. Galushkin 1 1
RU017.15 3/19/2015 16.00r issue=70th Anniversar..e Great Patriotic War b d=E. Ya. Osipov 1
RU018.15 3/19/2015 16.00r d=A.I. Marinesko 1 0
RU019.15 3/21/2015 17.00r d=Dzerzhinsky Indepen.. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
RU020.15 3/26/2015 20r issue=150th Anniversary of the District Council Post 1
RU021.15 4/2/2015 30r issue=70th Anniversary of.. c d=Medal For the Liberation of Warsaw 1 1
RU022.15 4/2/2015 30r d=Medal For the Liberation of Prague 1 2
RU023.15 4/2/2015 30r d=Medal For the Liberation of Belgrade 1 3
RU024.15 4/10/2015 17.00r issue=50th Anniversar..f the First Spacewalk d=First Spacewalk 1
RU025.15 4/16/2015 20r issue=Flora of Russia d=Pinus stankewiczii 1 1
RU026.15 4/16/2015 20r d=Juniperus excelsa (2015) 1 2
RU027.15 4/16/2015 20r d=Norway Maple 1 3
RU028.15 4/16/2015 20r d=Quercus robur (2015) 1 4
RU029.15 4/16/2015 17.00r issue=State Programme..nt of Voluntary Donorship Blood Service 1
RU030.15 4/17/2015 20r issue=Accounts Chamber of Russia 1
RU031.15 4/23/2015 26.50r issue=175th d=Penny Black under magnifying glass 1
RU032.15 4/28/2015 17.00r d=R.A. Rudenko perf=11.5
RU033.15 4/30/2015 12.00r issue=70th Anniversar..otic War e d=Armored Train Moscow Metro 1
RU034.15 4/30/2015 17.00r d=Armored Train Fighter of the German invaders 1
RU035.15 4/30/2015 19.00r d=Armored Train Moskvich 1
RU036.15 4/30/2015 27r d=Armored Train Kozma Minin 1
RU037.15 5/5/2015 30r issue=70th Anniversary of.. d=Medal For the Capture of Königsberg 1 1
RU038.15 5/5/2015 30r d=Medal For the Capture of Vienna 1 2
RU039.15 5/5/2015 30r d=Medal For the Capture of Berlin 1 3
RU040.15 5/5/2015 30r d=Medal For the Capture of Budapest 1 4
RU041.15 5/5/2015 70r 1
RU042.15 5/7/2015 17.00r issue=150th Anniversar..national Telecommunications Union (ITU) 1
RU043.15 5/12/2015 19.00r issue=International Exhibition "Sviaz Expocomm" 1
RU044.15 5/21/2015 17.00r issue=Eurasian Economic Union 1
RU045.15 5/22/2015 17.00r d=Joseph Brodsky
RU046.15 5/28/2015 16.00r issue=Fauna of Russia series - Service Breeds of Dogs 1
RU047.15 5/28/2015 18.00r 1
RU048.15 5/28/2015 20r 1
RU049.15 5/28/2015 26.50r 1
RU050.15 5/28/2015 150r issue=175th Anniversary of Birth of Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky 2
RU051.15 6/2/2015 26.50r issue=Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel perf=13.5 1
RU052.15 6/4/2015 40r issue=Bank of Russia 1
RU053.15 6/4/2015 40r 1 0
RU054.15 6/4/2015 40r 1 0
RU055.15 6/16/2015 12.00r d=Coat of Arms of Derbent
RU056.15 6/16/2015 17.00r d=Coat of Arms of Nizhny Novgorod
RU057.15 6/16/2015 26.50r d=International Children's Centre "Artek" perf=11.5
RU058.15 6/23/2015 25r issue=200th Anniversary .. of Pavel A. Fedotov (1815-1852) Artist 1
RU059.15 6/23/2015 25r 1 0
RU060.15 6/25/2015 17.00r issue=Year of Literature in Russia perf=11.5 1
RU061.15 7/7/2015 19.00r issue=Meeting of the C..f the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 1
RU062.15 7/10/2015 21.00r issue=250th Anniversary of Birth of Pyotr Bagration 1
RU063.15 7/23/2015 17.00r d=FSUE "Russian Post"
RU064.15 7/23/2015 35r issue=Russian Geographical Society 1
RU065.15 7/24/2015 17.00r issue=XVI FINA World Championships in Kazan 1
RU066.15 8/3/2015 21.00r issue=History of World War I 1
RU067.15 8/3/2015 21.00r 1 0
RU068.15 8/3/2015 21.00r 1 0
RU069.15 8/3/2015 21.00r 1 0
RU070.15 xlink Colnect 828547-Ceramic_tiles_Moscow_XIX..rative_and_applied_art_of_Russia-Russia
RU071.15 xlink Colnect 828548-Ceramic_tiles_Moscow_reg..rative_and_applied_art_of_Russia-Russia
RU072.15 xlink Colnect 828549-Ceramic_tiles_Moscow_reg..rative_and_applied_art_of_Russia-Russia
RU073.15 xlink Colnect 828550-Ceramic_tiles_Yaroslavl_..rative_and_applied_art_of_Russia-Russia
RU074.15 postage 8/11/2015 17.00r multi issue=H..form Jackets of Railway Transport unwmk 1
RU075.15 8/11/2015 17.00r 1 0
RU076.15 8/11/2015 17.00r 1 0
RU077.15 8/11/2015 17.00r 1 0
RU078.15 8/14/2015 19.00r d=150th Anniversary of the Leningrad Zoo
RU079.15 8/14/2015 17.00r d=Nikolayevsk-on Amur city
RU080.15 8/23/2015 19.00r issue=Monasteries of Russian Orthodox Church 1
RU081.15 8/23/2015 19.00r 1 0
RU082.15 8/26/2015 12.00r issue=100th Anniversa..afonov d=B.F. Safonov & Polikarpov I-16 1
RU083.15 8/28/2015 19.00r issue=Joint issue bet..ry of the Liberation of Korea perf=11.5 1
