Desc: 35c
Currency: Italian lira (100c=1l) Numerical sorting value: 2100 Users of this denom: Italy (7 stamps, 1927-1944), Italy, AMG (1 stamp, 1943), German occupation of Ljubljana (1 stamp, 1944) Show with all usages Used by 7 stamps of Italy: (See all uses as list) pneumatic post 9/1/1927 35c red issue=1924 pneumatic d=No.207 pneumatic post 10/1/1927 35c red issue=1913 pneumatic 2/4/1929 35c dkgray issue=1927 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1927 a) perf=14 4/21/1929 35c dpbl issue=Empire d=Italia (1929) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14 10/27/1932 35c bl issue=Fascist government 10th d=Expansion of road network wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14 pneumatic post 3/29/1933 35c red issue=1933 pneumatic wmk=crown (Italy) 5/1944 35c dpbl perf=14 |