Desc: 2 1/2pi
Currency: Ottoman lira (40par=40pa=1pia=1pi) Numerical sorting value: 6000 Equivalent denoms: 2 1/2Pia (6), 2pi20pa (1) Users of this denom: German offices in the Turkish Empire (5 stamps, 1884-1905), British offices in the Turkish Empire (1 stamp, 1910), Russian offices in the Levant (2 stamps, 1912-1913), Thrace (2 stamps, 1913), Turkey (17 stamps, 1905-1920) Show with all usages Used by 2 stamps of Russian offices in the Levant: (See all uses as list) 1912 2 1/2pi grn&vio issue=1912 d=arms of Russia (1889 mantled) var=varnished ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Russia-1909-25k perf=14x14.5 paper=wove 1913 2 1/2pi pur issue=Romanov 300th d=Alexius Mikhailovich ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Russia-1913-25k perf=13.5 |