RU084.15 8/28/2015 50r d=Coat of Arms of the Co.. Russian Federation - Republic of Tatar 1
RU085.15 9/2/2015 17.00r issue=70th Anniversary of the end of World War II 1
RU086.15 9/9/2015 35r issue=500th Anniversary of Nizhny Novgorod Stone Kremlin perf=11.5 1
RU087.15 9/10/2015 21.00r issue=History of the First World War b 1
RU088.15 9/10/2015 21.00r 1 0
RU089.15 9/10/2015 21.00r 1 0
RU090.15 9/10/2015 21.00r 1 0
RU091.15 9/15/2015 26.50r issue=70th Anniversary of the United Nations 1
RU092.15 9/18/2015 100r issue=2018 FIFA World Cup in 2015 perf=11.5 1
RU093.15 9/21/2015 21.00r issue=The Federal Antimonopoly Service 1
RU094.15 9/22/2015 19.00r issue=Joint issue Rus..rbaijan - Modern Architecture perf=11.5 1
RU095.15 9/22/2015 19.00r 1 0
RU096.15 9/23/2015 19.00r issue=Sea Fleet of Russia 1
RU097.15 9/23/2015 19.00r 1 0
RU098.15 9/24/2015 17.00r issue=Russian Nuclear Industry 1
RU099.15 9/25/2015 21.00r d=Saint Vladimir the Great
RU100.15 10/1/2015 26.50r issue=Russia in FIFA ..nts d=World Cup stamp of 1958 perf=11.5 1 1
RU101.15 10/1/2015 26.50r d=Russia in the FIFA World Cup FIFA ™ 1962 year 1 2
RU102.15 10/1/2015 26.50r d=Russia in the FIFA World Cup FIFA ™ 1966 year 1 3
RU103.15 10/1/2015 26.50r d=Cup FIFA ™ 1970 year 1 4
RU104.15 10/1/2015 26.50r d=Russia in the FIFA World Cup FIFA ™ 1982 year 1 5
RU105.15 10/1/2015 26.50r d=Russia in the FIFA World Cup FIFA ™ 1986 year 1 6
RU106.15 10/2/2015 19.00r issue=Joint issue of .. of Capitals d=House-Museum V Vasnetsov 2
RU107.15 10/2/2015 35r issue=2000th Anniversary..dation of the City of Derbent perf=11.5 1
RU108.15 10/14/2015 26.50r issue=50th Anniversa..ion of Monuments of History and Culture 1
RU109.15 10/19/2015 19.00r issue=Joint issue Ru..niversary of establishing Dip perf=11.5 1
RU110.15 10/19/2015 19.00r 1 0
RU111.15 10/23/2015 35r d=World Cultural Herita..City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora
RU112.15 10/28/2015 19.00r d=Disaster Reduction
RU113.15 10/28/2015 21.00r issue=70th Anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1
RU114.15 11/5/2015 19.00r d=150th Anniversary of Patriarch Tikhon
RU115.15 11/5/2015 50r d=arms of Kostroma Region perf=11.5
RU116.15 11/5/2015 17.00r d=I.Y. Shelohvostov
RU117.15 11/10/2015 17.00r issue=Heroes of the Russian Federation d=V.V. Maiboroda 2 1
RU118.15 11/10/2015 17.00r d=V.A. Tinkov 2 4
RU119.15 11/10/2015 17.00r d=S.S. Aleksandrovich 2 3
RU120.15 11/10/2015 17.00r d=M.V. Mikhailovich 2 2
RU121.15 11/10/2015 19.00r d=100th Anniversary of Birth of Ashot Badalov
RU122.15 11/11/2015 21.00r issue=Joint issue be..ratic Republic - 55th Anniversary of Di 1
RU123.15 11/11/2015 21.00r 1 0
RU124.15 11/17/2015 21.00r issue=World Cup 2018..=stadiums (2015) d=Stadium Fischt Sochi 1 1
RU125.15 11/17/2015 21.00r d=Stadium Luzhniki Moscow 1 2
RU126.15 11/17/2015 21.00r d=Stadium Spartak Moscow 1 3
RU127.15 11/17/2015 21.00r d=Stadium Kazan Arena Kazan 1 4
RU128.15 11/17/2015 17.00r issue=200th Annivers..tion of Zlatoust Arms Factory perf=11.5 2
RU129.15 11/27/2015 21.00r d=Ministry of the Ru..cies and Elimination of Consequences of
RU130.15 12/3/2015 17.00r d=150th Anniversary Timiryazev State Agrarian University
RU131.15 12/3/2015 17.00r issue=Outstanding Lawyers of Russia d=N.V. Muraviev perf=11.5 1 1
RU132.15 12/3/2015 17.00r d=K.P. Pobedonostsev 1 2
RU133.15 12/3/2015 17.00r d=N.S. Tagantsev 1 3
RU134.15 12/9/2015 26.50r issue=World Cup 2018 ..ootball Legends d=GD Kachalin 1911-1995 1 1
RU135.15 12/9/2015 26.50r d=VB Bubukin 1933-2008 1 2
RU136.15 12/9/2015 26.50r d=J.N. Voinov 1 3
RU137.15 12/9/2015 26.50r d=VC Ivanov 1934-2011 1 4
RU138.15 12/9/2015 26.50r d=S.S. Salnikov 1 5
RU139.15 12/9/2015 26.50r d=EA Streltsov 1937-1990 1 6
RU140.15 12/9/2015 26.50r d=LI Yashin 1929-1990 1 7
RU141.15 12/10/2015 35r issue=New Year 2016 1
RU001.16 1/13/2016 21.00r issue=Joint Issue of ..RCC Member Countires - National Cuisine 1
RU002.16 1/27/2016 50r issue=175th Anniversary of the Birth of Arkhip Kuindzhi perf=11 1
RU003.16 1/28/2016 25r issue=175th Anniversary of the birth of Vasiliy O. Kluchevskiy 1
RU004.16 1/28/2016 25r issue=250th Anniversary of Birth of Nikolai M. Karamzin 2
RU005.16 xlink Colnect 598026-Gatchina-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU006.16 xlink Colnect 598028-Grozny-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU007.16 xlink Colnect 598030-Petrozavodsk-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU008.16 xlink Colnect 598032-Staraya_Russa-Cities_of_Military_Glory-Russia
