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2021, Apr 29
250th Anniversary of the Birth of Ludwig van Beethoven issue (no wmk info) (no perf info)
2021, Jun 1
200th Anniversary of the Independence of Guatemala a issue (5 stamps)
2021, Jun 29
200th Anniversary of Chiquimula City issue
2021, Sep 6
200th Anniversary of the Independence of Guatemala b issue
2021, Sep 8
200th Anniversary of the Independence of Guatemala c issue (6 stamps)
2021, Sep 13
200th Anniversary of the Independence of Guatemala d issue
2021, Sep 14
200th Anniversary of the Indepedence of Guatemala e issue
2021, Sep 14
200th Anniversary of the Independence of Guatemala f issue
2021, Nov 5
100th Anniversary of the Guatemalan Air Force issue
2021, Dec 10
150th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp in Guatemala issue (8 stamps)
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