Desc: 40.00kr
Currency: Icelandic króna (100aur=100a=1k=1kr)
Numerical sorting value: 240000
Equivalent denoms: 40k (13)
Users of this denom: Iceland (18 stamps, 1994-2001)
Used by 18 stamps of Iceland: (See all uses as list)
2/25/1994 40.00kr issue=International Year of the Family
2/7/1996 40.00kr issue=birds 1996 dt=birds (1996 Iceland) d=Bucephala islandica perf=13.5
9/9/1999 40.00kr issue=Minerals 1999 dt=minerals (1999 Iceland) d=calcite perf=14.75
2/4/2000 40.00kr issue=1000th Anniversary of Christianity in Iceland perf=13.25x14
2/4/2000 40.00kr issue=1000th Anniversary of Christianity in Iceland perf=13.25x14
2/4/2000 40.00kr issue=Edible Mushrooms dt=edible mushrooms (2000) d=Cantharellus cibarius (2000) perf=13
3/16/2000 40.00kr issue=1000th Anniversary of the Northern people's Discovery of America perf=12.5x13
4/27/2000 40.00kr issue=Millennium perf=13x14.25
5/18/2000 40.00kr issue=Marine Mammals 2000 dt=Marine Mammals (2000) d=Lagenorhynchus acutus perf=14.5
9/14/2000 40.00kr issue=Flowers 2000 dt=flowers (2000 Iceland) d=Viola wittrockiana perf=13
10/9/2000 40.00kr issue=Butterflies 2000 dt=butterflies (2000 Iceland) d=Chloroclysta citrata perf=13
11/9/2000 40.00kr issue=Christmas 2000
11/9/2000 40.00kr issue=Christmas 2000 perf=13
1/18/2001 40.00kr issue=75th Anniversary of the Coastal Guard perf=13
4/18/2001 40.00kr issue=Sheep Dogs dt=Sheep dogs perf=14.25x14.5
5/17/2001 40.00kr issue=Horses 2001 dt=horses (2001 Iceland) perf=13x13.5
9/6/2001 40.00kr issue=Marine Mammals 2001 dt=Marine Mammals (2001 Iceland) d=Balaenoptera physalus (2001 Iceland) perf=14.5
10/9/2001 40.00kr issue=Islands 2001 dt=islands (2001) d=Grimsey