RU009.16 postage 2/18/2016 20r multi issue=Citi..of Military Glory 2016 d=Feodosia unwmk 1 5
RU010.16 2/19/2016 25r issue=State Awards of th..ssian Federation 2016 d=Gold Star Medal 1 1
RU011.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation Gold Medal 1 2
RU012.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of St Andrew the Apostle the First-Called 1 3
RU013.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of St George 1 4
RU014.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order for Merit to the Motherland 1 5
RU015.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of St Catherine the Great Martyr 1 6
RU016.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Alexander Nevsky 1 7
RU017.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Suvorov (2016) 1 8
RU018.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Ushakov 1 9
RU019.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Zhukov 1 10
RU020.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Kutuzov 1 11
RU021.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Nakhimov 1 12
RU022.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Courage 1 13
RU023.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Military Merit 1 14
RU024.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Naval Merit 1 15
RU025.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Honor 1 16
RU026.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Order of Friendship 1 17
RU027.16 2/19/2016 25r d=Parental Glory Order 1 18
RU028.16 2/20/2016 19.00r d=The Continental Hockey League 2016 Gagarin Cup
RU029.16 2/26/2016 21.00r issue=Accession of the Russian Federation to Council of Europe 1
RU030.16 3/3/2016 17.00r d=The Regional in the field of Communications (RCC)
RU031.16 3/24/2016 19.00r issue=Heroes of the Russian Federation 2016 d=V.M. Adamishin 1
RU032.16 3/24/2016 19.00r d=Colonel Alexey Vasilyevich Balandin 1 0
RU033.16 3/24/2016 19.00r d=Captain Dmitry Alexandrovich Serkov 1 0
RU034.16 3/25/2016 31r issue=Postcrossing 2016 1
RU035.16 4/12/2016 31r issue=55 years since the first manned flight into space 1
RU036.16 4/15/2016 21.00r issue=300th Anniversa.. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 1
RU037.16 4/22/2016 23r d=Kislovodsk treatment resort park
RU038.16 4/27/2016 19.00r issue=150th Foundatio..versary of Notaries Institute of Russia 1
RU039.16 5/6/2016 19.00r issue=IIHF World Championship 2016 1
RU040.16 5/20/2016 21.50r issue=Centenary of th..Alexey P. Maresiev d=Alexey P. Maresiev 1
RU041.16 5/24/2016 21.00r issue=Joint issue of ..m Vittoriosa Gate by Nicholas Krassnoff 1
RU042.16 5/24/2016 21.00r d=Dulber 1 0
RU043.16 5/26/2016 31r d=Rosa Khutor Alpine Resort
RU044.16 5/27/2016 21.00r issue=Joint issue of ..ian Orthodox Chapel on the Vršič Pass 1
RU045.16 6/2/2016 37r d=Union of Philatelists of Russia
RU046.16 6/2/2016 19.00r d=150 Years of the Russian Historical Society
RU047.16 6/3/2016 90r issue=125th Anniversary o.. Bulgakov d=Mikhail A. Bulgakov perf=11 1
RU048.16 6/6/2016 24r issue=50 Years of the Sta..Russian Language named after AS Pushkin 1
RU049.16 6/9/2016 17.00r issue=Commonwealth of Independent States 1
RU050.16 6/16/2016 20r issue=Petersburg International Economic Forum 1
RU051.16 6/22/2016 35r issue=Joint Issue of the..arus - Heroic Defence of the Brest Fort 1
RU052.16 6/23/2016 19.00r issue=Service Dog breeds d=Scottish Shepherd 1
RU053.16 6/23/2016 31r d=German shepherd (2016) 1
RU054.16 6/23/2016 24r issue=800th Anniversary of Foundation of Rzhev City 2
RU055.16 6/24/2016 19.00r issue=International News Agency "Russia Today" 1
RU056.16 6/28/2016 21.50r d=200th Anniversary of the Birth of DA Milutin
RU057.16 6/28/2016 14r d=child in car seat
RU058.16 7/1/2016 20r issue=All-Russian Agricultural Census 2016 1
RU059.16 7/5/2016 19.00r issue=GLONASS Russian Space Navigation System 1
RU060.16 7/14/2016 24r issue=850th Anniversary of Founding of Velikiye Luki City 1
RU061.16 7/19/2016 25r issue=State Awards of th..ation 2016 b d=Order for Military Merit 1 1
RU062.16 7/19/2016 25r d=Order of Naval Merit 1 2
RU063.16 7/19/2016 25r d=Order of Honor 1 3
