15pi denom (#7803) (Italian offices in the Turkish Empire usage only)
Desc: 15pi
Currency: Ottoman lira (40par=40pa=1pia=1pi)
Numerical sorting value: 36000
Users of this denom: French offices in the Turkish Empire (1 stamp, 1921), German offices in the Turkish Empire (3 stamps, 1900-1905), British offices in the Turkish Empire (1 stamp, 1921), Italian offices in the Turkish Empire (5 stamps, 1922-1923), Constantinople (1 stamp, 1923), Turkey (1 stamp, 1923) Show with all usages
Used by 5 stamps of Italian offices in the Turkish Empire: (See all uses as list)
1922 15pi brn&grn issue=1922a d=Victor Emmanuel III (1901 b) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1901-1l-brn&grn perf=14
1922 15pi redbrn issue=1922b d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1920-85c-redbrn perf=14
1922 15pi redbrn issue=1922c d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1920-85c-redbrn perf=14
special delivery 1922 15pi unissued
1923 15pi redbrn issue=1923 d=Victor Emmanuel III (facing left) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-1920-85c-redbrn perf=14
All are wmk=crown (Italy)