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1fr denom (#13034) (Switzerland usage only)

  • Colnect-3031-828-Sitting-Helvetia.jpg
  • Colnect-139-284-Sitting-Helvetia.jpg
  • Colnect-7169-317-Sitting-Helvetia.jpg
  • Colnect-139-294-Sitting-Helvetia.jpg
  • Colnect-1725-860-Sitting-Helvetia.jpg
  • Colnect-139-334-Standing-Helvetia.jpg
  • Colnect-139-340-Standing-Helvetia.jpg
  • Colnect-3431-772-Standing-Helvetia.jpg
  • Colnect-3431-780-Standing-Helvetia.jpg
  • Stamp_Switzerland_1908_1fr.jpg
  • Colnect-139-488-Icarus.jpg
  • Colnect-139-567--Peace----symbolic.jpg
  • Colnect-3911-399-Helvetia-with-Sword-cross-overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-5251-046-Employment-Agency-Building---Thomas-Monument.jpg
  • Colnect-139-721-Colonel-Ludwig-Pfyffer-1524-1594.jpg
  • Colnect-139-732-Vierwaldst%C3%A4tter-Lake.jpg
  • Colnect-139-736--Pro-Aero-1941-.jpg
  • Colnect-3897-053-Colonel-Ludwig-Pfyffer-overprinted--Officiel-.jpg
  • Colnect-139-776-Special-flight--PRO-AERO-1943-.jpg
  • Colnect-139-819-Peace-dove.jpg
  • Colnect-5240-910-Townhall-Freiburg.jpg
  • Colnect-5240-954-Santa-Croce-Church-Riva-San-Vitale.jpg
  • Colnect-5873-435-Rosette-Lausanne-Cathedral.jpg
  • Colnect-5667-772-Rosette-Lausanne-Cathedral.jpg
  • Colnect-5248-852-Aquarius---Bern-s-old-town.jpg
Desc: 1fr

Currency: Swiss franc (100rp=100r=100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 6000

Equivalent denoms used by Switzerland: 1.00(fr) (1), 100(c) (437)
Only used by others: 1.00f.s. (80), 1f.s. (1), 1Fr. (27)

Users of this denom: Campione (2 stamps, 1944), Switzerland (30 stamps, 1855-1982), UN offices in Geneva (1 stamp, 1969) Show with all usages

Used by 30 stamps of Switzerland: (See all uses as list)

1855 1fr lav issue=1855 d=Helvetia (1854) imperf paper=med thick, black silk thread
1856 1fr lav issue=1855 d=Helvetia (1854) imperf paper=med thick, yellow silk thread
1856 1fr lav issue=1855 d=Helvetia (1854) imperf paper=thin, yellow silk thread
10/1862 1fr gold d=Helvetia (1862) wmk=cross in oval perf=11.5 paper=white wove
1881 1fr gold d=Helvetia (1862) wmk=cross in oval perf=11.75 paper=granite
4/1/1882 1fr cl issue=1882c d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=cross in oval perf=11.5
1888 1fr cl d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=cross in oval perf=9.5
1891 1fr cl issue=1891 d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=cross in oval perf=11.5x11
1901 1fr cl issue=1901 d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=cross in oval perf=11.5x12
1902 1fr car issue=1891 d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=cross in oval perf=11.5x11
1903 1fr car issue=1901 d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=cross in oval perf=11.5x12
1905 1fr car issue=1905a d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=Swiss cross perf=11.5x11
1907 1fr car issue=1907a d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=Swiss cross perf=11.5x12 paper=granite
1907 1fr car issue=1907b d=Helvetia (large numerals) wmk=Swiss cross perf=11.5x11 paper=granite
8/1908 1fr dpcl&palegrn issue=1907c d=Helvetia seated wmk=Swiss cross perf=11.5 paper=granite
airmail 1924 1fr vio&dpvio issue=1923 air d=allegorical figure of flight perf=11.5
2/2/1932 1fr olgray&bl issue=disarmament conference d=Peace carrying olive branch & torch wmk=Swiss cross perf=11.5
official 1938 1fr issue=1938 official perf=11.75
5/2/1938 1fr dkgray&yel issue=League of Nations building d=Employment Agency building Thomas monument perf=11.5
1/15/1941 1fr dkgrn dt=historic figures (1941) d=Ludwig Pfyffer perf=11.5
airmail 5/1/1941 1fr prusgrn issue=1941 air d=plane over Lake Lucerne perf=11.5
airmail 5/12/1941 1fr blgrn d=Lake Lucerne ovpt=.PRO AERO. oc=blk on=1fr-blgrn-Lake Lucerne-unissued
official 2/25/1942 1fr issue=1942 official on=issue=1936-1fr
airmail 7/13/1943 1fr d=Federal Palace of Switzerland perf=11.5
5/9/1945 1fr ultra issue=WWII peace d=peace dove (1945) perf=11.5
5/10/1960 1fr dlorg issue=1960 d=Townhall, Fribourg perf=11.5
9/12/1968 1fr dkblgrn issue=1964 d=Santa Croce Church Riva San Vitale perf=11.5
9/19/1974 1fr dkbrnvio issue=1973 d=rose window, Lausanne Cathedral perf=11.5
8/24/1978 1fr dkbrnvio issue=1973 d=Rosette Lausanne Cathedral perf=11.75
8/23/1982 1fr issue=1982 dt=zodiac signs & landscapes d=Aquarius & Old Bern perf=11.5