RU064.16 7/19/2016 25r d=Parental Glory Order 1 4
RU065.16 7/28/2016 24r issue=History of World military Equipment d=Fedorov Avtomat 1
RU066.16 7/28/2016 24r d=Mgebrov-Isotta-Fraschini armoured vehicle 1 0
RU067.16 7/28/2016 24r d=Grigorovich M-5 Flying Boat 1 0
RU068.16 7/28/2016 24r d=Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaya Dreadnought 1 0
RU069.16 7/29/2016 21.50r issue=2018 FIFA World..p. Russia in FIFA World Cup Tournaments 1
RU070.16 7/29/2016 21.50r 1 0
RU071.16 7/29/2016 21.50r 1 0
RU072.16 7/29/2016 21.50r 1 0
RU073.16 8/2/2016 21.50r issue=100th Company "Likhachov Automobile Plant" 1
RU074.16 8/5/2016 24r issue=450th Anniversary of Oryol City 1
RU075.16 8/6/2016 24r issue=450th Anniversary of Omsk City 1
RU076.16 8/9/2016 31r issue=1000th Anniversary ..ssian Presence at the Mount Athos, 2016 1
RU077.16 xlink Colnect 818431-50_years_of_the_State_Hi..ical-Architectural_and_Ethnograp-Russia
RU078.16 postage 8/19/2016 50r multi issue=50th..hnographic Museum Reserve unwmk perf=11 1
RU079.16 8/19/2016 50r 1 0
RU080.16 8/23/2016 14r d=Coat of Arms of Velikiye Luki
RU081.16 8/23/2016 19.00r d=Coat of Arms of Murmansk
RU082.16 8/26/2016 21.50r issue=2018 FIFA World..Volgograd, Ekaterinburg, Rostov, Samara 1
RU083.16 8/26/2016 21.50r 1 0
RU084.16 8/26/2016 21.50r 1 0
RU085.16 8/26/2016 21.50r 1 0
RU086.16 8/30/2016 80r issue="Russian Arctic" National Park perf=11 1
RU087.16 9/1/2016 24r issue=350th Anniversary of Ulan-Ude City 1
RU088.16 9/6/2016 24r issue=Lukoil 1
RU089.16 9/14/2016 19.00r issue=Unified State Exam 1
RU090.16 9/16/2016 50r issue=Coat of Arms of th..ration d=Republic of Ingushetia perf=11 1
RU091.16 9/16/2016 50r d=Perm Region 1 0
RU092.16 9/20/2016 19.00r issue=Russian Preside..ional Economy and Public Administration 1
RU093.16 9/22/2016 21.50r issue=100th Anniversary of Birth of A.M. Prokhorov 1
RU094.16 9/27/2016 21.50r issue=100th Anniversary of the Degtyaryov Plant 1
RU095.16 10/4/2016 24r issue=100th Foundation Anniversary of Murmansk City 1
RU096.16 10/5/2016 19.00r issue=Heroes of the Russian Federation 2016 d=Mark N. Evtuhin 1
RU097.16 10/5/2016 19.00r d=Nikolay V. Skrypnik 1 0
RU098.16 10/7/2016 24r issue=200th Anniversary of Metropolitan Macarius 1
RU099.16 10/11/2016 35r issue=On the 75th anniv.. War of 1941-1945. Way to victory. The 1
RU100.16 10/11/2016 35r 1 0
RU101.16 10/25/2016 25r issue=Abramtsevo State ..Museum Reserve d=Sergey Aksakov perf=11 1
RU102.16 10/25/2016 25r d=Savva Mamontov 1 0
RU103.16 10/25/2016 24r issue=Federal Customs Service d=Federal Customs Service 2
RU104.16 xlink Colnect 816077-100_years_State_Nature_Biosphere_Reserve_Barguzin-Russia
RU105.16 postage 10/28/2016 29r multi issue=201..nikov Victor Maksimovic 1938-2001 unwmk 1 1
RU106.16 10/28/2016 29r d=Beeskow Konstantin Ivanovich 1920-2006 1 2
RU107.16 10/28/2016 29r d=Latyshev Nikolay Gavrilovich 1913-1999 1 3
RU108.16 10/28/2016 29r d=Metreveli Slava Kalistratovich 1936-1998 1 4
RU109.16 10/28/2016 29r d=Morozov Nikolai Petrovich 1916-1981 1 5
RU110.16 10/28/2016 29r d=Netto Igor Aleksandrovich 1930-1999 1 6
RU111.16 10/28/2016 29r d=Husainov Galimzyan Salihovic 1 7
RU112.16 10/31/2016 19.00r issue=1000th Anniver..ruth" First Code of Laws of Ancient Rus 1
RU113.16 11/10/2016 19.00r issue=100th Anniversary of Birth of Djamaldin Kh. Yandiev 1
RU114.16 11/14/2016 29r issue=Joint Issue of th..c of Argentina - Sharing our Traditions 1
RU115.16 11/14/2016 29r 1 0
RU116.16 11/16/2016 35r issue=Joint Issue of th..akhstan - The Battle of Moscow. Way to 1
RU117.16 11/29/2016 31r dt=contemporary Russian.. "Golden Balls of Stavropol Krai, 2012"
RU118.16 11/29/2016 31r d=Nikolai Morgun - "Dawn, Chersonesus, 2002" 0
RU119.16 11/29/2016 31r d=Yuri Orlov - "We Serv..otherland and the Special Forces, 2002" 0
RU120.16 11/29/2016 31r d=Dmitry Tugarinov - "M..o Alexander Suvorov, 1999. Switzerland" 0
RU121.16 12/1/2016 19.00r issue=Happy New Year 2017 1
RU122.16 12/2/2016 19.00r issue=Outstanding Rus..ladimir Alexandrovich Tumanov 1926-2011 1 3
RU123.16 12/2/2016 19.00r d=Konstantin Ivanovich Palen 1 2
RU124.16 12/2/2016 19.00r d=Gabriel Feliksovich Shershenevich 1863-1912 1 1
RU125.16 12/8/2016 19.00r issue=F-1 Nuclear Reactor, the first in Eurasia 1
RU126.16 12/9/2016 29r issue=2018 FIFA World Cu..oly Andreyevich Banishevsky 1946–1997 1 1
