Desc: 30c
Currency: French Indochinese piastre (100c=1pi=1p) Numerical sorting value: 1800 Users of this denom: Cambodia (2 stamps, 1952-1954), Canton (1 stamp, 1919), Hoi Hao (1 stamp, 1919), Kwangchowan (4 stamps, 1919-1937), Mongtseu (1 stamp, 1919), Pakhoi (1 stamp, 1919), Tchongking (1 stamp, 1919), Yunnan Fou (1 stamp, 1919), IndoChina (8 stamps, 1919-1943), Laos (2 stamps, 1951-1952), Vietnam (2 stamps, 1951-1952) Show with all usages Used by 4 stamps of Kwangchowan: (See all uses as list) 1/1919 30c ver&blk issue=1919 d=Cambodian woman a ovpt=value oc=red on=1908-75c 9/26/1927 30c issue=1927 d=woodcarver (1927) ovpt=KOUANG-TCHEOU small oc=red on=issuer=IndoChina-1927-30c 1937 30c redbrn issue=1937 d=planting rice ovpt=KOUANG-TCHEOU large oc=red on=issuer=IndoChina-issue=1931-30c 1937 30c grn&sep issue=Colonial Arts Exhibition |