Desc: 1c
Currency: Dutch guilder (100c=1gld=1g)
Numerical sorting value: 60
Users of this denom: Netherlands (16 stamps, 1869-1948)
Used by 16 stamps of Netherlands: (See all uses as list)
1869 1c blk d=arms of the Netherlands (1869)
1869 1c grn d=arms of the Netherlands (1869) perf=13.25
1876 1c emer d=numeral (1876 Netherlands)
postage due 1881 1c ltbl&blk issue=1881 due d=numeral (1881 Netherlands)
postage due 1896 1c dkbl&blk issue=1896 due d=numeral (1881 Netherlands) perf=12.5
1898 1c red issue=1898 d=numeral (1898 Netherlands) perf=12.5
3/23/1907 1c cl issue=de Ruyter 300th d=Admiral de Ruyter & fleet perf=12x12.5
postage due 11/1/1907 1c cl issue=1907 due d=Admiral de Ruyter & fleet ovpt=PORTZEGEL//value on=issue=de Ruyter 300th-1c perf=12x12.5
postage due 1912 1c paleultra issue=1912 due d=numeral (1881 Netherlands) perf=12.5
official 1/31/1913 1c issue=Poor Law perf=12.5
3/1923 1c dkvio issue=1923 d=orange tree & lion perf=12.5
9/1924 1c red issue=1924 d=gull perf=12.5
1927 1c red issue=1926 d=gull wmk=circles
5/15/1943 1c blk issue=symbols & heroes d=sea horse (1943) wmk=circles perf=12x12.5
11/1/1946 1c red issue=1946b d=numeral (1946 Netherlands) wmk=circles
postage due 1948 1c bl issue=1947 due d=numeral (1947 Netherlands) wmk=circles perf=13.5x12.75