RU127.16 12/9/2016 29r d=Valery Ivanovich Voronin 1939–1998 1 2
RU128.16 12/9/2016 29r d=A.M. Ilyin 1 3
RU129.16 12/9/2016 29r d=Evgeny Vasilyevich Rudakov 1942–2011 1 4
RU130.16 12/9/2016 29r d=Pavel Fyodorovich Sadyrin 1942–2001 1 5
RU131.16 12/9/2016 29r d=Igor Leonidovich Chislenko 1939–1994 1 6
RU132.16 12/9/2016 29r d=A.A. Shesternev 1 7
RU133.16 12/13/2016 21.50r issue=Joint Issue of..atogo apostola Ioanna Bogoslova v Kaneo 1 1
RU134.16 12/13/2016 21.50r d=Sobor Svyatoj ZHivonachalnoj Troicy 1 2
RU135.16 12/14/2016 70r issue=70th Anniversary .. Military Tribunal in Nuremberg perf=11 1
RU136.16 12/20/2016 19.00r issue=History of the..r. The MFA of the Russian Empire (1834) 1 1
RU137.16 12/20/2016 19.00r d=A state counselor ..r. The MFA of the Russian Empire (1904) 1 2
RU138.16 12/20/2016 19.00r d=An Ambassador Extr..nd an attaché of the People's Commissa 1 3
RU139.16 12/20/2016 19.00r d=Ambassadors Extrao..ntiary of the Russian Federation (2001) 1 4
RU001.17 1/16/2017 19.00r issue=100th birth ann..Yevgeny Zababakhin d=Yevgeny Zababakhin 1
RU002.17 1/24/2017 29.00r issue=Joint issue of ..trations - National crafts - Bast sanda 1
RU003.17 xlink Colnect 913642-Mascot_FIFA_World_Cup_20..ussia-FIFA_World_Cup_2018_Russia-Russia
RU004.17 postage 2/7/2017 19.00r multi d=S.S. Oskanov unwmk
RU005.17 xlink Colnect 677236-Karlov_Andrey_Gennadevic..Heroes_of_the_Russian_Federation-Russia
RU006.17 postage 2/27/2017 19.00r multi issue=O.. Rights in the Russian Federation unwmk 1
RU007.17 xlink Colnect 913643-Abdication_of_Emperor_Ni.._of_the_Great_Russian_Revolution-Russia
RU008.17 xlink Colnect 913644-Centenary_of_the_Great_R.._of_the_Great_Russian_Revolution-Russia
RU009.17 xlink Colnect 913645-Centenary_of_the_Great_R.._of_the_Great_Russian_Revolution-Russia
RU010.17 xlink Colnect 913646-Centenary_of_the_Great_R.._of_the_Great_Russian_Revolution-Russia
RU011.17 postage 3/9/2017 35.00r multi issue=FIFA Confederations Cup Russia 2017 unwmk 1
RU012.17 3/15/2017 24r issue=Europa 2017 d=St Petersburg Mikhailovsky Castle 1
RU013.17 3/23/2017 19.00r d=Sergey Ashikhmin
RU014.17 3/23/2017 19.00r d=V.K. Yermakov 0
RU015.17 3/27/2017 35.00r issue=Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations 1
RU016.17 3/29/2017 29.00r issue=125th Anniversa..e Sochi Arboretum d=Galanthus woronowii 1
RU017.17 3/29/2017 29.00r d=Erythronium caucasicum 1 0
RU018.17 3/29/2017 29.00r d=Diospyros lotus 1 0
RU019.17 3/29/2017 29.00r d=Cyclamen coum ssp. caucasicum 1 0
RU020.17 3/31/2017 24r issue=100th Anniversary ..Krassin Icebreaker d=Krassin Icebreaker 1
RU021.17 4/4/2017 35.00r issue=Turtles 2017 d=Emys orbicularis (2017) 1
RU022.17 xlink Colnect 844764-Chinese_Pond_Turtle_Pelo..nensis-Fauna_of_Russia_-_Turtles-Russia
RU023.17 xlink Colnect 844765-Caspian_Turtle_Mauremys_caspica-Fauna_of_Russia_-_Turtles-Russia
RU024.17 xlink Colnect 844766-Common_Tortoise_Testudo_graeca-Fauna_of_Russia_-_Turtles-Russia
RU025.17 postage 4/11/2017 19.00r multi issue=7..hanical Engineering Design Bureau unwmk 1
RU026.17 xlink Colnect 913647-Association_of_Veterans_of_Combat_Operations_of_Russia-Russia
RU027.17 xlink Colnect 913648-775_years_of_Battle_on_the_Ice-Russia
RU028.17 postage 5/4/2017 41.00r multi issue=75..ictory in the Great Patriotic War unwmk 1
RU029.17 5/15/2017 22r issue=25th All-Russian Festival "Russian Student Spring" 1
RU030.17 5/17/2017 35.00r issue=Russian Fables .. The Rooster & the Pearl VKTrediakovsky 1 1
RU031.17 5/17/2017 35.00r d=Fable Fox & the Grapes I A Krylov 1 3
RU032.17 5/17/2017 35.00r d=Fable The Fable The Wolf & the Crane AP Sumarokov 1 2
RU033.17 5/17/2017 35.00r d=Fable The Hare & the Turtle SV Mikhalkov 1 4
RU034.17 xlink Colnect 913649-175th_birth_anniversary_of_V_V_Vereshchagin_1842-1904-Russia
RU035.17 xlink Colnect 913650-Astrakhan_region-Coats_o..nt_entities_of_Russia_Federation-Russia
RU036.17 postage 6/1/2017 27.00r multi issue=10..ersary of the Izvestiya Newspaper unwmk 1
RU037.17 6/4/2017 25.00r issue=25th Anniversary of the Republic of Ingushetia 1
RU038.17 6/5/2017 22r issue=Year of Ecology in Russia 1
RU039.17 6/28/2017 22r issue=DOSAAF of Russia d=Pistol shooting 1
RU040.17 6/28/2017 22r d=Radiosport 1 0
RU041.17 6/29/2017 33.00r d=350th Anniversary of Russian State Shipbuilding
RU042.17 6/29/2017 16.00r d=Arms of Azov
RU043.17 6/29/2017 22r d=Arms of Orekhovo-Zuyevo
