Postage stamps of United States

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1847, Jul 1 1847 issue unwmk imperf
X 5c redbrn, bluish Franklin Sc1
X 10c blk, bluish George Washington

1851, Apr 19 1851 issue (15 stamps)
- 1c bl Franklin, v. Type Ia
- 1c bl Franklin, v. Type Ib
- 1c bl Franklin, v. type I
X 1c bl Franklin, v. Type II (1c)
- 1c bl Franklin, v. Type III
- 1c bl Franklin, v. Type IIIa 1,000 – 10,000 100 – 1,000
X 1c bl Franklin, v. Type IV (1c) (1852)
- 3c redbrn Washington
X 3c dlred Washington (1853)
X 5c redbrn Jefferson (1856) 10,000 – 100,000 100 – 1,000
- 10c grn Washington, v. Type II (10c) (1855)
X 10c grn Washington, v. Type III (1855)
- 10c grn Washington, v. Type IV (10c) (1855)
- 10c grn Washington, v. Type I 10c (1855)
X 12c blk Washington

1857 1857 issue p. 15.5 (24 stamps)
- 1c bl Franklin, v. Type Ia
X 1c bl Franklin, v. Type II (1c)
- 1c bl Franklin, v. Type III
- 1c bl Franklin, v. Type IIIa
- 1c bl Franklin, v. Type IV (1c) 1,000 – 10,000 100 – 1,000
X 1c bl Franklin, v. Type V
- 1c bl Franklin, v. type I (1861)
X 3c dlred Washington
- 3c rose Washington
- 5c redbrn Jefferson, v. Type I
- 5c brickred Jefferson, v. Type I
- 5c Indianred Jefferson, v. Type I (1858) 10,000 – 100,000 1,000 – 10,000
- 5c brn Jefferson, v. Type I (1859)
- 5c brn Jefferson, v. Type II (5c) (1860) 1,000 – 10,000 100 – 1,000
- 5c orgbrn Jefferson, v. Type II (5c) (1861) 100 – 1,000 100 – 1,000
- 10c grn Washington, v. Type II (10c)
- 10c grn Washington, v. Type III
- 10c grn Washington, v. Type I 10c
- 10c grn Washington, v. Type IV (10c)
X 10c grn Washington, v. Type V (1859)
- 12c blk Washington
X 24c graylil Washington (1860)
- 30c org Franklin (1860)
- 90c bl Washington (1860)

1861 1861 issue p. 12 (9 stamps)
X 1c bl Franklin
X 1c ultra Franklin 100 – 1,000 100 – 1,000
X 2c blk Jackson (1863)
- 3c pink Washington 1,000 – 10,000 100 – 1,000
- 3c lake Washington
X 3c rose Washington 10.–100 1.00–10.
X 5c buff Thomas Jefferson 1,000 – 10,000 100 – 1,000
- 5c redbrn Thomas Jefferson (1862)
X 5c brn Thomas Jefferson (1863) 100 – 1,000 10.–100
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