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Guaita, Anita Garibaldi, Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • IT034.11.jpg
  • SM024.11.jpg
Short desc: Guaita, Anita Garibaldi, Giuseppe Garibaldi

Things in this design:
castle Guaita
person Anita Garibaldi
person Giuseppe Garibaldi

This design is used by 2 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Italy 6/4/2011 1,50€ issue=150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy b perf=13x13.5
San Marino 6/4/2011 1.50€ issue=150th Anniversary of the Bestowal of Honorary Citizenship on Giuseppe Garibaldi

This design is used by 1 joint issue:
150th Anniversary of the Bestowal of Honorary Citizenship on Garibaldi