Desc: 50fr
Currency: French West African franc (100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 300000
Users of this denom: French Sudan (1 stamp, 1942), French West Africa (8 stamps, 1943-1958)
Used by 9 stamps: (See all uses as list)
French Sudan airmail 10/19/1942 50fr yelgrn&bl issue=1942 air
French West Africa 1943 50fr dkvio issue=1943 d=Diourbei Mosque oc=blk on=issuer=Senegal-65c-dkvio perf=12.5x12.25
French West Africa 1944 50fr orgbrn&org issue=1944b d=map of West Africa & Rene Caillie oc=blk on=issuer=Senegal-1939-90c-orgbrn&org perf=12.5x12.25
French West Africa airmail 1945 50fr dkgrn d=airplane (1945)
French West Africa airmail 6/6/1946 50fr issue=Chad to Rhine
French West Africa airmail 3/24/1947 50fr rosevio issue=1947 air d=plane over Dakar
French West Africa airmail 9/20/1954 50fr issue=1954 air
French West Africa airmail 3/15/1958 50fr issue=Dakar 100th
French West Africa official 6/2/1958 50fr issue=1958 official dt=masks (1958)