RU044.17 6/30/2017 22r d=Military Cathedral of Resurrection of Christ
RU045.17 7/3/2017 22r issue=Joint issue of Russia and Thailand - State Rulers 1
RU046.17 xlink Colnect 913651-Kaliningrad_region-Coats..nt_entities_of_Russia_Federation-Russia
RU047.17 postage 7/12/2017 100.00r multi issue=..ological Museum Reserve unwmk perf=12.5 1
RU048.17 7/21/2017 22r issue=225th Anniversary of birth of Pyotr Vyazemsky 1
RU049.17 7/25/2017 95.00r issue=200th Birth ann..of Ivan Aivazovsky d=by Ivan Aivazovsky 1
RU050.17 xlink Colnect 913652-525_years_of_Ivangorod_Fortress-Russia
RU051.17 postage 8/3/2017 35.00r multi issue=19.. Youth and Students d=1957 Moscow unwmk 1 1
RU052.17 8/3/2017 35.00r d=1985 Moscow 1 2
RU053.17 8/3/2017 35.00r d=1973 Berlin 1 3
RU054.17 8/3/2017 35.00r d=1978 Havana 1 4
RU055.17 8/3/2017 35.00r d=1989 Pyongyang 1 5
RU056.17 8/11/2017 41.00r d=Crimean Campaign and the Siege of Sevastopol
RU057.17 8/23/2017 22r issue=World Cup 2018 in ..t=stadiums (2017) d=Stadium Kaliningrad 1
RU058.17 8/23/2017 22r d=Stadium Nizhny Novgorod 1 0
RU059.17 8/23/2017 22r d=Stadium St Petersburg 1 0
RU060.17 8/23/2017 22r d=Stadium "Mordovia Arena" 1 0
RU061.17 8/23/2017 27.00r issue=200th Anniversa..andrite Antonin d=Archimandrite Antonin 2
RU062.17 8/24/2017 41.00r issue=5th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1
RU063.17 8/29/2017 27.00r issue=Cavaliers of the Order of St.Andrew d=Fazu Aliyeva 1
RU064.17 8/30/2017 22r issue=2017 d=Aleksandrov kremlin 1
RU065.17 8/30/2017 41.00r d=Vologda kremlin 1
RU066.17 9/1/2017 41.00r issue=75th anniversary.. War d=Aviation Regiment Normandy-Neman 1
RU067.17 9/13/2017 35.00r issue=Contemporary Russian Art d=Missing the missing 1946 1 1
RU068.17 9/13/2017 35.00r d=Autumn Evening 2009 1 4
RU069.17 9/13/2017 35.00r d=Conversation 2007 1 3
RU070.17 9/13/2017 35.00r d=The Sower 2008 1 2
RU071.17 9/21/2017 35.00r issue=100th birth ann..of Indira Gandhi d=Indira Gandhi (2017) 1
RU072.17 9/27/2017 27.00r d=Military Academy of..ral Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia
RU073.17 9/28/2017 22r d=V.A. Dolonin
RU074.17 9/28/2017 22r d=V.V. Matveyev 0
RU075.17 10/3/2017 27.00r d=Civil defence of the Russian Federation
RU076.17 10/6/2017 27.00r d=Investigative Committee of Russia
RU077.17 xlink Colnect 913653-19th_World_Festival_of_Youth_and_Students-Russia
RU078.17 postage 10/14/2017 35.00r multi d=Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly unwmk
RU079.17 10/23/2017 22r issue=Zhostovo Painting 1
RU080.17 10/23/2017 22r 1 0
RU081.17 10/23/2017 22r 1 0
RU082.17 10/23/2017 22r 1 0
RU083.17 10/25/2017 22r issue=History of the Ru..ical department & specialist cynologist 1 4
RU084.17 10/25/2017 22r d=Controller & chief Main Customs Directorate USSR 1 3
RU085.17 10/25/2017 22r d=Controller & customs manager 1904 1 2
RU086.17 10/25/2017 22r d=Customs guard & customs manager 1827 1 1
RU087.17 10/26/2017 35.00r issue=Joint issue of..and the Republic of India - Folk dances 1
RU088.17 10/26/2017 35.00r 1 0
RU089.17 10/31/2017 27.00r issue=Joint issue of..s and the Republic of Kazakhstan - Mir 1
RU090.17 11/1/2017 22r issue=50th Anniversary o..sian state satellite communication oper 1
RU091.17 xlink Colnect 913654-50th_Anniversary_of_the_Ostankino_TV_Tower-Russia
RU092.17 xlink Colnect 913655-50th_Anniv_of_the_Ostankino_Television_Technical_Centre-Russia
RU093.17 postage 11/14/2017 35.00r multi issue=..he State of Israel - Architecture unwmk 1
RU094.17 11/16/2017 22r issue=Treasures of Russ..endant with a raspberry-pink tourmaline 1 4
RU095.17 11/16/2017 22r d=State 1 3
RU096.17 11/16/2017 22r d=brooch with emerald 1 2
RU097.17 11/16/2017 22r d=Diamond Orlov 1 1
RU098.17 11/20/2017 27.00r d=Maya Plisetskaya 1925–2015 a Ballet Dancer
RU099.17 11/20/2017 27.00r same as prev 0
RU100.17 11/29/2017 41.00r issue=100th Annivers..f restoration of Patriarchate in Russia 1
RU101.17 12/1/2017 22r issue=Happy New Year! The 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Mascot 1
RU102.17 12/1/2017 33.00r 1
RU103.17 12/1/2017 35.00r 1
RU104.17 12/4/2017 22r issue=Outstanding Lawyer.. of the series) d=NM Korkunov 1853-1904 1
RU105.17 12/4/2017 22r d=II Dmitriev 1760-1837 1 0
RU106.17 12/4/2017 22r d=S.S. Alekseev 1 0
RU107.17 12/7/2017 27.00r d=The Federal Treasury
RU108.17 12/8/2017 35.00r
