Stamps of Mexico, 2 base month

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1915, Feb Carranza a issue ovpted (no wmk info) (no perf info)
- 5c org on 5c-org-arms 1899 5c (3), arms 1899 5c
- 15c lav & cl on 15c-lav&cl (3)

1915, Feb Carranza b issue ovpted blue lines paper wmk. SERVICIO POSTAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS p. 5.5x11,misc (11 stamps)
X 1c dlvio ovpt, Josefa Ortiz
X 2c grn ovpt, Leona Vicario
X 3c orgbrn ovpt, Lopez Rayon
X 4c car ovpt, Juan Aldama
X 5c org ovpt, Miguel Hidalgo
X 10c bl & org ovpt, Ignacio Allende
X 15c graybl & cl ovpt, Epigmenio Gonzalez
X 20c red & bl ovpt, Abasolo
- 50c redbrn & blk ovpt, Grito de Dolores, by Unzueta
- 1p bl & blk ovpt, mass on Mount of Crosses
- 5p car & blk ovpt, Capture of Granaditas 10.–100 10.–100

1915, Feb Carranza c issue ovpted numeral wmk. MEX & eagle p. 14 (5 stamps)
- 1c bl ovpt, numeral
X 2c bl ovpt, numeral
- 4c bl ovpt, numeral
- 5c bl ovpt, numeral
X 10c bl ovpt, numeral

1942, Feb 11 Guadalajara 400th issue wmk. CORREOS MEXICO p. 10x10.5
X 2c blvio & brnvio independence monument
X 5c blk & copred Government Palace
X 10c redorg & ultra Cathedral of Guadalajara

1942, Feb 17 Inauguration of astrophysical observatory at Tonanzintla issue p. 12x13
X 2c ind & vio black cloud in Orion
X 5c bl & ind Total eclipse of the Sun
X 10c ind & redorg Spiral galaxie at the Canes Venatici Hunting Dogs conste

1945, Feb 27 Inter-American Conference issue wmk. S.H.C.P. MEXICO & eagle
X 12c car hands Holding globe Showing Western Hemisphere
X 1p dlgrn hands Holding globe Showing Western Hemisphere
X 5p brnol hands Holding globe Showing Western Hemisphere
X 10p blk hands Holding globe Showing Western Hemisphere

1963, Feb 28 Betancourt visit issue wmk. MEX-MEX & eagle p. 14
X 20c multi President Betancourt of Venezuela

1964, Feb 15 Civil Service statute 25th issue wmk. MEX & eagle
X 20c

1965, Feb 19 Andres Manuel del Rio 200th issue
X 30c dkgray Andres Manuel del Rio

1967, Feb 5 constitution 50th issue
X 40c blk First Page of Constitution

1973, Feb 2 Mexican railroads 100th issue
X 40c multi Metlac Railroad Bridge

1974, Feb 22 EXMEX 73 issue
X 40c blk
- 80c multi

1980, Feb 16 (no perf info)
- 80c multi Mayan serpent

1981, Feb 14 150th Anniversary of the Death of Vicente Guerrero issue p. 14
- 80c multi Vicente Guerrero

1981, Feb 14 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Valentin Gomez Farias issue
- 80c Valentin Gomez Farias

1981, Feb 27 1st Latin-American Table Tennis Cup issue
- 4p multi

1981, Feb 28 100th Anniversary of the Death of Jesus Gonzalez Ortega issue
- 80c

1982, Feb 2 150th Anniversary of the Death of Ignacio Lopez Rayon issue p. 14x14.25
- 1.60p multi Ignacio López Rayón

1982, Feb 17 75th Anniversary of Postal Headquarters issue p. 14.25x14
- 4.00p multi

1983, Feb 12 World Communications Year issue p. 14x14.25
- 16.00p multi

1985, Feb 24 50th Anniversary of flag of Mexico issue (no perf info)
- 22.00p multi flag of Mexico

1986, Feb 7 50th Anniversary of National Polytechnic Institute issue p. 14x14.25
- 40p multi
- 65p multi
- 75p multi

1986, Feb 21 Mexican Flowers (1986) p. 14.25x14
- 40.00p multi Cucurbita pepo
- 65.00p multi Nopalea coccinellifera

1987, Feb 4 Famous Mexicans buried in The Rotunda of Illustrious Men (no perf info)
- 100p multi Jose Maria Iglesias
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