Polish marka (Central Lithuania usage only)
Name: Polish marka
Defn: 100f=1mp=1m
Units of money:
fen f 1
mark m 100
Users of this currency: Central Lithuania (61 stamps, 1920-1922), Eastern Silesia (5 stamps, 1920), Poland (197 stamps, 1918-1924), Polish offices in the Turkish Empire (12 stamps, 1919) Show with all usages
Denominations used by Central Lithuania in this currency:
Used by 61 stamps of Central Lithuania: (See all uses as list)
postage due 1920 50f issue=1920 due imperf d=university,Vilnius
postage due 1920 50f issue=1920 due perf d=university,Vilnius
postage due 1920 1m issue=1920 due perf
postage due 1920 20m issue=1920 due imperf
postage due 1920 2m issue=1920 due perf
postage due 1920 5m issue=1920 due imperf d=St Stanislas Cathedral
postage due 1920 3m issue=1920 due perf
postage due 1920 5m issue=1920 due perf d=St Stanislas Cathedral
postage due 1920 2m issue=1920 due imperf
postage due 1920 20m issue=1920 due perf
postage due 1920 1m issue=1920 due imperf
postage due 1920 3m issue=1920 due imperf
10/20/1920 2m vio issue=1920b d=arms of Central Lithuania perf=11.5
10/20/1920 1m bl issue=1920a d=arms of Central Lithuania imperf
10/20/1920 2m vio issue=1920a d=arms of Central Lithuania imperf
10/20/1920 25f red issue=1920b d=arms of Central Lithuania perf=11.5
10/20/1920 1m bl issue=1920b d=arms of Central Lithuania perf=11.5
10/20/1920 25f red issue=1920a d=arms of Central Lithuania imperf
11/23/1920 4m bis issue=1920c d=white knight ovpt=SRODKOWA//LITWA//arms//POCZTA oc=blk on=issuer=Lithuania-issue=1919c-30sk wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) perf=14 paper=thin white
11/23/1920 2m vio issue=1920c d=white knight ovpt=SRODKOWA//LITWA//arms//POCZTA oc=blk on=issuer=Lithuania-issue=1919c-15sk wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) paper=thin white
11/23/1920 4m dkbl issue=1920c d=white knight ovpt=SRODKOWA//LITWA//arms//POCZTA oc=blk on=issuer=Lithuania-issue=1919c-20sk wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) paper=thin white
11/23/1920 6m bis&red issue=1920c d=white knight ovpt=SRODKOWA//LITWA//arms//POCZTA oc=blk on=issuer=Lithuania-issue=1919c-75sk wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) paper=thin white
11/23/1920 6m blgrn issue=1920c d=white knight ovpt=SRODKOWA//LITWA//arms//POCZTA oc=blk on=issuer=Lithuania-issue=1919c-50sk wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) paper=thin white
11/23/1920 10m brn&red issue=1920c d=white knight ovpt=SRODKOWA//LITWA//arms//POCZTA oc=blk on=issuer=Lithuania-issue=1919c-3auk wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) perf=14 paper=thin white
11/23/1920 4m dprose issue=1920c d=white knight ovpt=SRODKOWA//LITWA//arms//POCZTA oc=blk on=issuer=Lithuania-issue=1919c-10sk wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) perf=14 paper=thin white
... skipping 11 ...
12/1920 4m graygrn&buff issue=1920d imperf
12/1920 2m cl issue=1920d d=Holy Gate, Vilnius imperf
12/1920 1m org issue=1920d d=warrior imperf
12/1920 25f gray issue=1920d d=Lithuanian girl imperf
semipostal 1921 25f+2m
1921 25f dkgrn issue=1920a d=arms of Central Lithuania imperf
1921 1m dkbrn issue=1920a d=arms of Central Lithuania imperf
1921 2m org issue=1920a d=arms of Central Lithuania imperf
1921 25f dkgrn issue=1920b d=arms of Central Lithuania perf=11.5
1921 1m dkbrn issue=1920b d=arms of Central Lithuania perf=11.5
1921 2m org issue=1920b d=arms of Central Lithuania perf=11.5
4/1921 4m issue=1921
4/1921 1m issue=1921
4/1921 2m issue=1921
4/1921 3m issue=1921
4/1921 20m issue=1921 d=Kosciuszko & Mickiewicz
4/1921 5m issue=1921
4/1921 6m issue=1921
4/1921 10m issue=1921
11/1921 150m issue=Zeligowski entry 1st d=Zeligowski
11/1921 100m issue=Zeligowski entry 1st d=entry
2/1922 75m issue=parliament opening d=industry
2/1922 50m issue=parliament opening d=parliament building 1922
2/1922 25m car&yel issue=parliament opening d=Coats of arms of Central Lithuania
2/1922 10m issue=parliament opening d=agriculture
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