RU109.17 12/18/2017 27.00r d=Yevgeny Primakov
RU110.17 12/18/2017 35.00r issue=Joint issue of..=Bakhchisaray Holy Assumption Monastery 1 1
RU111.17 12/18/2017 35.00r d=The Golden Temple of Dambulla 1 2
RU112.17 12/20/2017 27.00r issue=100th Anniversary of State security agencies 1
RU113.17 12/20/2017 22r issue=World Cup 2018 in 2017 b 2
RU114.17 12/20/2017 22r 2 0
RU115.17 12/20/2017 22r 2 0
RU116.17 12/20/2017 22r 2 0
RU001.18 1/16/2018 35₽ issue=Woodpeckers of Russia d=Picus viridis (2018) 1
RU002.18 1/16/2018 35₽ d=Dendrocopos major (2018) 1 0
RU003.18 1/16/2018 35₽ d=Dryocopus martius 1 0
RU004.18 1/16/2018 35₽ d=Dryobates minor 1 0
RU005.18 1/18/2018 27₽ issue=Nikolai Pavlovich Loverov memorial 1
RU006.18 1/22/2018 27₽ issue=Vladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin memorial 1
RU007.18 2/2/2018 41₽ issue=75th Anniversary of World War II 1
RU008.18 2/15/2018 22₽ issue=10th Anniversary of the Continental Hockey League 1
RU009.18 2/20/2018 22₽ dt=Heroes of the Russian Federation d=A.V. Lebed
RU010.18 2/20/2018 22₽ d=Alexander Vladimirovich Krasikov 0
RU011.18 2/21/2018 28₽ issue=Europa 2018 1
RU012.18 2/28/2018 30₽ issue=Joint RCC Issue ..ature Reserves d=Bubo scandiacus (2018) 1
RU013.18 3/2/2018 40₽ issue=Winter Universiade 2019 in 2018 1 3
RU014.18 3/2/2018 40₽ 1 4
RU015.18 3/2/2018 40₽ 1 1
RU016.18 3/2/2018 40₽ 1 2
RU017.18 3/20/2018 60₽ issue=140th Anniversar..Bulgaria d=Nikolai Grigorevich Stoletov 1
RU018.18 3/20/2018 60₽ d=I.V. Gurko 1 0
RU019.18 3/20/2018 60₽ d=Eduard Ivanovich von Totleben 1 0
RU020.18 3/21/2018 30₽ issue=Flora of Russia - Lilac 1
RU021.18 3/21/2018 30₽ 1 0
RU022.18 3/21/2018 30₽ 1 0
RU023.18 3/21/2018 30₽ 1 0
RU024.18 3/22/2018 22₽ dt=Heroes of the Russi..=Aleksei Borisovich Bukhanov, 1965-2003
RU025.18 3/28/2018 100₽ issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of Maxim Gorky 1
RU026.18 3/29/2018 25₽ issue=100th Anniversary of the Military Commissariats 1
RU027.18 4/5/2018 27₽ dt=Heroes of the Russia..ederation d=Dmitry Evgenievich Gorshkov
RU028.18 4/12/2018 30₽ issue=75th Anniversary..National Nuclear Energy Research Center 1
RU029.18 4/24/2018 40₽ issue=International Ex..tion and Telecommunication Technologies 1
RU030.18 5/4/2018 27₽ issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx 1
RU031.18 5/7/2018 22₽ issue=Inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation 1
RU032.18 5/8/2018 41₽ issue=Battle of the Caucasus 75th 1
RU033.18 5/10/2018 40₽ issue=World Cup 2018 d=Group A - Russia, Saudi Arabia,... 1
RU034.18 5/10/2018 40₽ d=Group B - Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Iran 1 0
RU035.18 5/10/2018 40₽ d=Group C - France, Australia, Peru, Denmark 1 0
RU036.18 5/10/2018 40₽ d=Group D - Argentina, Iceland,... 1 0
RU037.18 5/10/2018 40₽ d=Group E - Brazil, Switzerland, Costa... 1 0
RU038.18 5/10/2018 40₽ d=Group F - Germany, Mexico, Sweden,... 1 0
RU039.18 5/10/2018 40₽ d=Group G - Belgium, Panama, Tunisia, England 1 0
RU040.18 5/10/2018 40₽ d=Group H - Poland, Senegal, Colombia, Japan 1 0
RU041.18 5/16/2018 27₽ issue=Flowers 2018 1
RU042.18 5/16/2018 27₽ 1 0
RU043.18 xlink Colnect 913656-History_of_Russian_Beekeeping-Beekeeping-Russia
RU044.18 xlink Colnect 913657-History_of_Russian_Beekeeping-Beekeeping-Russia
RU045.18 xlink Colnect 913658-History_of_Russian_Beekeeping-Beekeeping-Russia
RU046.18 xlink Colnect 913659-History_of_Russian_Beekeeping-Beekeeping-Russia
RU047.18 xlink Colnect 913660-300th_Anniversary_of_the_Russian_Police_Forces-Russia
RU048.18 xlink Colnect 913661-Novosibirsk-Coats_of_Arm..sian_Federal_Subjects_and_Cities-Russia
RU049.18 xlink Colnect 913662-Yamalo-Nenets-Coats_of_A..sian_Federal_Subjects_and_Cities-Russia
RU050.18 xlink Colnect 913666-World_Cup-FIFA_World_Cup_2018_Russia-Russia
RU051.18 xlink Colnect 913667-World_Cup-FIFA_World_Cup_2018_Russia-Russia
RU052.18 xlink Colnect 913663-Ivanovo-Coats_of_Arms_of..sian_Federal_Subjects_and_Cities-Russia
RU053.18 xlink Colnect 913664-Grozny-Coats_of_Arms_of_..sian_Federal_Subjects_and_Cities-Russia
RU054.18 postage 6/25/2018 40₽ multi issue=50..pore - Joint Issue with Singapore unwmk 1
RU055.18 6/25/2018 40₽ 1 0
RU056.18 6/25/2018 46₽ d=Vologda kremlin
RU057.18 6/29/2018 32₽ issue=100th Anniversar..dio Electronic Reconnaissance in Russia 1
RU058.18 6/29/2018 40₽ issue=Monumental Art of the Moscow Metro 2
