Stamps of Azores, 14 perf

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1894, Mar 4 Prince Henry 500th issue ovpted on stamps of Portugal unwmk p. 14 (13 stamps)
X 5r org ovpt, Prince Henry on ship
X 10r mag ovpt, Prince Henry on ship
X 15r redbrn ovpt, Prince Henry on ship
X 20r dlvio ovpt, Prince Henry on ship
- 25r graygrn ovpt, Prince Henry the Navigator directing fleet
X 50r bl ovpt, Prince Henry the Navigator directing fleet
X 75r carrose ovpt, Prince Henry the Navigator directing fleet
X 80r yelgrn ovpt, Prince Henry the Navigator directing fleet
X 100r ltbrn ovpt, Prince Henry the Navigator directing fleet
- 150r car ovpt, symbolism
- 300r dkbl, salbuff ovpt, symbolism
- 500r vio, palelil ovpt, symbolism
- 1000r grayblk, grysh ovpt, symbolism

1926 First Independence issue ovpted on stamps of Portugal (13 stamps)
- 2c org & blk ovpt, Alfons I 1st King of Portugal
X 3c bl & blk ovpt, King Joao I Dominican Monastery of Batalha
X 4c yelgrn & blk ovpt, Alfons I 1st King of Portugal
X 5c dkbrn & blk ovpt, King Joao I Dominican Monastery of Batalha
X 6c yelbrn & blk ovpt, Alfons I 1st King of Portugal
- 15c ol & blk ovpt, King Joao I Dominican Monastery of Batalha
X 20c vio & blk ovpt, Battle of Aljubarrota 1385
X 25c red & blk ovpt, Filipa de Vilhena Arms her Sons
- 32c grn & blk ovpt, Battle of Aljubarrota 1385
X 40c ovpt, Filipa de Vilhena Arms her Sons
X 50c olbrn & blk ovpt, Filipa de Vilhena Arms her Sons
- 75c brnred & blk ovpt, Filipa de Vilhena Arms her Sons
X 1e vio & blk ovpt, King Joao IV Duke of Braganza

1927 Second Independence issue ovpted on stamp of Portugal
X 4.50e ovpt, Joao Pinto Ribeiro

1928 Third Independence issue ovpted on stamps of Portugal (16 stamps)
X 2c bl & blk ovpt, Gualdim Paes
X 3c grn & blk ovpt, siege of Santarem
- 4c lake & blk ovpt, Battle of Rolica
- 5c olgrn & blk ovpt, Battle of Atoleiros
X 6c orgbrn & blk ovpt, Joana de Gouveia
X 15c ovpt, siege of Santarem
- 16c ovpt, Battle of Rolica
X 25c ovpt, Gualdim Paes
- 32c ovpt, Joana de Gouveia
- 40c ovpt, Battle of Atoleiros
- 50c ovpt, Battle of Rolica
- 80c ovpt, siege of Santarem
- 96c ovpt, Joana de Gouveia
- 1e ovpt, Battle of Atoleiros
- 1.60e ovpt, Gualdim Paes
- 4.50e yel & blk ovpt, Matias de Albuquerque

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