RU059.18 6/29/2018 40₽ 2 0
RU060.18 6/29/2018 40₽ 2 0
RU061.18 6/29/2018 40₽ 2 0
RU062.18 7/6/2018 27₽ issue=100th Anniversary of the City of Kemerovo 1
RU063.18 7/10/2018 22₽ issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of G.V. Kisunko 1
RU064.18 7/7/2018 27₽ issue=400th Anniversary of the City of Novokuznetsk 1
RU065.18 7/17/2018 27₽ d=Church of All Saints, Yekaterinburg
RU066.18 7/25/2018 32₽ d=Assumption Cathedral, Omsk
RU067.18 7/26/2018 27₽ issue=Treasures of Russia - Jewelers d=Korchik Firm Faberge 1 1
RU068.18 7/26/2018 27₽ d=The salt cellar Firm Khlebnikov 1 2
RU069.18 7/26/2018 27₽ d=sugar bowl Firm Ovchinnikov 1 3
RU070.18 7/26/2018 27₽ d=Troika Firm Sazikov 1 4
RU071.18 xlink Colnect 913668-200th_birthday_of_Ivan_Turgenev-Russia
RU072.18 postage 8/20/2018 27₽ multi issue=Fe..tration, Cadastre and Cartography unwmk 1
RU073.18 8/23/2018 41₽ issue=Battle of Kursk 75th 1
RU074.18 8/24/2018 27₽ issue=Trains - Tver Carriage Works 1
RU075.18 8/27/2018 27₽ issue=100th Anniversar.. of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Aff 1
RU076.18 8/30/2018 25₽ issue=Russian Arts and..=enamelwork d=Krasnoselskaya Enamelwork 1 4
RU077.18 8/30/2018 25₽ d=Vologda Enamelwork 1 1
RU078.18 8/30/2018 25₽ d=Rostov Enamelwork 1 3
RU079.18 8/30/2018 25₽ d=Kubachinsky Enamelwork 1 2
RU080.18 8/31/2018 22₽ issue=New Wave International Contest for Young Pop Singers 1
RU081.18 9/5/2018 32₽ issue=100th Anniversary..tute of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1
RU082.18 xlink Colnect 913669-Bicentenary_of_Goznak_Security_Printing_House-Russia
RU083.18 postage 9/5/2018 27₽ multi issue=Tutayev Motor Plant unwmk 2
RU084.18 9/6/2018 27₽ dt=Heroes of the Russian Federation d=O.N. Dolgov
RU085.18 9/20/2018 37r issue=Contemporary Russian Art 1
RU086.18 9/20/2018 37r 1 0
RU087.18 9/20/2018 37r 1 0
RU088.18 9/20/2018 37r 1 0
RU089.18 xlink Colnect 894227-Moscow_Oblast-Coats_of_A..sian_Federal_Subjects_and_Cities-Russia
RU090.18 postage 10/5/2018 46₽ multi issue=20..Anniversary of the City of Grozny unwmk 1
RU091.18 10/10/2018 32₽ issue=NTV Broadcasting Company 1
RU092.18 10/25/2018 46₽ issue=100th Anniversa.. All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League 1
RU093.18 11/5/2018 27₽ issue=100th Anniversar..f the General Staff of the Armed Forces 1
RU094.18 11/6/2018 45₽ d=Crimean Bridge
RU095.18 11/9/2018 27₽ issue=100th Research Institute of Communications 1
RU096.18 11/13/2018 27₽ issue=100th Anniversa..v Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School 1
RU097.18 11/13/2018 27₽ issue=100th Anniversary of the State Secret Protection System 2
RU098.18 xlink Colnect 913665-Khabarovsk-Coats_of_Arms..sian_Federal_Subjects_and_Cities-Russia
RU099.18 postage 11/15/2018 27₽ multi issue=R..s, Information Technology and Mas unwmk 2
RU100.18 11/15/2018 41₽ issue=Battle of Dnieper 75th 1
RU101.18 11/16/2018 32₽ issue=100th Anniversa..-Banner School of Marshal A.I. Eremenko 1
RU102.18 11/27/2018 27₽ issue=100th Anniversary of the Combined Arms Academy 1
RU103.18 11/30/2018 32₽ issue=100th Anniversa..vsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute 1
RU104.18 12/3/2018 27₽ issue=Outstanding Lawyers of Russia 1
RU105.18 12/3/2018 27₽ 1 0
RU106.18 12/3/2018 27₽ 1 0
RU107.18 12/4/2018 22₽ issue=New Year 2019 1
RU108.18 12/5/2018 32₽ issue=700th Anniversary of the Death of Mikhail of Tver 1
RU109.18 12/7/2018 27₽ issue=100th Anniversary of the Armed Forces 1
RU110.18 12/11/2018 27₽ issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn 1
RU111.18 12/12/2018 40₽ issue=25th Anniversary of the Constitution 1
RU112.18 12/12/2018 40₽ 1 0
RU113.18 12/12/2018 40₽ 1 0
RU114.18 12/12/2018 40₽ 1 0
RU115.18 12/13/2018 40₽ issue=100th Anniversa..f the Dmitrovsky Kremlin Reserve Museum 1
RU116.18 12/14/2018 32₽ issue=10th Anniversar..l Service for Alcohol Market Regulation 1
RU117.18 12/17/2018 27₽ dt=Heroes of the USSR d=M.P. Krygin
RU118.18 12/17/2018 27₽ 0
RU119.18 12/17/2018 27₽ dt=Heroes of the Russ.. Federation d=Sergey Sergeyevich Gromov 0
RU120.18 12/17/2018 27₽ 0
RU121.18 12/20/2018 51₽ issue=State Awards of the Russian Federation 1
RU122.18 12/20/2018 51₽ 1 0
RU123.18 12/20/2018 51₽ 1 0
RU124.18 12/20/2018 51₽ 1 0
RU125.18 12/20/2018 51₽ 1 0

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Suffixes: .03, .13